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cbs en 231018 cbs evening news ; Biden pledges support for Israel in wartime visit; Netflix raising prices amid password sharing crackdown

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 19.
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0:01 0:03 tonight President Biden planning a prime
0:03 0:05 time Oval Office address to the nation
0:05 0:08 he's now on his way home from Israel
0:08 0:10 after a rare wartime visit the breaking
0:10 0:12 news about the deal he secured to get
0:12 0:15 food water and medicine to civilians in
0:15 0:17 Gaza plus the new Intelligence on that
0:17 0:20 deadly Hospital
0:20 0:23 blast the president showing solidarity
0:23 0:25 with Israel and revealing he seen us
0:25 0:27 intelligence that Israel was not
0:27 0:30 responsible for the hospital explosion
0:30 0:32 in Gaza based on what I've seen it
0:32 0:34 appears as though it was done by the
0:34 0:37 other team tonight the new video Israeli
0:37 0:39 say show the rocket Came From Within
0:39 0:42 Gaza by the Islamic Jihad on Air Force
0:42 0:44 One the president later telling
0:44 0:46 reporters Egypt agreed to allow 20
0:46 0:49 trucks of humanitarian Aid into Gaza if
0:49 0:53 Hamas confiscates it or doesn't let it
0:53 0:55 get through just confiscates it then
0:55 0:58 it's going to end the protest tonight
0:58 1:00 across the Middle East and here at home
1:00 1:03 as Israeli troops ready on the border of
1:03 1:05 Gaza throughout the course of just over
1:05 1:07 a week what we've witnessed is a steady
1:07 1:09 buildup of hundreds of thousands of
1:09 1:12 Israeli troops and heavy equipment like
1:12 1:15 this in staging areas all pointed in One
1:15 1:18 Direction about a mile from Gaza
1:18 1:20 American troops heard after drone
1:20 1:22 attacks near Iraqi Air Force bases the
1:22 1:25 concerns tonight of a larger conflict
1:25 1:27 Natalie Holloway's killer confesses to
1:27 1:29 her murder the disturbing new details of
1:29 1:32 about why her body may never be found
1:32 1:34 youron vanders slot's confession means
1:34 1:36 we have finally reached the end of our
1:36 1:38 NeverEnding nightmare The Honorable Jim
1:38 1:41 Jordan of the state of Ohio has received
1:41 1:44 199 The stal Mating Congress deepens
1:44 1:47 another failed vote on the floor for us
1:47 1:48 house Speaker how long do you think this
1:48 1:50 is going to go Mr Jordan till we get a
1:50 1:53 speaker norter in the forecast are you
1:53 1:55 in the path of heavy rain this weekend
1:55 1:59 and rare twin giant pandas say hello to
1:59 2:06 the world
2:06 2:08 a good evening to our viewers in the
2:08 2:10 west and thank you for joining us
2:10 2:11 tonight President Biden is on his way
2:11 2:14 back to the US after a historic visit to
2:14 2:16 an active war zone the trip a dramatic
2:16 2:19 show of support for Israel and his push
2:19 2:20 for humanitarian Aid to be allowed to
2:20 2:23 enter Gaza appears to have had some
2:23 2:25 success and new tonight the White House
2:25 2:27 just announcing that President Biden
2:27 2:29 will address the nation tomorrow at 8
2:29 2:32 p.m. eastern time in an noal office
2:32 2:34 speech tensions are rising in the Middle
2:34 2:36 East after that deadly Hospital
2:36 2:39 explosion in Gaza US senators just
2:39 2:41 getting out of an intelligence briefing
2:41 2:42 the Biden Administration telling them it
2:42 2:45 has high confidence that Israel was not
2:45 2:47 responsible and that a misfired rocket
2:47 2:50 from a terror group inside Gaza led to
2:50 2:52 the blast now that assessment is based
2:52 2:54 on intercepts and satellite images but
2:54 2:57 all that data has done little to Tamp
2:57 2:59 down the anger sweeping across the
2:59 3:01 region many still blaming Israel for the
