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nbc nn 231019 nbc nightly news ; Lester Holt anchors from inside Israel as new signs emerge that an Israeli ground operation could come soon and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens.

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 20.
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0:00 0:02 breaking news tonight President Biden's
0:02 0:04 address to the nation just a short time
0:04 0:07 ago his call to action to stand with
0:07 0:10 Israel and Ukraine as Israeli troops
0:10 0:12 prepare to invade Gaza the president
0:12 0:15 from the Oval Office making the case in
0:15 0:17 prime time to the American people for
0:17 0:19 more assistance to Israel and Ukraine
0:19 0:22 saying Hamas and Russia share a common
0:22 0:24 goal the complete annihilation of their
0:24 0:27 neighbors the unprecedented Aid he's
0:27 0:30 asking Congress for it comes as Israel
0:30 0:32 tells its troops to be ready for a Gaza
0:32 0:35 ground war and the Pentagon reveals a US
0:35 0:37 warship intercepted missiles fired by
0:37 0:40 Iran backed rebels in Yemen were they
0:40 0:43 headed for Israel in Gaza the growing
0:43 0:45 humanitarian crisis after the deal
0:45 0:47 brokered by President Biden how soon
0:47 0:50 will Aid be allowed in and the tragedy
0:50 0:52 for a 12-year-old Israeli girl and her
0:52 0:55 grandmother after they were kidnapped by
0:55 0:58 Hamas my conversation with her family
0:58 1:00 also tonight the surprise in the Georgia
1:00 1:03 election case against Donald Trump one
1:03 1:05 of his codefendants his former attorney
1:05 1:08 Sydney Powell changing her plea to
1:08 1:10 guilty will she testify against the
1:10 1:12 former president and Chaos in the house
1:12 1:15 after losing twice Jim Jordan's plan to
1:15 1:17 try again to win the speaker gavel a
1:17 1:21 third floor vote expected
1:21 1:24 tomorrow this is NBC Nightly News with
1:24 1:28 Lester Holt reporting tonight live from
1:28 1:31 Israel
1:31 1:33 good evening just a short time ago
1:33 1:35 President Biden addressed the American
1:35 1:37 people in a prime time speech about the
1:37 1:40 Israel Hamas War and the terror attacks
1:40 1:43 that sparked it almost two weeks ago Mr
1:43 1:45 Biden made the case for tens of billions
1:45 1:48 of dollars in new emergency military aid
1:48 1:51 for Israel and Ukraine saying Russia's
1:51 1:53 Vladimir Putin and Hamas have a common
1:53 1:56 goal a complete annihilation of a
1:56 1:59 neighboring democracy the President also
1:59 2:01 tried to explain why making sure Israel
2:01 2:04 and Ukraine succeed are vital for
2:04 2:07 America's national security it all comes
2:07 2:09 as Israel tells its troops to be ready
2:09 2:12 for a ground Invasion and Gaza waits for
2:12 2:14 the green light for truckloads of
2:14 2:17 humanitarian Aid to come in from Egypt
2:17 2:19 the President also denounced all forms
2:19 2:22 of hate whether against Muslims Jews or
2:22 2:24 anyone citing the recent brutal killing
2:24 2:26 of a six-year-old Muslim boy in a
2:26 2:29 Chicago suburb our chief White House Cor
2:29 2:31 respondent Peter Alexander joins us
2:31 2:33 Peter what more did the president have
2:33 2:35 to say Lester this was just the second
2:35 2:37 Oval Office address for President Biden
2:37 2:39 underscoring the seriousness of this
2:39 2:41 moment tonight making the case at this
2:41 2:43 perilous time supporting both Ukraine
2:43 2:46 and Israel is in the US's National
2:46 2:48 Security interest warning that in action
2:48 2:51 now would make Americans less
2:51 2:53 safe history has taught us that when
2:53 2:55 terrorists don't pay a price for their
2:55 2:57 Terror when dictators don't pay a price
2:57 2:59 for their aggression they cause more
2:59 3:02 more chaos and death and more
3:02 3:05 destruction they keep going and the cost
3:05 3:06 and the threats to America and the world
3:06 3:08 keep
3:08 3:10 Rising the President also emphasizing
3:10 3:12 the need to make sure humanitarian Aid
3:12 3:14 gets to the Palestinians in Gaza this
3:14 3:16 speech comes ahead of the president's
