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cbs en 231014 cbs evening news ; Gaza residents flee south ahead of expected Israeli offensive; The inspiration behind the work of renowned Colombian sculptor Fernando Botero

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 15.
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0:02 0:04 tonight mobilized for
0:04 0:08 War air strikes intensify ahead of an
0:08 0:10 Israeli ground invasion of Gaza
0:10 0:12 Palestinians scramble to flee more than
0:12 0:15 a million people warned to move South
0:15 0:17 prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu today
0:17 0:20 saying Israeli forces are already I'm
0:20 0:23 Charlie Daga in Tel Aviv where Israeli
0:23 0:25 Defense Forces say troops are ready for
0:25 0:30 combat by air sea and land diplom itic
0:30 0:32 challenges Secretary of State Anthony
0:32 0:35 blinkin intensifies efforts to prevent a
0:35 0:37 wider war and protect civilians none of
0:37 0:40 us uh want to see suffering by civilians
0:40 0:44 on any side in several cities protests
0:44 0:47 in support of Palestinians from London
0:47 0:49 to Washington
0:49 0:52 DC also tonight cbs's David Martin
0:52 0:55 reports on Israel's prize defense system
0:55 0:57 Israel's Iron Dome has intercepted
0:57 1:00 hundreds of missiles saving count
1:00 1:04 SL oh my God plus a ring of fire darken
1:04 1:06 skies in several States what's better
1:06 1:08 than to take your picture with an
1:08 1:11 eclipse in the background and later this
1:11 1:13 Hispanic Heritage Month we remember an
1:13 1:16 artist Larger than Life with a passion
1:16 1:18 for inflated forms when you see a
1:18 1:21 voluptuous rounded figure everybody says
1:21 1:25 that's
1:25 1:29 saoto this is the CBS weekend news from
1:29 1:30 Washington
1:30 1:32 with Adriana
1:32 1:34 Diaz good evening Adriana is off I'm
1:34 1:37 Robert Costa one week after Israel
1:37 1:39 suffered a deadly surprise attack by
1:39 1:41 Hamas militants from Gaza the sealed off
1:41 1:44 territory is in turmoil tonight many
1:44 1:46 Palestinians are trying to flee from the
1:46 1:48 North after Israel ordered them to
1:48 1:51 evacuate and as bombardments from the
1:51 1:53 air intensify ahead of an expected
1:53 1:56 ground Invasion Israeli Prime Minister
1:56 1:58 Benjamin Netanyahu says the next stage
1:58 2:00 quote is coming and a sweeping attack is
2:00 2:04 planned but Gaza is already being hit
2:04 2:06 this video showing the moment of an
2:06 2:09 Israeli air strike on emergency workers
2:09 2:11 responding to an earlier attack in the
2:11 2:13 United Arab Emirates Secretary of State
2:13 2:16 Anthony blinkin underscored us support
2:16 2:19 for Israel's self-defense but said care
2:19 2:21 should be taken to protect civilians
2:21 2:24 cbs's Charlie Daga is in Tel Aviv and
2:24 2:28 leads us off Charlie good
2:28 2:31 evening one week since Hamas launched
2:31 2:35 its attack on Israeli civilians the war
2:35 2:38 rages on tonight Gaza bearing the brunt
2:38 2:41 of Israeli Firepower with the death toll
2:41 2:44 climbing by the
2:44 2:48 hour the military wing of Hamas released
2:48 2:50 this video purported to show its long
2:50 2:53 range missiles targeting Tel
2:53 2:57 Aviv but it's Gaza on the receiving end
2:57 3:00 of punishing and Relentless Israel
3:00 3:01 aerial
3:01 3:04 bombardment the UN says nearly 1 million
3:04 3:07 people have been displaced close to half
3:07 3:11 of the tiny enclaves packed population
3:11 3:14 tens of thousands of gazin fleeing from
3:14 3:16 north to south heaing leaflet warnings
3:16 3:19 from the Israeli military to evacuate
3:19 3:21 that region ahead of an expected ground
3:21 3:25 offensive for some this proved fatal a