3:01 3:04 Carnage back here at home this scene on
3:04 3:07 Capitol Hill were around 300 protesters
3:07 3:10 demanding a ceasefire were arrested and
3:10 3:12 there is a new warning tonight that
3:12 3:14 terrorist groups like Hezbollah and an
3:14 3:16 Al-Qaeda affiliate are calling for
3:16 3:19 attacks against the United States we
3:19 3:20 have Team coverage starting with cbs's
3:20 3:25 Charlie Daga in Tel Aviv good evening
3:25 3:27 Charlie good evening to you Nora
3:27 3:28 President Biden was only on the ground
3:28 3:31 here for about 7 hours it was actually a
3:31 3:34 lull and fighting it was uh an
3:34 3:36 extraordinary show of support for the
3:36 3:39 people here and amid uh massive and
3:39 3:41 growing anger for the explosion that
3:41 3:45 took place at that hospital in
3:45 3:48 Gaza it wasn't long after President
3:48 3:50 Biden touched down in Tel Aviv to the
3:50 3:53 Embrace of a prime minister at war that
3:53 3:55 he addressed the hospital explosion
3:55 3:58 that's left hundreds of people dead and
3:58 3:59 based on what I've seen it appears as
3:59 4:02 though it was done by the other team not
4:02 4:05 not you the other team meaning
4:05 4:09 Palestinian militants citing us
4:09 4:12 intelligence us officials tell CBS news
4:12 4:15 that includes communication intercepts
4:15 4:17 and satellite images giving high
4:17 4:20 confidence Israeli forces were not
4:20 4:23 responsible that supports intelligence
4:23 4:25 from Israeli Defense Forces saying this
4:25 4:27 independently shot video shows that
4:27 4:31 rocket comes up and and down fired for a
4:31 4:36 nearby Cemetery landing on Hospital
4:36 4:38 grounds releasing what they say is an
4:38 4:41 audio intercept implicating Islamic
4:41 4:45 Jihad militants in the launch daytime
4:45 4:48 images of the aftermath show extensive
4:48 4:51 explosion damage in the parking lot not
4:51 4:55 necessarily a direct hit of the hospital
4:55 4:57 Hamas still insists an Israeli air
4:57 4:59 strike is to blame the president
4:59 5:01 president's visit as much a pledge of
5:01 5:04 solidarity as a message to Israel's
5:04 5:06 neighbors I come to Israel with a single
5:06 5:08 message you're not
5:08 5:12 alone you are not alone since this
5:12 5:14 terrorist terrorist attack took place
5:14 5:17 we've seen it described as Israel's 911
5:17 5:21 at the same time he urged restraint over
5:21 5:24 retaliation persuading the Israeli Prime
5:24 5:26 Minister to allow basic humanitarian Aid
5:26 5:29 to be delivered to Southern Gaza from
5:29 5:32 Egypt eypt desperately needed food water
5:32 5:35 and medicine as we proceed in this war
5:35 5:38 Israel will do everything it can to keep
5:38 5:41 civilians out of Harm's Way even as the
5:41 5:44 two men spoke not far away heavily
5:44 5:47 armored bulldozers were getting in
5:47 5:50 position to plow into Gaza whatever may
5:50 5:52 be happening in diplomatic circles the
5:52 5:54 steady buildup of hundreds of thousands
5:54 5:57 of Israeli troops and military equipment
5:57 6:01 at staging areas like this continues not
6:01 6:03 much more than a mile from the border
6:03 6:06 with Gaza before Israel withdrew from
6:06 6:09 Gaza troops there were under command of
6:09 6:12 retired Major General Israel ziv how
6:12 6:14 important is President Biden's
6:14 6:18 visit immense President Biden have shown
6:18 6:21 amazing leadership he is the leader of
6:21 6:25 the modern world of the democratic world
6:25 6:28 and a significant boost in morale he
6:28 6:31 told us the defensive ahead will be like
6:31 6:37 nothing before including a lot of
6:37 6:40 Firepower even while Israeli air strikes
6:40 6:43 continue to pound Gaza tonight ahead of
6:43 6:46 that expected
6:46 6:48 offensive now we asked the former
