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cbs en 231013 cbs evening news ; Evacuation order issued for more than 1 million Palestinians in northern Giza; Biden speaks to families of Americans missing in Israel

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 14.
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0:01 0:04 tonight Israel warns more than a million
0:04 0:06 Palestinians to leave their homes as the
0:06 0:09 Prime Minister warns this is just the
0:09 0:11 beginning of its assault on Gaza Hamas
0:11 0:13 tonight saying a convoy of civilians
0:13 0:15 trying to get out were killed in an air
0:15 0:18 strike plus the desperate search for the
0:18 0:21 hostages here are tonight's
0:21 0:25 headlines the race to flee as hospitals
0:25 0:28 in Gaza are on the brink of collapse the
0:28 0:30 people didn't know where to go no safe
0:30 0:33 place in Gaza at
0:33 0:37 all Israeli raids begin targeting Hamas
0:37 0:40 as troops prepare for a ground Invasion
0:40 0:42 we're just north of Gaza you can see the
0:42 0:45 smoke off in the distance the explosions
0:45 0:46 have been
0:46 0:49 nonstop Hamas has been answering back
0:49 0:51 firing dozens of rockets and missiles
0:51 0:53 into this
0:53 0:55 region tonight we're seeing video from
0:55 0:58 the Israeli Army of the daring rescue of
0:58 1:02 250 hos hostages as more are still
1:02 1:04 missing no doubt many hostages will be
1:04 1:06 killed but all their captives will be
1:06 1:08 killed from the top of the leadership to
1:08 1:11 the accountant of Hamas the scramble to
1:11 1:13 evacuate Americans and to find those
1:13 1:16 still held by Hamas President Biden
1:16 1:20 speaks to 60 Minutes to those holding
1:20 1:24 American hostages in Gaza you say what
1:24 1:27 we walk up to uh literally hell and a
1:27 1:30 story of heartbreak and Hope we meet the
1:30 1:33 twin boys whose parents were killed
1:33 1:35 while trying to protect them this is
1:35 1:37 what we promised to each other no matter
1:37 1:47 happens we' be there for the
1:47 1:49 family good evening and thank you for
1:49 1:52 joining us from here in Tel Aviv on day
1:52 1:54 seven of the war the big headline today
1:54 1:56 is the evacuation order of more than 1
1:56 1:59 million Palestinians from northern Gaza
1:59 2:01 raising concerns of a worsening
2:01 2:04 humanitarian disaster Israeli planes
2:04 2:06 dropped thousands of leaflets warning
2:06 2:09 residents to leave the area immediately
2:09 2:11 app pending ground invasion of Gaza
2:11 2:14 appears imminent the UN says moving
2:14 2:16 almost half the population would result
2:16 2:19 in quote devastating humanitarian
2:19 2:22 consequences the Israeli military also
2:22 2:25 began conducting targeted raids inside
2:25 2:28 Gaza to hunt down Hamas militants and
2:28 2:30 search for the hostages at the White
2:30 2:32 House President Biden spoke with the
2:32 2:34 families of 14 Americans who are still
2:34 2:36 unaccounted for following last
2:36 2:39 Saturday's attacks and the state
2:39 2:41 department says the first Charter flight
2:41 2:43 to evacuate American citizens from here
2:43 2:46 in Israel has landed in Greece the
2:46 2:48 number of people killed continues to
2:48 2:52 rise with more than 1,300 in Israel and
2:52 2:55 over 19900 in Gaza including 600
2:55 2:59 children and today reuter's videographer
2:59 3:01 Isam abdalah was killed and six others
3:01 3:03 injured by Israeli shelling across the
3:03 3:07 border in Lebanon we have Team coverage
3:07 3:09 tonight from Israel to Washington and
3:09 3:12 cbs's MTS tab will start us out tonight
3:12 3:15 from Jerusalem Nora good evening
3:15 3:17 Israel's massive air strikes are
3:17 3:19 continuing tonight as Palestinian
3:19 3:21 families desperately Run for Cover and
3:21 3:23 there's no way of knowing how many
3:23 3:26 evacuated from their homes in Northern
3:26 3:29 Gaza carrying whatever they can
3:29 3:31 Palestinians flee their homes in
3:31 3:34 Northern Gaza on foot following Israel's
3:34 3:36 order by leaflets for the more than 1
3:36 3:38 million people who live there to