3:25 3:27 strike here on a supposed safe route
3:27 3:31 killed 12 people the bombing the killing
3:31 3:34 terrorizing kids women CBS News spoke
3:34 3:37 with American Susan beso among those
3:37 3:40 trying to escape to neighboring Egypt
3:40 3:42 they don't have water they don't have
3:42 3:44 electricity they don't have internet
3:44 3:46 they don't have phone service it's just
3:46 3:48 heartbreaking traveling with beso was
3:48 3:50 young Aiden who said they had no choice
3:50 3:53 but to flee for their lives there was
3:53 3:57 bombing in front of us like 10 m away we
3:57 3:59 all got scared everyone was screaming
3:59 4:01 they say they're hoping someone from the
4:01 4:03 US state department will help them get
4:03 4:06 across to Egypt those who haven't been
4:06 4:08 killed or injured in the onslaught are
4:08 4:11 facing a humanitarian crisis struggling
4:11 4:14 to find food and shelter amid severe
4:14 4:16 water and medical supply
4:16 4:20 shortages across in Israel a mass of
4:20 4:23 troops tanks and armored vehicles taking
4:23 4:26 up position in a huge military buildup
4:26 4:28 ahead of an anticipated large scale
4:28 4:30 ground defensive
4:30 4:32 prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu met
4:32 4:35 with troops earlier asking them whether
4:35 4:38 they were ready it's impossible to know
4:38 4:40 the fate of more than a 100 hostages
4:40 4:42 Hamas militants abducted and took into
4:42 4:45 Gaza 14 Americans are reported among the
4:45 4:49 missing and it's not yet known when the
4:49 4:52 offensive will begin or the toll it will
4:52 4:55 take on both sides of this conflict as
4:55 4:58 it enters a deadly new phase tonight
4:58 5:01 Israeli defense forces issued this
5:01 5:04 statement Robert saying troops are
5:04 5:06 preparing to implement a wide range of
5:06 5:09 operational offensive plans an
5:09 5:13 indication that the invasion of Gaza may
5:13 5:14 be
5:14 5:17 imminent Charlie Daga thanks today
5:17 5:19 Israel's military reported it had found
5:19 5:21 some bodies of hostages kidnapped by
5:21 5:23 Hamas and the state department raised
5:23 5:25 the number of Americans killed in the
5:25 5:29 attacks to 29 cbs's Christina rafini is
5:29 5:31 at the White House with more on
5:31 5:33 diplomatic efforts to contain the
5:33 5:34 conflict
5:34 5:36 Christina good evening Robert this
5:36 5:38 afternoon President Biden spoke to
5:38 5:39 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
5:39 5:41 Netanyahu and the president of the
5:41 5:43 Palestinian Authority Mahmud Abbas in
5:43 5:45 both of those calls the White House says
5:45 5:46 he condemned the terrorist attacks by
5:46 5:48 Hamas and brought up the need for
5:48 5:52 humanitarian Aid to civilians in
5:52 5:55 Gaza the incremental nature of diplomacy
5:55 5:57 is up against the clock none of us uh
5:57 6:00 want to see suffering by civilian on any
6:00 6:02 side whether it's uh in Israel whether
6:02 6:05 it's in Gaza as US Secretary of State
6:05 6:07 Anthony blinkin shuttles between Israel
6:07 6:09 Jordan Qatar Saudi Bahrain and the
6:09 6:12 United Arab Emirates trying to limit
6:12 6:14 backlash from Arab allies and organized
6:14 6:16 humanitarian relief it's uh vitally
6:16 6:18 important and I know that our countries
6:18 6:20 agree uh that we work together to make
6:20 6:22 sure that to the best of our ability
6:22 6:24 this conflict is not spread to other
6:24 6:26 places the US is also trying to build
6:26 6:28 pressure on Egypt a top recipient of US
6:28 6:31 military Aid to allow Palestinian
6:31 6:33 Americans and other refugees to flee
6:33 6:35 South through the only non-israeli exit
6:35 6:38 they are in the war zone they have
6:38 6:41 become human Shields Hamas made them