6:48 6:49 General if he had any idea about the
6:49 6:51 timing of the ground defensive he said
6:51 6:54 the air campaign isn't over yet and that
6:54 6:56 more time was needed for what he called
6:56 7:00 a very deep operation Nora Charlie Daga
7:00 7:03 thank you tonight the Secretary of
7:03 7:04 Defense the Director of National
7:04 7:06 Intelligence and the chairman of the
7:06 7:08 Joint Chiefs of Staff briefed Senators
7:08 7:10 lawmakers telling CBS news they were
7:10 7:12 shown evidence that Israel wasn't behind
7:12 7:15 the blast at that Gaza Hospital evidence
7:15 7:17 that could soon be publicly released but
7:17 7:19 all of that is doing little to ease
7:19 7:21 tensions in the Middle East where we're
7:21 7:23 seeing anger in the streets CBS as EMP
7:23 7:26 as tab is in East
7:26 7:29 Jerusalem the scale of the devastation
7:29 7:32 here is hard to Fathom as those with
7:32 7:35 missing loved ones try to make sense of
7:35 7:39 it all this woman says Dad Mom please
7:39 7:42 answer me the aftermath of the massive
7:42 7:45 explosions at the alahi hospital is
7:45 7:47 still a smoking wreck what should have
7:47 7:49 been a safe haven has turned into a
7:49 7:51 living
7:51 7:54 nightmare we left our home to come here
7:54 7:56 this woman says we thought it would be
7:56 7:58 safe but then we got bombed the Anglican
7:58 8:01 Church which runs the hospital has said
8:01 8:03 it was struck before by an Israeli
8:03 8:05 rocket Just 4 days earlier injuring four
8:05 8:09 members of Staff speaking to CBS News
8:09 8:12 Fel n a doctor at alah says Israel's
8:12 8:14 Army sent a warning to evacuate the
8:14 8:18 facility less than 48 hours before that
8:18 8:20 explosion they uh called our medical
8:20 8:23 director and they told him we want you
8:23 8:25 yesterday with two rockets why are you
8:25 8:27 still working in the hospital why didn't
8:27 8:30 you evocate the hospital
8:30 8:31 hundreds of people have been killed in
8:31 8:34 the blast there are so many dead they're
8:34 8:36 running out of body
8:36 8:38 bags there were young children whose
8:38 8:41 legs were blown off this man says I just
8:41 8:44 can't unsee it the explosion and its
8:44 8:46 deadly aftermath has triggered a fury
8:46 8:49 across the Middle East not seen in years
8:49 8:52 in Beirut thousands demonstrated outside
8:52 8:54 the US Embassy while President Biden was
8:54 8:56 in neighboring Israel where he said the
8:56 8:59 Israeli military was not to blame but
8:59 9:02 from the streets of tan to even War torn
9:02 9:05 Yemen few here believe the president and
9:05 9:08 say Israel is squarely responsible for
9:08 9:10 the explosion as well as the widespread
9:10 9:13 misery unfolding in
9:13 9:15 Gaza including the strike tonight on a
9:15 9:18 building just yards from another
9:18 9:20 hospital with the protest only spreading
9:20 9:22 President Biden left the region without
9:22 9:25 meeting any Arab leaders face to face
9:25 9:28 all us allies after they canceled a
9:28 9:30 previously planned Summit in Jordan
9:30 9:32 following the
9:32 9:35 blast now President Biden did have a
9:35 9:37 phone call with Egyptian president Abdul
9:37 9:39 fata Ali and gave him credit for helping
9:39 9:41 to open the border with Gaza to allow in
9:41 9:44 20 trucks of humanitarian Aid all to
9:44 9:46 address the rapidly growing crisis on
9:46 9:48 the ground there but with anger only
9:48 9:51 spreading across the region more will
9:51 9:55 need to be done Nora MTS tab thank you
9:55 9:57 for more on this extraordinary visit
9:57 9:58 let's turn to cbs's Chief foreign
9:58 10:00 affairs correspondent Margaret Brennan
10:00 10:02 all right Margaret I look at those
10:02 10:05 protests in the street across the Middle
10:05 10:07 East and I wonder what is President