3:38 3:42 evacuate a mass evacuation the UN says
3:42 3:43 is
3:43 3:45 impossible we don't know where we're
3:45 3:48 going says Ahmed Awad a resident of
3:48 3:50 banon we are heading south but don't
3:50 3:52 know where there's no shelter or
3:52 3:54 anything we left the house we were
3:54 3:57 living in God help
3:57 4:00 us the evacuations have also being
4:00 4:02 deadly according to Hamas 70 people
4:02 4:05 mostly women and children were killed in
4:05 4:07 an Israeli air strike that hit a convoy
4:07 4:10 fleeing Gaza City since hamas's deadly
4:10 4:12 Rampage across Southern Israel the
4:12 4:14 Israeli military has carried out
4:14 4:15 thousands of strikes across the
4:15 4:18 Palestinian territory inflicting Mass
4:18 4:20 casualties and pushing the already
4:20 4:22 ailing Health Care system to the brink
4:22 4:24 as doctors struggle to treat so many
4:24 4:27 wounded Israel is now blockading food
4:27 4:29 Fuel and water causing even more more
4:29 4:32 misery says CBS News producer Marwan
4:32 4:35 alul who lives in Gaza and fled South
4:35 4:37 with all 15 members of his family he's
4:37 4:39 now worried about how he'll find food or
4:39 4:42 water for his loved ones what are you
4:42 4:45 feeling in this moment as I am
4:45 4:50 civilian and a father of a family and
4:50 4:51 granddaughters
4:51 4:56 grandsons I feel very sad I'm scared of
4:56 5:00 the future I think we will will not
5:00 5:04 maybe stay a long alive Secretary of
5:04 5:06 State Anthony blinkin speaking in gut
5:06 5:08 today says the US is trying to ensure
5:08 5:11 the safety of civilians our Focus now is
5:11 5:14 on helping to create safe
5:14 5:17 zones tens of thousands of people around
5:17 5:19 the world took to the streets today in
5:19 5:24 support of Palestinians from
5:24 5:27 Baghdad to Barcelona as Israel prepares
5:27 5:32 for its ground invasion
5:32 5:34 tonight Israel has given the alaa
5:34 5:38 hospital in Gaza until dawn to evacuate
5:38 5:40 according to Doctors Without Borders the
5:40 5:41 hospital is one of the few still
5:41 5:43 treating patients as gaza's Health Care
5:43 5:49 system is now near total collapse
5:49 5:53 Nora MTS tab thank you that ground
5:53 5:55 invasion is imminent and Israeli
5:55 5:57 Commandos have started conducting raids
5:57 5:59 to Target Hamas militants and search for
5:59 6:02 hostages cbs's Charlie Daga spent the
6:02 6:05 day on the front lines near the Gaza
6:05 6:08 border even under Relentless Israeli
6:08 6:11 attack Hamas Unleashed its own
6:11 6:13 retaliation
6:13 6:17 today firing more than 150 Rockets
6:17 6:20 toward the southern city of ashalon it
6:20 6:22 comes as Israeli defense officials said
6:22 6:24 Ground Forces had launched raids into
6:24 6:27 Gaza for the first time hunting for
6:27 6:29 militants and more than aund hostages
6:29 6:32 they're holding they said the incursion
6:32 6:34 involved tanks and infantry soldiers
6:34 6:37 searching and collecting evidence that
6:37 6:39 would assist in locating the missing we
6:39 6:42 went to ashalon to witness The Barrage
6:42 6:45 of Hamas Rockets
6:45 6:48 firsthand Jesus that's close when we
6:48 6:50 heard the air raid
6:50 6:53 sirens and then we got low followed by
6:53 6:56 number of loud explosions that's what
6:56 6:58 it's like in these cities that are so
6:58 7:00 close to Gaza you hear the air raid
7:00 7:03 sirens and you've got seconds to take
7:03 7:07 cover before impact in that attack this
7:07 7:09 is a chunk of shrapnel that fell out of
7:09 7:12 the sky further south around a mile from
7:12 7:15 the border with Gaza we found the
7:15 7:17 fighting wasn't just concentrated on
7:17 7:20 City centers but on the highways too
7:20 7:22 with remnants of the Hamas Fighters
7:22 7:25 behind Saturday's massacres still at
7:25 7:28 large Israeli soldiers tell us that this
7:28 7:31 is the car of a suspected terrorist who
7:31 7:33 was shot dead you can see some of the
7:33 7:36 bullet holes here nearby a mass of
7:36 7:40 Israeli Firepower and military hardware
7:40 7:43 row upon row of personnel carriers
7:43 7:46 reinforced diggers and troops preparing