6:41 6:43 into human
6:43 6:45 Shields Israel has told civilians to
6:45 6:47 leave gaza's city but with limited time
6:47 6:50 and no clear exit the United Nations has
6:50 6:52 said the order is impossible to carry
6:52 6:54 out we're all working to get Egypt to
6:54 6:58 open its border uh so that the innocent
6:58 7:00 the innocent can and be
7:00 7:02 saved now the Egyptian foreign minister
7:02 7:04 said this afternoon that it was Israel's
7:04 7:07 fault blaming problems at the border
7:07 7:08 saying the checkpoint is inoperable due
7:08 7:11 to damage that has been inflicted on the
7:11 7:14 Gaza side of the operation Robert
7:14 7:16 Christina rafini thank you tonight the
7:16 7:19 situation in Gaza is dire the more than
7:19 7:21 2 million people in the territory have
7:21 7:24 already lost access to water fuel and
7:24 7:27 Medicine Israel says The Siege won't end
7:27 7:29 until all the hostages seized by Hamas
7:29 7:32 are returned today in London thousands
7:32 7:34 filled the streets in solidarity with
7:34 7:36 Palestinians calling for an end to
7:36 7:38 Israel's military action in the Gaza
7:38 7:41 Strip here in Washington supporters
7:41 7:42 rallied in the rain across from the
7:42 7:45 White House in Lafayette Square bordered
7:45 7:48 by walls and fences controlled by Israel
7:48 7:49 some human rights groups have called
7:49 7:52 Gaza quote the world's largest open air
7:52 7:56 prison we get more from cbs's Ian
7:56 7:59 Lee the conflict between Israel and Gaza
7:59 8:01 has its roots in
8:01 8:04 1967 when Israel captured the narrow
8:04 8:05 Coastal strip from Egypt during the
8:05 8:08 6-day war resistance to Israel's
8:08 8:11 occupation led to the First Palestinian
8:11 8:13 Uprising known as an inata and the birth
8:13 8:14 of
8:14 8:17 Hamas the fighting Ended as the 1993
8:17 8:20 Oslo Peace Accords brought hope of peace
8:20 8:23 with a future Palestinian state but
8:23 8:25 frustrations led to a second even more
8:25 8:29 bloody inata in 2000 it ended in 20 5
8:29 8:32 coinciding with Israel's withdrawal from
8:32 8:35 Gaza leaving it to be ruled by the
8:35 8:37 Palestinians the following year
8:37 8:39 Palestinians angry with their
8:39 8:41 government's corruption handed Hamas an
8:41 8:44 electoral Victory but rival fata Israel
8:44 8:46 and the United States rejected their
8:46 8:49 rule that same year Hamas kidnapped
8:49 8:51 Israeli soldier gilad chalit who would
8:51 8:53 eventually be exchanged for more than a
8:53 8:56 thousand Palestinian
8:56 8:59 prisoners in 2007 Hamas seized control
8:59 9:02 of Gaza during a civil war with fata the
9:02 9:04 following years would see sporadic
9:04 9:06 violence and major
9:06 9:09 Wars but invading Gaza by ground is
9:09 9:11 something Israel has only done twice
9:11 9:15 Israeli forces entered cities in 2009 to
9:15 9:17 stop rocket attacks and weapon
9:17 9:21 smuggling then in 2014 Israeli forces
9:21 9:23 led a shallow incursion capturing
9:23 9:25 territory along the Gaza border to
9:25 9:28 destroy smuggling and attack
9:28 9:31 tunnels every violent Outburst ended in
9:31 9:33 negotiations but never addressed the
9:33 9:36 underlying cause of the conflict sowing
9:36 9:38 the seeds of the next round of fighting
9:38 9:41 subsequent US presidents tried with
9:41 9:43 varying degrees of effort but failed to
9:43 9:46 bring peace through a two-state solution
9:46 9:47 Nations that support a two-state
9:47 9:49 solution and an independent state for
9:49 9:52 Palestinians my continued support even
9:52 9:54 though I know it's not a near term and
9:54 9:55 two-state
9:55 9:59 solution a Palestinian state was never a
9:59 10:00 major priority for Israeli Prime
10:00 10:03 Minister Benjamin Netanyahu it's never