10:07 10:09 Biden saying to some of these Arab
10:09 10:11 leaders is he sharing that intelligence
10:11 10:14 what's their reaction yes and the
10:14 10:16 president spoke on that flight back with
10:16 10:19 Egypt's President uh about all of this
10:19 10:20 but keep in mind the US has a
10:20 10:22 credibility problem in this region of
10:22 10:23 the world when it comes to us
10:23 10:26 intelligence conclusions and President
10:26 10:28 Biden referenced today the mistakes made
10:28 10:30 by the US after 911 when decisions were
10:30 10:33 made too swiftly and based on rage and
10:33 10:35 that is likely a reference to the
10:35 10:38 invasion of Iraq he did call for respect
10:38 10:40 for the law of armed conflict and to
10:40 10:42 minimize impact on civilians but Norah
10:42 10:44 he refrained from calling for a
10:44 10:47 ceasefire in fact the US vetoed a UN
10:47 10:50 resolution to that effect earlier today
10:50 10:52 given that there have now been 11 days
10:52 10:55 of bombing of Gaza by Israel with
10:55 10:57 thousands killed there is a perception
10:57 10:59 in Arab countries that this looks like
10:59 11:01 the US is treating Palestinian lives
11:01 11:03 differently than Israeli lives well and
11:03 11:05 also Margaret you know with Gaza in
11:05 11:08 crisis the looming ground Invasion what
11:08 11:12 does the administration do now they have
11:12 11:13 a full plate and one of the tough
11:13 11:15 questions the bid Administration is
11:15 11:17 putting to the Israeli government is
11:17 11:19 what happens next to the 2.3 million
11:19 11:23 Palestinians in Gaza after Israel out
11:23 11:25 Hamas President Biden warned against a
11:25 11:27 military occupation he said the
11:27 11:29 Palestinians do have a right to return
11:29 11:31 to their homes and he's been reaching
11:31 11:33 out to the Palestinian Authority
11:33 11:35 president Mahmud abas to begin talking
11:35 11:38 about a vision here but in the immediate
11:38 11:41 term the US is working to help get out 5
11:41 11:43 to 600 Americans stuck inside Gaza
11:43 11:45 they're helping Israel secure the
11:45 11:47 release of hostages including 13
11:47 11:50 unaccounted for Americans and Nora this
11:50 11:52 is a big shift for an Administration
11:52 11:54 that wanted to avoid entanglements in
11:54 11:57 the Middle East in order to focus on
11:57 11:59 competition with an aggressive China but
11:59 12:02 once again they're forced to focus back
12:02 12:05 on this region Margaret Brennan thank
12:05 12:08 you while in Israel President Biden said
12:08 12:10 another top priority is freeing the
12:10 12:12 hostages in Gaza which includes as many
12:12 12:14 as 13 Americans who remain unaccounted
12:14 12:17 for one person being held is described
12:17 12:19 as an All-American kid who went to
12:19 12:21 Israel to find his roots and defend the
12:21 12:24 country cbs's Jim Axelrod has the
12:24 12:25 incredible
12:25 12:28 story on Long Island New York om neutr
12:28 12:32 family and friends are in
12:32 12:35 anguish 10 days ago Ora and Rona Neutra
12:35 12:37 got a call from the Israeli consulate
12:37 12:40 asking to meet right away then they
12:40 12:41 walked in the door and they said that
12:41 12:44 he's been taken captive it's just insane
12:44 12:46 that you feel relief to think that your
12:46 12:49 son is not dead they get here they tell
12:49 12:52 you your son has been taken hostage and
12:52 12:54 you're relieved yeah yes you know it's
12:54 12:57 unreal just unreal for now the nutras
12:57 12:59 are holding tight to positive thoughts
12:59 13:03 about Omar his brother Daniel Omar is a
13:03 13:05 natural-born leader an amazing role
13:05 13:09 model he's strong he's funny a grandson
13:09 13:11 of Holocaust Survivors om put off
13:11 13:14 attending Binghamton University to study