7:46 7:49 for the fight
7:49 7:52 ahead and Charlie Daga is here with us
7:52 7:53 you've been covering this region for
7:53 7:56 decades have you ever seen that kind of
7:56 7:59 military buildup here oh not even even
7:59 8:01 close and it wasn't just that area there
8:01 8:03 was another staging area right across
8:03 8:05 the road and that was near Northern Gaza
8:05 8:08 we have to assume that these attacks are
8:08 8:10 going to happen if the invasion happens
8:10 8:11 when it happens it's going to happen at
8:11 8:14 different points along that strip in
8:14 8:17 Gaza 300,000 reservists have been called
8:17 8:19 up that just may be a fraction of what's
8:19 8:23 to come Charlie Daga thank you tonight
8:23 8:24 the Israeli military says it has
8:24 8:28 notified the families of 120 hostages
8:28 8:31 being held in Gaza cbs's Holly Williams
8:31 8:33 takes a look at what it will take to
8:33 8:37 find them and bring them
8:37 8:40 home new video today from Israel's
8:40 8:43 military claims to show special forces
8:43 8:46 doing battle with Hamas militants on
8:46 8:49 Saturday near the border with
8:49 8:54 Gaza and rescuing around 250 hostages on
8:54 8:56 the other side of the Border there'd be
8:56 9:01 even greater risks how difficult is it
9:01 9:04 to rescue a hostage from the Gaza Strip
9:04 9:07 johanan pner is a former Commando in
9:07 9:11 Israel's military Hamas has underground
9:11 9:14 tunnels and and basements but they sure
9:14 9:18 know how to torture and hide people and
9:18 9:20 and and they have so many of them so it
9:20 9:24 will be extremely difficult disturbing
9:24 9:27 Hamas propaganda appears to show the
9:27 9:30 militants mistreating their C Ives for
9:30 9:33 relatives of those taken it's unbearable
9:33 9:36 Hamas claims 13 hostages held in Gaza
9:36 9:38 have already been killed in Israeli air
9:38 9:41 strikes which we cannot verify this is
9:41 9:44 the single largest gersan Basin is an
9:44 9:45 Israeli hostage
9:45 9:49 negotiator who dealt with Hamas directly
9:49 9:51 to help secure the release of a captured
9:51 9:55 Israeli soldier gillad Shalit in 2011
9:55 9:58 now he says Hamas will not negotiate
9:58 10:01 only Israel 's military can free the
10:01 10:03 hostages they're going to go in in a
10:03 10:06 military ground operation to find and
10:06 10:08 rescue the hostages as much as possible
10:08 10:11 no doubt many hostages will be killed
10:11 10:13 but all their captors will be killed
10:13 10:15 from the top of the leadership to the
10:15 10:18 accountant of
10:18 10:21 Hamas that hostage negotiator told us he
10:21 10:23 believes the hostages are not being held
10:23 10:26 in a single location but is spread out
10:26 10:29 across the Gaza Strip which may actually
10:29 10:31 increase the chances of finding some of
10:31 10:33 them
10:33 10:36 Nora Holly Williams with that new
10:36 10:38 reporting thank you today President
10:38 10:40 Biden turned his attention to the
10:40 10:42 Americans who are still missing since
10:42 10:45 the terror attack last Saturday cbs's Ed
10:45 10:47 O'Keefe reports the president told them
10:47 10:49 via a zoom call that he will do
10:49 10:51 everything he can to return them to
10:51 10:52 their
10:52 10:54 families President Biden spent more than
10:54 10:56 an hour today speaking to families of
10:56 10:58 the 14 American citizens still
10:58 11:00 unaccounted for for a relative of Judith
11:00 11:02 Ty ranan and Natalie ranan who were
11:02 11:04 believed to be held by Hamas but alive
11:04 11:06 according to the Israeli government
11:06 11:08 tells CBS News the zoom meeting was
11:08 11:11 positive reassuring and that the
11:11 11:13 president shared our pain Mr Biden
11:13 11:16 interviewed by Scott py for Sunday's 60
11:16 11:18 Minutes discussed his attempts to get
11:18 11:22 them out to those holding American
11:22 11:26 hostages in Gaza you say what I say
11:26 11:28 we're going to do everything in our
11:28 11:31 power to find them everything in our
11:31 11:34 power and uh I'm not going to go into
11:34 11:36 the detail of that but there's uh we're