10:03 10:05 been about a Palestinian State it's
10:05 10:09 always been about the Jewish
10:09 10:12 State the Palestinians have also
10:12 10:14 rejected peace deals in the past Robert
10:14 10:16 which leads us to this latest round of
10:16 10:19 fighting because in the absence of Peace
10:19 10:22 there will be War Ian Lee thanks last
10:22 10:25 weekend surprise attack by Hamas has put
10:25 10:27 Israel's intelligence and Security
10:27 10:29 Services in a harsh spotlight but even
10:29 10:31 as militants fired thousands of rockets
10:31 10:34 at Israel there was safety from above
10:34 10:38 cbs's David Martin has more on the Iron
10:38 10:41 Dome an American Transport plane
10:41 10:43 unloading Munitions at an Israeli
10:43 10:45 Airfield American defense secretary
10:45 10:48 Lloyd Austin walking the tarmac in a
10:48 10:50 show of personal
10:50 10:52 support among the most critical items
10:52 10:55 interceptors for the Iron Dome air
10:55 10:57 defense system which has kept the death
10:57 10:59 toll in Israel from going even higher
10:59 11:01 we're surging additional military System
11:01 11:04 including ammunition and interceptors to
11:04 11:06 replenish Iron
11:06 11:08 Dome we're going to make sure that
11:08 11:09 Israel does not run out of these
11:09 11:11 critical
11:11 11:13 assets Iron Dome has been defending
11:13 11:16 Israel against terrorist rockets for
11:16 11:19 more than a decade it has been um
11:19 11:22 effective as it typically is in taking a
11:22 11:24 lot of those Rockets out of the sky and
11:24 11:26 saving countless lives by doing now now
11:26 11:28 of course some Rockets have gotten
11:28 11:31 through uh to to tragic cost because the
11:31 11:34 flight time for a rocket is so short
11:34 11:37 Iron Dome can operate on
11:37 11:39 automatic as soon as a rocket launch is
11:39 11:41 detected an alert goes out telling
11:41 11:44 everyone to run for shelter while Iron
11:44 11:47 Dome launches its interceptors homing in
11:47 11:50 only on Rockets headed toward populated
11:50 11:54 areas so it doesn't have to fire 4,500
11:54 11:57 interceptors to shoot down 4,500 Rockets
11:57 11:59 no a significant fraction of these
11:59 12:00 Rockets are not going to hit anything
12:00 12:02 vital retired General Frank McKenzie
12:02 12:04 former commander of US forces in the
12:04 12:07 Middle East says Hamas doesn't really
12:07 12:09 care where the Rockets land they've got
12:09 12:11 a large stockpile of missiles and I
12:11 12:14 think we should anticipate the intensity
12:14 12:16 of these attacks to continue for a few
12:16 12:19 days yet an Israeli invasion of Gaza
12:19 12:21 could eliminate the rocket launchers but
12:21 12:24 another terrorist organization hez Bala
12:24 12:26 is based in Lebanon on Israel's northern
12:26 12:29 border and has an estimated stock pile
12:29 12:30 of
12:30 12:33 150,000 rockets and missiles David
12:33 12:36 Martin CBS News the
12:36 12:38 Pentagon straight ahead on the CBS
12:38 12:40 weekend news the tentative deal for
12:40 12:42 healthcare workers as other unions
12:42 12:44 prepare to expand their strikes and
12:44 12:47 camped out with all eyes on the sky
12:47 12:50 during a rare partial eclipse plus the
12:50 12:57 artist with Larger than Life
12:57 12:59 artwork
12:59 13:01 this weekend thousands of healthcare
13:01 13:03 workers are back at work following the
13:03 13:05 largest medical strike on record but
13:05 13:07 there are still two other massive unions
13:07 13:11 on strike and costs are adding up cbs's
13:11 13:15 Elise Preston has the
13:15 13:18 latest 75,000 Kaiser Permanente workers
13:18 13:21 are set to ratify a new deal Wednesday
13:21 13:24 one that boosts their base salary to $25