3:16 3:18 plan tomorrow to send Congress a request
3:18 3:21 for roughly $100 billion do in Military
3:21 3:23 and humanitarian support largely for
3:23 3:26 Ukraine and Israel but with House
3:26 3:27 Republicans yet to settle on a speaker
3:27 3:29 it's not clear how soon lawmakers could
3:29 3:32 even move on that
3:32 3:35 Lester Peter Alexander thank you in
3:35 3:37 Israel tonight restlessness as this
3:37 3:39 country anticipates its offensive
3:39 3:42 against Hamas while in Gaza still cut
3:42 3:44 off from the basics like food and water
3:44 3:47 the humanitarian crisis grows and as
3:47 3:50 Israel continues to bomb Gaza Hamas
3:50 3:52 Rockets still Arc into Israel including
3:52 3:55 one that sent our team into a shelter
3:55 3:57 shortly before we came on the air this
3:57 3:59 evening Chief foreign correspondent rich
3:59 4:02 Richard angle has
4:02 4:05 more there are new signs Israel's long
4:05 4:08 anticipated ground operation into Gaza
4:08 4:09 could be
4:09 4:11 coming Israel's defense minister telling
4:11 4:14 troops they would soon see Gaza from the
4:14 4:16 inside and the United States is making
4:16 4:19 sure Israel is ready for it sending a
4:19 4:22 new shipment of armored vehicles for now
4:22 4:24 Israel is only attacking Gaza from afar
4:24 4:27 retaliation against Hamas for its
4:27 4:29 massive terror attack that killed 1,400
4:29 4:31 Israelis this is not merely our battle
4:31 4:34 it's the battle of the entire civilized
4:34 4:37 World a ground Invasion could spark a
4:37 4:39 wider War across the Middle East and
4:39 4:42 draw in the United States it's already
4:42 4:44 happening with Hezbollah intensifying
4:44 4:47 attacks on Israeli forces from Lebanon
4:47 4:49 Syrian militias yesterday targeting
4:49 4:52 American troops in Iraq and Syria and
4:52 4:55 late today the Pentagon saying the USS
4:55 4:57 Carney shot down three cruise missiles
4:57 5:00 and drones launched by houthi rebels in
5:00 5:02 Yemen potentially headed toward Israel
5:02 5:05 all the militias on the attack now have
5:05 5:07 one thing in common they're backed by
5:07 5:11 Iran in Gaza the humanitarian crisis for
5:11 5:14 the 2.3 million people is growing
5:14 5:16 Israeli air strikes have flattened
5:16 5:18 entire
5:18 5:20 neighborhoods with so many injured
5:20 5:22 gaza's hospitals are inundated and
5:22 5:25 running out of fuel and bandages facing
5:25 5:27 power outages some operations are done
5:27 5:30 using the light of cell phones
5:30 5:32 in southern Gaza multiple Witnesses and
5:32 5:35 survivors tell us an Israeli strike in
5:35 5:38 Han Yunis hit a three-story home where
5:38 5:39 dozens of Palestinians were taking
5:39 5:42 shelter the wounded more than 50 were
5:42 5:45 taken to a nearby hospital including
5:45 5:48 many children a girl is carried in
5:48 5:51 Motionless but she's alive and given
5:51 5:54 air a boy screams for his
5:54 5:58 daddy a girl cries for her mom these
5:58 6:00 pictures were taken by our crew in Gaza
6:00 6:03 today they're not propaganda from Hamas
6:03 6:05 or anyone
6:05 6:08 else this man told us the strike killed
6:08 6:11 his wife children sister-in-law and her
6:11 6:16 children they said the South was safe he
6:16 6:18 says anger in the Muslim world is
6:18 6:21 building against Israel and the United
6:21 6:23 States the US state department issuing a
6:23 6:25 worldwide travel alert to Americans
6:25 6:28 advising US citizens overseas to
6:28 6:30 exercise increas
6:30 6:32 caution and Richard there are fears of
6:32 6:36 more escalations
6:36 6:38 tomorrow well tomorrow of course is
6:38 6:40 Friday the Muslim holy day and there are
6:40 6:42 demonstrations planned across the region
6:42 6:44 and Lester we reached out to the Israeli
6:44 6:46 military about that strike on the home
6:46 6:48 we showed you and we're told they're
6:48 6:49 checking
6:49 6:51 Lester all right Richard Engle thanks
6:51 6:54 these are agonizing days for Americans
6:54 6:57 on both sides of the Israel Gaza border
6:57 6:59 today I spoke with two families about
6:59 7:02 the emotional toll all this is
7:02 7:05 taking American Emily renberger grew up
7:05 7:07 in the us tonight she and her husband