13:14 13:17 in Israel eventually joining the IDF the
13:17 13:20 Israel Defense Forces om is an American
13:20 13:23 Born kid that wanted to help his
13:23 13:27 grandparents Homeland and defend it did
13:27 13:29 you raise the idea
13:29 13:32 of risks of course of course yeah of
13:32 13:34 course he was he was crying over this
13:34 13:37 this was not an easy decision to be made
13:37 13:40 Omar was a tank commander near Gaza when
13:40 13:43 news of the attack broke immediately I I
13:43 13:45 texted him Omar what's going
13:45 13:51 on nothing um we called him nothing what
13:51 13:54 can you tell us about what you know
13:54 13:57 happened we know that the Army did an
13:57 14:00 investigation from what they've
14:00 14:03 shared and the videos that were shown
14:03 14:06 their conclusion is that him and his
14:06 14:10 team have been taken we are on a mission
14:10 14:13 a mission focused on action this is not
14:13 14:14 a time for
14:14 14:17 tears tears come at night and I've been
14:17 14:20 showering so much because I cry in the
14:20 14:22 shower you know I just let it out and
14:22 14:24 then I come out and I'm I have to
14:24 14:27 refocus again making sure that focus is
14:27 14:30 on getting Omar and the others back
14:30 14:32 they've done nothing wrong let them go
14:32 14:35 home it's not that hard we we are all
14:35 14:39 humans and refusing to surrender their
14:39 14:45 hope Jim axod CBS News New York CBS News
14:45 14:46 will have a prime time special on the
14:46 14:49 war titled Israel Hamas the world on
14:49 14:52 edge Friday night at 10 p.m. amid the
14:52 14:54 tension spreading across the Middle East
14:54 14:57 two military bases in Iraq that house US
14:57 15:00 troops were targeting today with drone
15:00 15:02 attacks CBS News has confirmed the
15:02 15:04 drones were intercepted at the al-assad
15:04 15:06 military base in Western Iraq and the
15:06 15:08 alh harer air base in the north minor
15:08 15:11 injuries to US troops were reported at
15:11 15:14 alassad the Islamic resistance a group
15:14 15:17 of Iranian backed militias claimed
15:17 15:18 responsibility for the attacks and
15:18 15:20 threatened more to come the defense
15:20 15:23 department has not verified those claims
15:23 15:25 the US still has about 2500 troops in
15:25 15:28 Iraq and about 900 more in neighboring
15:28 15:31 Syria helping in the fight against Isis
15:31 15:33 now to another major development the
15:33 15:36 bombshell confession in the 2005 murder
15:36 15:39 of 18-year-old Natalie Holloway yur in
15:39 15:41 Vander slw admitting in chilling detail
15:41 15:43 how he killed the Alabama teen on the
15:43 15:46 beach in Aruba and then dumped her body
15:46 15:48 into the sea cbs's Janet Shaman is at
15:48 15:50 the courthouse tonight with the
15:50 15:52 emotional reaction from Holloway's
15:52 15:55 mother Juran vandero confessed to the
15:55 15:57 crime he's long been suspected of
15:57 16:00 killing Natalie Holloway on an Aruba
16:00 16:02 beach after she refused to have sex with
16:02 16:04 him it's better than closure because our
16:04 16:06 NeverEnding
16:06 16:08 nightmare had to end and we are so
16:08 16:11 grateful that we can say that today the
16:11 16:13 Dutch Nationals admission was part of a
16:13 16:15 plea deal after trying to extort
16:15 16:18 $250,000 from Beth hallay to reveal what
16:18 16:21 happened to her daughter in a recorded
16:21 16:23 interview with investigators with Beth
16:23 16:26 Holloway watching from another room
16:26 16:28 Vander described how after Natalie meet
16:28 16:31 him in the groin he smashed her head
16:31 16:33 with a cinder block and dragged the high
16:33 16:36 school senior into the water what was it
16:36 16:39 like to hear and see that in real time