13:24 13:27 an hour in California and $23 in seven
13:27 13:29 other states and the District of
13:29 13:32 Columbia the union staged a 3-day walk
13:32 13:34 out earlier this month and threatened a
13:34 13:37 more disruptive
13:37 13:39 one even more Auto Workers could soon
13:39 13:42 walk off the job as the UAW readies to
13:42 13:45 expand the strikes at any time there's
13:45 13:48 only one rule Pony up in Hollywood a
13:48 13:51 show of solidarity as writer and
13:51 13:53 director unions joined the Screen Actor
13:53 13:55 Guild in a statement demanding the
13:55 13:57 studios get back to the bargaining Table
13:57 14:00 after talks with Shri actors broke down
14:00 14:02 why are you walking away from the table
14:02 14:05 to what end Netflix co-head Ted Sandos
14:05 14:08 was one of four CEOs who sat in on
14:08 14:10 negotiations he said the Union's
14:10 14:12 proposal of a payment to the guild for
14:12 14:15 each streaming subscriber would be too
14:15 14:17 expensive with no insight into the
14:17 14:19 revenue per subscriber or anything it
14:19 14:22 just felt uh like a very like a bridge
14:22 14:23 too far to add uh this deep into the
14:23 14:25 negotiation George Clooney says the
14:25 14:28 actor's Union is committed to hammering
14:28 14:30 out a deal we'll argue we'll disagree
14:30 14:32 we'll figure it out and we won't leave
14:32 14:35 until we get it done while writers are
14:35 14:37 back at work industry experts say
14:37 14:39 without actors Robert it will take
14:39 14:42 months to get a Full Slate of TV shows
14:42 14:43 and
14:43 14:46 movies at leise Preston thank you still
14:46 14:49 ahead on the CBS weekend news the rare
14:49 14:52 Celestial event turning the sun into a
14:52 14:57 ring of
14:57 15:01 fire
15:01 15:04 today a partial solar eclipse darkened
15:04 15:06 the sky in several States creating
15:06 15:09 what's called a ring of fire cbs's Omar
15:09 15:11 via franka is in San Antonio Texas with
15:11 15:14 a look at the rare Celestial event
15:14 15:17 around high noon at the Alamo The Eyes
15:17 15:20 of Texas and hundreds of visitors were
15:20 15:22 looking Towards the Sky What's better
15:22 15:23 than to take your picture in front of
15:23 15:26 the shrine of of Liberty here in the
15:26 15:28 state of Texas uh with an eclipse in the
15:28 15:31 back CR a rare Ring of Fire Eclipse was
15:31 15:34 visible from Oregon through Texas Ring
15:34 15:36 of Fire because the moon doesn't quite
15:36 15:39 cover the sun in Utah's Bryce Canyon
15:39 15:41 people hiked into nature to witness the
15:41 15:44 eclipse While others flocked to La's
15:44 15:46 Griffith Observatory to get a glimpse
15:46 15:49 John cudy flew to San Antonio from North
15:49 15:51 Carolina to watch the solar phenomenon
15:51 15:54 he witnessed the 2017 eclipse and didn't
15:54 15:56 want to miss this one it's just really
15:56 15:59 cool yeah and it doesn't happen of like
15:59 16:01 I think there's only been a few in the
16:01 16:02 over the continental United States in
16:02 16:04 the last you know couple decades and
16:04 16:06 it's a kind of neat thing NASA took the
16:06 16:08 opportunity to launch three rockets into
16:08 16:11 the atmosphere this is absolutely going
16:11 16:13 to be new I have no idea what my
16:13 16:15 instruments are going to see Dr aob
16:15 16:17 barata was in charge of sending the
16:17 16:19 Rockets to the edge of space to study
16:19 16:22 the ionosphere a mission 3 years in the
16:22 16:25 making but he made sure to see the solar
16:25 16:27 Phenomenon with his own eyes at that
16:27 16:29 point we kind of run outside the
16:29 16:32 building wait to see the Rockets get
16:32 16:34 shot into the sky also take a Peak at