7:07 7:10 who's Palestinian and their children are
7:10 7:13 inside Gaza they were visiting family
7:13 7:15 when the Israeli retaliation strikes
7:15 7:19 began against Hamas during the the days
7:19 7:22 we have uh no drinkable tap water we
7:22 7:25 have to go find it outside and uh other
7:25 7:27 other sources uh bread is very hard to
7:27 7:30 get whenever it gets dark you stay
7:30 7:33 inside completely and you hear bombings
7:33 7:36 near and far um so it's just been kind
7:36 7:38 of a fight to Sur five really has the
7:38 7:41 level of bombing decreased at all no the
7:41 7:45 night before there was we saw five
7:45 7:48 Apartments targeted and bombed in our
7:48 7:50 again in the neighborhood we live in uh
7:50 7:51 and we don't know we don't know who
7:51 7:54 might be be next really do you want to
7:54 7:58 get out of Gaza yes I do would like very
7:58 8:01 much with my kids to go her message for
8:01 8:03 Israel tonight there needs to be a
8:03 8:05 ceasefire this is just a
8:05 8:07 humanitarian disaster at the same time
8:07 8:10 What would your message be to Hamas what
8:10 8:12 what could Hamas do to ease tensions and
8:12 8:14 make this safer I don't have a good
8:14 8:16 answer to that question I haven't been
8:16 8:19 able to follow any news um much at all
8:19 8:21 since we don't have regular internet you
8:21 8:24 know for both both sides there has to be
8:24 8:27 a ceasefire and and Aid and help to the
8:27 8:29 people who are suffering most under this
8:29 8:31 on bombardment but suffering doesn't
8:31 8:34 recognize borders misery or depth of
8:34 8:38 loss from inside Israel what Abby own
8:38 8:41 also an American wants is accountability
8:41 8:43 for my priority the first thing that has
8:43 8:46 to happen before any Aid goes in is that
8:46 8:49 the hostages are released and come home
8:49 8:51 to their families today the Israeli
8:51 8:52 military upped the number of those
8:52 8:56 believe held hostage by Hamas in Gaza to
8:56 8:59 203 that number does not include own 's
8:59 9:02 Aunt Carmela and Carmela's granddaughter
9:02 9:05 Noya who kidnapped by Hamas terrorists
9:05 9:07 have now been confirmed dead their
9:07 9:10 bodies found inside Gaza three other
9:10 9:12 family members are still missing
9:12 9:15 including 12-year-old arz captured on
9:15 9:18 video being led away during the attacks
9:18 9:20 we don't want any other family to have
9:20 9:22 their hearts shattered the way that ours
9:22 9:25 are we don't want any more
9:25 9:27 suffering we know right now that Hamas
9:27 9:31 is worse than Isis Carmela was 80 Noya
9:31 9:35 was
9:35 9:38 12 that's noya's mom singing to her
9:38 9:41 posted just last month and tell me about
9:41 9:45 Noah she had autism she was sensitive to
9:45 9:46 light and sound and
9:46 9:49 noise and she loved Harry
9:49 9:52 Potter um she dressed up like Harry
9:52 9:55 Potter she and her grandmother were
9:55 9:58 deeply connected and I think if there's
9:58 10:00 any solace right now is to know that
10:00 10:01 they are
10:01 10:06 together do you wish for the government
10:06 10:09 to punish Hamas
10:09 10:11 further I think there's a lot of talk
10:11 10:13 about a proportionate response a
10:13 10:14 proportional
10:14 10:18 response and no Israeli believes that
10:18 10:21 that exists not one of us wants to go
10:21 10:24 kill babies or rape women or murder
10:24 10:25 people or take people from their
10:25 10:28 families but we want to live without the
10:28 10:30 fear of terrorist crossing our
10:30 10:32 border and creating what we're
10:32 10:35 experiencing in the last two
10:35 10:38 weeks also tonight Sydney Powell once a
10:38 10:40 lawyer for former president Trump
10:40 10:42 pleaded guilty today to charges stemming
10:42 10:45 for Mr Trump's efforts to overturn his
10:45 10:48 election defeat in Georgia Laura Jared
10:48 10:50 has more on the stunning turn in the
10:50 10:53 case tonight once an attorney then a
10:53 10:56 codefendant now a cooperator how do you
10:56 10:58 plead to the six csil of conspiracy to
10:58 11:00 commit into intentional interference
11:00 11:01 with performance of election duties