16:39 16:42 to hear him discuss what he did to your
16:42 16:46 daughter it's shocking uh it's almost as
16:46 16:48 if it just blisters your soul when you
16:48 16:50 hear it in a heart-wrenching victim
16:50 16:53 statement Holloway told vanders slute
16:53 16:55 you terminated her potential when you
16:55 16:57 bludgeoned her calling her pain
16:57 17:00 indescribable with grief that lives deep
17:00 17:03 in my soul she was killed just by
17:03 17:05 standing her ground but you didn't know
17:05 17:07 that now I hadn't had I didn't know
17:07 17:10 anything authori say Vander
17:10 17:12 account passed a polygraph test the
17:12 17:14 judge imposed the maximum 20 years but
17:14 17:16 he'll serve it at the same time he's
17:16 17:18 serving a sentence for the murder of
17:18 17:21 another young woman in
17:21 17:23 Peru there were dozens of family members
17:23 17:25 and Natalie's friends in the courtroom
17:25 17:27 today many of them breaking down when
17:27 17:30 Beth Holloway addressed the court saying
17:30 17:31 I will live my life with the beautiful
17:31 17:34 memories of who Natalie was and what she
17:34 17:37 could have become nor into the story
17:37 17:39 Janet chamley and thank you House
17:39 17:42 Republicans fail yet again to elect a
17:42 17:43 speaker prompting members of both
17:43 17:45 parties to consider changing
17:45 17:47 Congressional rules we've got the
17:47 17:50 details
17:50 17:54 next the house Paralyzed by a fractured
17:54 17:56 Republican party will try again tomorrow
17:56 17:59 to elect a speaker 16 days after Kevin
17:59 18:01 McCarthy was forced to turn in the gavl
18:01 18:03 in a second round of voting today Trump
18:03 18:05 Ally Jim Jordan actually lost more
18:05 18:08 Republican support 22 votes compared to
18:08 18:10 20 yesterday for now Jordan is vowing to
18:10 18:12 stay in the race there's also talk on
18:12 18:14 Capitol Hill about a plan to expand the
18:14 18:17 power of interim speaker Patrick McKenry
18:17 18:18 so the house can finally get back to the
18:18 18:21 people's business tonight two weather
18:21 18:24 extremes along the US coasts in the west
18:24 18:25 it's the brutal heat with more than 50
18:25 18:28 records expected to be broken by Friday
18:28 18:30 including a high of 102 in Phoenix and
18:30 18:34 92 in San Francisco in the East it's
18:34 18:35 shaping up to be another rainy weekend
18:35 18:37 with a nor Easter coming through Friday
18:37 18:41 into Saturday from Virginia to Maine the
18:41 18:43 cost of streaming is going up for some
18:43 18:48 Netflix sub subscribers that's
18:48 18:51 next Netflix is raising the price of its
18:51 18:54 basic and premium plans the adree basic
18:54 18:57 plan now costs $1.99 a month that's a $2
18:57 18:59 increase and and the premium plam is
18:59 19:02 getting bumped up $3 a month to
19:02 19:05 $22.99 Netflix says it gained nearly 9
19:05 19:07 million subscribers this summer after
19:07 19:10 it's cracked down on password sharing
19:10 19:12 South Korea is going wild for a pair of
19:12 19:15 three-month-old panda cubs wait till you
19:15 19:17 see them they are adorable we've got the
19:17 19:21 cute details
19:21 19:24 next finally tonight panda bear lovers
19:24 19:27 in South Korea are seeing and hearing
19:27 19:31 double
19:31 19:33 well AO there is raising a rare set of
19:33 19:36 panda twins they're just over 100 days
19:36 19:38 old and after an online vote they were
19:38 19:40 given Korean names that translate to
19:40 19:43 wise treasure and Shining treasure the
19:43 19:45 zoo says they'll likely be revealed to
19:45 19:47 the public early next year for now you
19:47 19:50 can see them on the zoom Zoo's YouTube
19:50 19:53 channel they are cute that's tonight's
19:53 19:57 CBS Evening News I'm nor O'Donnell good
19:57 19:57 night but