11:36 11:38 working like come on there is military
11:38 11:41 personnel at the US Embassy in Jerusalem
11:41 11:42 working directly with the Israelis to
11:42 11:44 locate the American citizens they
11:44 11:47 include 23-year-old HH Goldberg Poland
11:47 11:49 who was at the music festival attacked
11:49 11:52 on Saturday and last seen near the Gaza
11:52 11:55 border plus 19-year-old itai Chen and
11:55 11:57 21-year-old om Nutra whose families are
11:57 11:59 from the New York area and who who are
11:59 12:01 members of the Israeli military their
12:01 12:03 relatives believe they've been taken
12:03 12:07 hostage why do you feel so strongly
12:07 12:09 about speaking to these families
12:09 12:12 personally on Zoom because I think they
12:12 12:14 have to know that the president of the
12:14 12:16 United States of America cares deeply
12:16 12:19 about what's happening deeply we have to
12:19 12:21 communicate to the world this is
12:21 12:24 critical this is not even human behavior
12:24 12:25 it's it's pure
12:25 12:28 barbarism it is rare for a president to
12:28 12:29 speak with the family of Americans who
12:29 12:32 may be hostages like he did today out of
12:32 12:33 concern that it can raise the price on
12:33 12:36 the head and the risk of those being
12:36 12:38 held captive
12:38 12:41 Nora Edo keeth thank you and you can see
12:41 12:43 more of Scott's interview with President
12:43 12:47 Biden on this Sunday's 60 Minutes
12:47 12:50 turning now to a story of heartbreak and
12:50 12:53 hope twin boys surviving the Hamas
12:53 12:56 Massacre shielded by their parents'
12:56 12:58 love what happened to your family on
12:58 13:02 Saturday we woke up to uh literally hell
13:02 13:06 D Rosenfeld lived in kafar Aza the kabot
13:06 13:08 were one of the deadliest scenes in this
13:08 13:11 conflict unfolded D hid with his wife
13:11 13:14 and child but his sister hadal was
13:14 13:17 murdered trying to feed her twin boys do
13:17 13:19 you think that your sister was killed
13:19 13:22 when she left the shelter I know for
13:22 13:24 sure that this is what happened she went
13:24 13:27 out to bring the bottles because he said
13:27 13:31 that there were bottles on the floor
13:31 13:34 and when she did they just got into her
13:34 13:37 apartment her body found in the kitchen
13:37 13:40 her husband II found between the beds of
13:40 13:43 their 10-month-old babies who survived
13:43 13:46 and I know that itai died trying to
13:46 13:50 protect them and I can't imagine what he
13:50 13:53 been through knowing that his wife just
13:53 13:56 got married and his two sons are next to
13:56 13:59 him and he's the only thing thing
13:59 14:02 between the terrorists and the babies 14
14:02 14:07 hours the Twins were alone yeah and we
14:07 14:10 we got like messages from the neighbors
14:10 14:12 they heard the twins uh
14:12 14:15 crying crying for 14 hours crying
14:15 14:18 because they basically stayed alone no
14:18 14:21 food no water no nothing no one could
14:21 14:23 leave the shelter to go get the babies
14:23 14:26 no their neighbor uh tried a couple of
14:26 14:27 times but every time he
14:27 14:31 did the the terrorist just got into the
14:31 14:33 to his house and tried to kill him as
14:33 14:38 well I met him outside and he cried and
14:38 14:42 asked me for forgiveness uh because he
14:42 14:44 couldn't help I want to leave the the
14:44 14:47 shelter to and go there like if not my
14:47 14:51 wife and she told me like with all du
14:51 14:54 respect I understand it hurts but if you
14:54 14:57 do it they'll live with no uncle and
14:57 15:00 he'll live with no father the hardest
15:00 15:01 choices
15:01 15:04 yeah Israeli secret agents finally
15:04 15:07 rescued the babies they were all wet
15:07 15:11 because of the sweating and the crying
15:11 15:14 and so they changed them the diapers
15:14 15:18 they took clothes for from the neighbors
15:18 15:19 because they didn't know where the
15:19 15:23 clothes are uh so uh from the from the
15:23 15:25 photo you see them in pink we didn't
15:25 15:27 know where the pink came from De took us