16:34 16:37 the eclipse and then run back in because
16:37 16:38 we got to get ready for the next rocket
16:38 16:39 I like the look I just can't see
16:39 16:41 anything out of it back on Earth the
16:41 16:43 eclipse stole some of the spotlight
16:43 16:45 during several college football games
16:45 16:48 that's very nice even the Houston Astros
16:48 16:50 Jose Altuve couldn't resist checking out
16:50 16:51 the ring of
16:51 16:54 fire don't throw away your eclipse
16:54 16:57 glasses just yet the next event is only
16:57 17:00 6 months away in 8 April of 2024 from
17:00 17:04 Maine to Texas it'll be a total eclipse
17:04 17:06 meaning it'll be dark in the middle of
17:06 17:10 the day Omar vran CBS News at the Alamo
17:10 17:14 in San
17:14 17:16 Antonio there's good news from the
17:16 17:18 daughter of Olympic gold medalist Mary L
17:18 17:21 Retton who said today that her mom is
17:21 17:23 making remarkable progress the
17:23 17:25 55-year-old is in a Texas Intensive Care
17:25 17:28 Unit after getting sick with a rare form
17:28 17:30 of of pneumonia a plea to help pay for
17:30 17:32 retton's medical bills has topped more
17:32 17:34 than
17:34 17:37 $400,000 when we return oversized and
17:37 17:39 voluptuous art the story behind this
17:39 17:47 artist's
17:47 17:50 inspiration we end tonight marking
17:50 17:52 Hispanic Heritage Month with the story
17:52 17:54 of a renowned Colombian painter and
17:54 17:57 sculptor cbs's Christian benovitz takes
17:57 17:59 a look at the late artist inspiration
17:59 18:02 behind his Larger than Life work
18:02 18:04 Fernando Boo's work has been called
18:04 18:08 whimsicle his figures oversized are
18:08 18:11 impossible to miss when you see a
18:11 18:15 voluptuous rounded figure everybody says
18:15 18:18 that's his work was reflective honoring
18:18 18:20 his four-year-old son who died in a car
18:20 18:23 accident in a series known as pedito and
18:23 18:27 depicting the abuse at baghdad's Abu
18:27 18:29 prison a lot of people didn't agree with
18:29 18:31 him a lot of people got very angry at
18:31 18:32 him said what are we going to do with
18:32 18:34 these paintings Ma I'm going to donate
18:34 18:36 them all because you don't sell people
18:36 18:38 suffering prior to pursuing a career as
18:38 18:41 an artist boltero was studying to become
18:41 18:43 a bull fighter which became an
18:43 18:46 inspiration in some of his early work
18:46 18:49 born in medin
18:49 18:52 Colombia he would become one of Latin
18:52 18:55 America's biggest cultural ambassadors
18:55 18:57 and philanthropists donating more than
18:57 19:00 half of his his Works he woke up every
19:00 19:04 morning with the joy of creation the
19:04 19:07 passion for his art and his commitment
19:07 19:11 to having his art belong to the public
19:11 19:14 here BOS are in museums like the met or
19:14 19:17 Smithsonian and in places like New
19:17 19:20 York's Columbus Circle and Lincoln Road
19:20 19:22 in Miami Beach did you ever ask him you
19:22 19:24 know of course why oh yeah the first
19:24 19:26 time I saw him I said Mis why you paying
19:26 19:29 these fat people they're not fat their
19:29 19:32 voluptuous is a big difference an artist
19:32 19:36 like his works much larger than life Gan
19:36 19:41 Benavides CBS News
19:41 19:44 Miami that's the CBS weekend news for
19:44 19:45 this Saturday first thing tomorrow
19:45 19:48 Sunday morning with Jane Paulie followed
19:48 19:50 by Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan
19:50 19:52 Margaret's guests include White House
19:52 19:54 National Security adviser Jake Sullivan
19:54 19:56 and house intelligence chairman Mike
19:56 19:58 Turner I'm Robert Costa in Washington
19:58 20:13 good
20:13 20:13 night