11:01 11:04 guilty Sydney pal one of 19 charged
11:04 11:06 alongside the former president in a
11:06 11:08 sprawling conspiracy to overturn the
11:08 11:11 2020 election results in Georgia
11:11 11:13 pleading guilty to six reduced charges
11:13 11:15 in court today just as jury selection
11:15 11:18 for her trial was set to begin tomorrow
11:18 11:19 do you agree that there is a sufficient
11:19 11:21 factual basis that there are enough
11:21 11:23 facts that support this plea of guilty I
11:23 11:26 do a remarkable about face for one of Mr
11:26 11:29 Trump's fiercest Defenders I'm going to
11:29 11:31 release the Kraken often pushing
11:31 11:33 baseless conspiracy theories the last
11:33 11:35 election was stolen president Trump won
11:35 11:38 by a landslide we are going to prove it
11:38 11:40 instead she's now admitted to helping
11:40 11:42 organize the breach of sensitive voting
11:42 11:44 equipment in a rural Elections office
11:44 11:46 agreeing as part of the new plea deal
11:46 11:48 with prosecutors to write an apology
11:48 11:50 letter to the people of Georgia hand
11:50 11:52 over documents to investigators and come
11:52 11:54 clean about all that she knows about her
11:54 11:57 former client as Mr Trump continues to
11:57 11:59 fight the charges against him here to
11:59 12:02 testify truthfully against any and all
12:02 12:04 codefendants in this matter at any
12:04 12:06 upcoming proceedings Pal's testimony
12:06 12:09 likely an asset for the Fulton County DA
12:09 12:11 who's now managed to secure two guilty
12:11 12:14 pleas so far and Mr Trump's criminal
12:14 12:16 attorney tonight dismisses the idea that
12:16 12:18 this plea is a blow to him saying it's
12:18 12:20 favorable to his defense strategy it's
12:20 12:22 unclear how meantime jury selection for
12:22 12:24 Ken chesbro one of the other
12:24 12:26 codefendants in this case is still set
12:26 12:28 to begin tomorrow with a trial set for
12:28 12:31 Monday Lester all right Laura Jared
12:31 12:33 thank you and there is even more chaos
12:33 12:35 in Congress over the effort to elect a
12:35 12:37 new house Speaker Ryan Nobles has been
12:37 12:40 watching it play out by the hour Ryan
12:40 12:41 what happened
12:41 12:44 today Lester the current GOP nominee Jim
12:44 12:46 Jordan floated the idea today of
12:46 12:48 allowing Patrick McKenry the current
12:48 12:51 Speaker proem to have temporary powers
12:51 12:52 that would allow him to bring
12:52 12:54 legislation to the floor but the
12:54 12:56 conservatives in his conference roundly
12:56 12:58 rejected that idea and as a result
12:58 13:00 Jordan said that he's still in the race
13:00 13:02 to win the speakership but late tonight
13:02 13:04 Jordan did meet with a group of those
13:04 13:06 holdouts many of them emerging from that
13:06 13:08 meeting saying that there's no possible
13:08 13:10 way Jordan will ever win over their
13:10 13:13 support Jordan has now said the next
13:13 13:15 vote could take place as early as 10:00
13:15 13:18 Friday morning as of this moment though
13:18 13:21 the Congress remains paralyzed Lester
13:21 13:23 Ryan Nobles thank you and in Russia
13:23 13:25 there are new questions about the fate
13:25 13:27 of another American journalist who was
13:27 13:30 just detained Kier Simmons is following
13:30 13:33 this Kier what more do we
13:33 13:36 know Lester elu kamasa works for Radio
13:36 13:39 free Europe she's also a mother of two
13:39 13:41 She's accused of failing to register as
13:41 13:43 a foreign agent which carries a 5-year
13:43 13:45 jail sentence one journalism group
13:45 13:48 tonight ACC saying that is spurious
13:48 13:50 she's the second us journalist after the
13:50 13:52 Wall Street Journal Evan gershkovich to
13:52 13:54 be arrested he of course was held in
13:54 13:56 March meanwhile Paul wheen and at least
13:56 13:57 two other Americans are in Russian
13:57 13:59 prisons that's this is the week that
13:59 14:01 President Putin met with president shei
14:01 14:03 in China and again denounced President
14:03 14:06 Biden on the world stage a reminder if
14:06 14:08 we need it needed it Russia remains one