15:27 15:30 to meet the twins their parents not yet
15:30 15:34 buried a private family we agreed not to
15:34 15:37 show video of Roy and guy's faces the
15:37 15:40 rosenfels always believed there would be
15:40 15:43 twins in this generation and why did you
15:43 15:45 think someone would have twins because
15:45 15:47 it skips generation and it comes from
15:47 15:52 the mother and my grandfather he had two
15:52 15:55 pairs of sisters twins and what happened
15:55 15:57 to his sisters that were twins all of
15:57 15:59 them died in the Holocaust
15:59 16:02 which makes the survival of these twins
16:02 16:05 an even bigger Miracle donations tonight
16:05 16:09 pouring in these strollers car seats
16:09 16:11 Toys he looks
16:11 16:14 exactly but most importantly the twin
16:14 16:17 boys are surrounded by a large and
16:17 16:20 loving family they'll be raised with a
16:20 16:24 lot of love and a lot of stories about
16:24 16:27 their their parents they think what's
16:27 16:29 important is to tell them that their
16:29 16:32 parents were Heroes they are alive
16:32 16:34 because of their parents' love for them
16:34 16:38 yeah exactly their memory be a
16:38 16:44 blessing
16:44 16:47 amen story just breaks my
16:47 16:50 heart and as the world remains laser
16:50 16:52 focused on what is happening here
16:52 16:54 rallies are being held across the
16:54 16:57 country and security is being stepped up
16:57 17:05 that is coming next
17:05 17:07 Pro Palestinian demonstrators held
17:07 17:10 rallies across the us today they were
17:10 17:12 peaceful including this protest in New
17:12 17:14 York's Times Square Security's been
17:14 17:16 ramped dump especially at synagogues
17:16 17:19 after Hamas leaders called for a global
17:19 17:21 day of Rage New York police have ordered
17:21 17:25 all officers to report in uniform and at
17:25 17:27 the US Capital Security fencing was put
17:27 17:29 back up as a
17:29 17:32 precaution House Republicans nominate a
17:32 17:35 Hardline conservative for speaker of the
17:35 17:37 house but does he have the votes to win
17:37 17:39 the job and when are they going to vote
17:39 17:45 that's
17:45 17:47 next there's a new front runner in the
17:47 17:49 race for house Speaker today Republicans
17:49 17:51 voted to nominate staunch conservative
17:51 17:54 Jim Jordan of Ohio he went to the top of
17:54 17:56 the list when House Majority Leader
17:56 17:58 Steve scalise abruptly dropped out of
17:58 18:00 the race last night but Jordan still
18:00 18:02 faces an uphill battle he is short of
18:02 18:05 the 217 votes he needs to win
18:05 18:07 Republicans went home for the weekend
18:07 18:09 millions of Americans will get to see a
18:09 18:11 rare solar eclipse tomorrow morning it
18:11 18:14 will be visible from Oregon to the Texas
18:14 18:16 Gulf Coast beginning just after 9:00
18:16 18:19 a.m. Pacific time the moon will block
18:19 18:21 most but not all of the sun's Rays
18:21 18:23 creating a halo effect that is known as
18:23 18:24 the ring of
18:24 18:27 fire a message tonight from Holocaust
18:27 18:30 Survivor after a week of War here in
18:30 18:34 Israel that's
18:34 18:37 next finally tonight as we end the week
18:37 18:40 here it is hard not to be emotional
18:40 18:42 while here in Israel meeting people who
18:42 18:46 lost everything families friends homes
18:46 18:49 whole Villages
18:49 18:52 Kim what gave me perspective today was a
18:52 18:54 letter a message to the world from
18:54 18:57 Holocaust Survivors they wrote we must
18:57 19:00 be realistic about the dangers but we
19:00 19:03 must never despair that would be a
19:03 19:06 victory for those seeking to destroy us
19:06 19:09 we promised our loved ones we would
19:09 19:12 never forget and never give up
19:12 19:15 especially at this darkest of moments
19:15 19:19 that remains our promise and challenge
19:19 19:20 to
19:20 19:23 humanity it is an important reminder
19:23 19:27 tonight thank you that is tonight's CBS
19:27 19:28 Evening News
19:28 19:31 I'm Nora odonnell reporting from Tel
19:31 19:41 Aviv Israel good
19:41 19:41 night