14:08 14:10 of Biden's now many foreign policy
14:10 14:12 challenges
14:12 14:15 leester kir Simmons thank you in 60
14:15 14:17 seconds why CVS is pulling certain
14:17 14:19 over-the-counter cold medicines from
14:19 14:22 shelves plus free speech in time of War
14:22 14:27 causing tensions on college
14:27 14:29 campuses
14:29 14:31 tonight CVS says it will no longer sell
14:31 14:34 some of the most common cold and cough
14:34 14:36 medicines the voluntary move comes after
14:36 14:39 a panel of FDA advisers said the main
14:39 14:41 ingredient fenine does not clear up
14:41 14:44 nasal congestion when taken orally the
14:44 14:46 ingredient is inversions of drugs like
14:46 14:51 NyQuil badril ped and Mucinex also
14:51 14:53 tonight the Israel Hamas War has brought
14:53 14:56 intense reactions from many Americans on
14:56 14:58 college campuses some students who
14:58 15:00 voiced opinions on the conflict are
15:00 15:03 facing a major backlash Jake Ward
15:03 15:05 reports from Berkeley
15:05 15:08 California will be free opposing rallies
15:08 15:11 at Columbia a die in at Harvard the
15:11 15:12 latest protests are part of a long
15:12 15:15 tradition of free speech on campus but
15:15 15:16 some law students are now finding their
15:16 15:19 words can affect their future Law Firm
15:19 15:20 Winston and straw announced they
15:20 15:23 rescinded a job offer to a top NYU Law
15:23 15:24 student this month after blaming Israel
15:24 15:27 for the violence on October 7th and Law
15:27 15:29 Firm Davis Pope pulled three more
15:29 15:30 offered to Harvard students for signing
15:30 15:32 a similar statement now a 10-e professor
15:32 15:34 has written an oped for the Wall Street
15:34 15:36 Journal entitled do not hire my
15:36 15:38 anti-semitic students Free Speech does
15:38 15:39 not mean there's no consequences for
15:39 15:42 free speech Steven Solomon says he
15:42 15:44 considers any justification of the Hamas
15:44 15:46 attacks to be anti-semitic hate speech
15:46 15:48 this is a professional setting these are
15:48 15:50 people who are to be trained as lawyers
15:50 15:51 um they should not be going out as
15:51 15:53 lawyers if they're advocating the murder
15:53 15:55 and justifying the murder of innocent
15:55 15:57 people One Berkeley student group
15:57 15:59 mentioned in the op bed characterized
15:59 16:01 the October 7th attacks as resistance to
16:01 16:03 apartheid in a statement to NBC News the
16:03 16:05 group calls the article a smear that
16:05 16:07 wrongly conflates activism with
16:07 16:09 anti-Semitism some students unaffiliated
16:09 16:10 with the group say they are concerned
16:10 16:13 about the op Ed's precedent I think
16:13 16:15 regardless of which side you support I
16:15 16:16 don't know that Professor should be
16:16 16:19 encouraging it to uh dissuade you from
16:19 16:21 potential employment Kenneth Stern runs
16:21 16:23 Bard colleges center for the study of
16:23 16:25 hate when you start drawing lines of
16:25 16:27 saying what speech is permitted and what
16:27 16:30 speech isn't that's a horrible thing in
16:30 16:32 society in general tonight a debate over
16:32 16:34 free speech and whether a student's
16:34 16:36 public stance on a controversial topic
16:36 16:39 should a career before it even
16:39 16:42 begins Jake Ward NBC News Berkeley
16:42 16:45 California I'm next at missing Indiana
16:45 16:47 school teacher and a body discovered the
16:47 16:52 mystery in Puerto
16:52 16:54 Rico we're back with the mystery in
16:54 16:56 Paradise a teacher from Indiana
16:56 16:59 disappearing while on vacation in Puerto
16:59 17:01 Rico Maggie vesa now on the Grim
17:01 17:04 Discovery authorities have made on the
17:04 17:07 island tonight a Caribbean vacation
17:07 17:09 turned devastating mystery it's pretty
17:09 17:11 Earth shattering authorities in Puerto
17:11 17:13 Rico are working to confirm whether a
17:13 17:16 body search Crews found face down in the
17:16 17:18 river in this Rocky wooded area Saturday
17:18 17:20 is that of missing Indiana teacher
17:20 17:22 Amanda Webster forensic officials
17:22 17:24 tonight telling NBC News a family member
17:24 17:27 flew to Puerto Rico to give DNA they've
17:27 17:30 also pulled Dental records and
17:30 17:32 fingerprints Puerto Rican police say the
17:32 17:34 body is that of a white woman but
17:34 17:37 officials say it's so badly decomposed
17:37 17:38 they wouldn't let Webster's family
17:38 17:40 members see it they're working to
17:40 17:43 determine how the woman died meanwhile
17:43 17:44 Webster's loved ones tell our
17:44 17:47 Indianapolis affiliate WTHR the
17:47 17:50 44-year-old art teacher was vacationing
17:50 17:53 alone sending videos like this one she
17:53 17:55 was reported missing Wednesday of last
17:55 17:57 week after police say she failed to
17:57 17:59 check out of her Airbnb on time leaving
17:59 18:02 her bags and rental car for days friends
18:02 18:04 clung to hope she had told them she was
18:04 18:08 going hiking there and um she never came
18:08 18:10 back I'm definitely upset shaken NBC
18:10 18:13 News reached out to Webster's family a
18:13 18:15 man who answered the phone declined to
18:15 18:16 comment a lot of people are going to be
18:16 18:19 feeling this loss a community back home
18:19 18:21 desperate for answers embracing for the
18:21 18:25 worst Maggie Vespa NBC
18:25 18:27 News some sad news about a beloved actor
18:27 18:30 from the r series Bert young who was
18:30 18:32 nominated for an Oscar for his role as
18:32 18:35 Rocky's best friend paully appearing in
18:35 18:37 six of the films has died young who was
18:37 18:40 a marine and a boxer himself also
18:40 18:42 starred in other acclaimed movies and TV
18:42 18:45 shows like Chinatown and The Sopranos he
18:45 18:49 was 83 up next here in Israel how a
18:49 18:52 college facing great loss is taking on a
18:52 18:56 greater purpose for the
18:56 18:58 community finally tonight from here in
18:58 19:00 is Israel a university transformed by
19:00 19:04 terrorism and War Kelly Koba on its pain
19:04 19:05 and its new
19:05 19:08 mission tonight benan University in the
19:08 19:11 south of Israel is a ghost town and the
19:11 19:13 Student Union a shrine to some of the
19:13 19:17 more than 60 students staff and faculty
19:17 19:21 murdered kidnapped or missing every day
19:21 19:23 University president Professor Daniel
19:23 19:25 chamovitz tries to comfort another
19:25 19:28 grieving family you just hug them there
19:28 19:31 are no words the horror of October 7th
19:31 19:34 unfolded just 20 miles from here year
19:34 19:38 six medical student Al pack heard sirens
19:38 19:41 and ran to the hospital and they saw the
19:41 19:44 hell on a the screams the smells the
19:44 19:46 sight it's really horrible the injured
19:46 19:49 kept coming and he found himself saving
19:49 19:51 lives one soldier who been shot in the
19:51 19:55 armpit his a main artery has been heat
19:55 19:58 and he gushed Blood on the table a y
19:58 20:01 stopped the bleeding with his hands that
20:01 20:04 day changed you yeah that day changed me
20:04 20:08 yes he now wants to be a trauma surgeon
20:08 20:10 across the university lives changed
20:10 20:13 overnight the campus parking lot a
20:13 20:16 donation Depot the study room a command
20:16 20:19 center Fielding calls for help more than
20:19 20:21 a thousand students have had to trade
20:21 20:24 books for the battlefield all classes
20:24 20:26 here now on hold there's no way I'm
20:26 20:29 starting the Academic Year here when
20:29 20:31 thousands of our students are caught up
20:31 20:33 to reserve duty you know we're all one
20:33 20:35 one group here so we'll wait until they
20:35 20:38 can join us tonight AEL learned he's
20:38 20:40 been drafted and will head off to serve
20:40 20:45 in days a generation heading to War C
20:45 20:48 Koba NBC News Beva
20:48 20:50 Israel that's Nightly News tune in
20:50 20:52 tonight at 8 for President Biden's
20:52 20:54 address on the Israel Hamas War thank
20:54 20:56 you for watching everyone I'm Lester
20:56 20:58 Holt please take care of yourself and
20:58 21:00 each other good
21:00 21:03 night thanks for watching stay updated
21:03 21:05 about breaking news and top stories on
21:05 21:09 the NBC News app or follow us on social
21:09 21:09 media