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cbs en 231009 cbs evening news ; Israel strikes Gaza following surprise attack by Hamas; Russian module on International Space Station springs coolant leak

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 10.
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0:09 0:11 good evening and thank you for joining
0:11 0:14 us we begin tonight here in Tel Aviv
0:14 0:16 following the unprecedented terror
0:16 0:18 attack by Hamas militants and Israel's
0:18 0:21 declaration of war for the first time in
0:21 0:25 50 years Israel's military is bombarding
0:25 0:27 Gaza with air strikes raining down on
0:27 0:30 Hamas including command centers local
0:30 0:33 located inside apartment buildings more
0:33 0:33 than
0:33 0:37 1,500 people have been killed tonight we
0:37 0:40 are learning at least 900 Israelis dead
0:40 0:42 tonight Hamas claims they are holding at
0:42 0:45 least 100 people hostage including an
0:45 0:49 unknown number of Americans at least 11
0:49 0:51 Americans are among the dead we have
0:51 0:54 also learned that one of the victims is
0:54 0:55 Deborah Matias and we're going to hear
0:55 0:58 from her father in just a few moments
0:58 1:00 Israeli Prime Minister benj Netanyahu
1:00 1:02 addressing the Nations saying today
1:02 1:05 Israel didn't start this war but Israel
1:05 1:07 will finish it tonight the military is
1:07 1:10 preparing for a likely ground invasion
1:10 1:12 of Gaza with reports of fighting on
1:12 1:15 Israel's northern border as well that is
1:15 1:17 significant President Biden today
1:17 1:19 declared his unwavering support for
1:19 1:21 Israel and will speak tomorrow from the
1:21 1:23 White House we have Team coverage of the
1:23 1:26 war from Israel to
1:26 1:28 Washington and Holly Williams is back
1:28 1:30 here with us and Holly there are reports
1:30 1:33 that Hezbollah and Israeli forces have
1:33 1:36 been exchanging fire on the northern
1:36 1:38 border what would that mean well Nora a
1:38 1:41 senior defense official says the US is
1:41 1:43 deeply concerned that this could open up
1:43 1:45 a second front now it's not surprising
1:45 1:47 that his balla uh might want to get
1:47 1:49 involved it's a militant group with deep
1:49 1:51 ties to both Hamas and Iran it's also
1:51 1:53 designated as a terrorist organization
1:53 1:56 by the US let's see what happens but
1:56 1:58 this could make for an even more
1:58 2:00 complicated war and ominous development
2:00 2:03 Holly Williams thank you so much well
2:03 2:05 the sight of one of the first and
2:05 2:07 deadliest attacks this weekend was at an
2:07 2:09 Israeli Music Festival where thousands
2:09 2:11 of mostly young people were dancing and
2:11 2:14 celebrating with friends before it was
2:14 2:16 over at least 260 people were dead While
2:16 2:19 others are missing believed to have been
2:19 2:21 kidnapped CBS MTS tab spoke with one of
2:21 2:23 the
2:23 2:26 survivors the party was still going as
2:26 2:28 the sun rose over the negtive desert in
2:28 2:31 southern Israel
2:31 2:34 then chaos as heavily armed Hamas gunmen
2:34 2:37 some on paragliders made the festival
2:37 2:39 one of their first targets shooting into
2:39 2:41 the crowd and grabbing as many captives
2:41 2:44 as they could including 25-year-old Noah
2:44 2:47 aramani forced onto the back of a Hamas
2:47 2:48 Gunman's
2:48 2:51 motorcycle her father yakob is desperate
2:51 2:53 for her to return home but says Israel
2:53 2:56 must not do so by
2:56 3:00 force only by peaceful measures he says
3:00 3:02 we need to act with sensitivity let's
3:02 3:05 talk since arani's abduction unverified
3:05 3:07 video apparently shows her being held
3:07 3:10 inside Gaza as the brutal aftermath of
3:10 3:13 hamas's Festival attack is laid bare the
3:13 3:16 remains of at least 260 people have now
3:16 3:18 been recovered according to a rescue
3:18 3:21 Group 22-year-old G Levy barely managed
3:21 3:26 to get out alive we heard the bullets
3:26 3:29 like everybody start running in panic
3:29 3:31 let was shot in both legs and shows us
3:31 3:33 one of the bullets that was removed by
3:33 3:36 surgeons he says he's not sure if he'll
3:36 3:38 ever walk again but they just left us
3:38 3:43 over there I was waiting 6
3:43 3:47 hours so you feel let down by the
3:47 3:49 military by the government feel let down
3:49 3:52 by left down by
3:52 3:56 the by the Army and I was really sure
3:56 3:57 after the guy that came the terrorist
3:57 4:00 they take us they take our phone
4:00 4:05 that that's it I'm going to die
4:05 4:08 in now Israelis try and come to terms
4:08 4:11 with the horror so many have experienced
4:11 4:12 prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has
4:12 4:15 warned tonight a number of Hamas gunmen
4:15 4:19 are still on the loose here inside
4:19 4:21 Israel
4:21 4:25 Nora MTS tab thank you very much and at
4:25 4:28 every turn there is another harrowing
4:28 4:30 Story of Survival tonight we want to
4:30 4:32 introduce you to a mother of three whose
4:32 4:34 neighborhood was overrun by Hamas
4:34 4:37 militants putting her family's life in
4:37 4:39 imminent
4:39 4:42 danger Miry MSA tells us her family
4:42 4:45 barely survived do you have any clothes
4:45 4:48 with you any belongings nothing her home
4:48 4:51 on a kabut 3 miles from Gaza raided by
4:51 4:54 Hamas militants and set on fire what do
4:54 4:56 you think would have happened to you and
4:56 4:59 your family if you had stayed in your
4:59 5:02 apartment burned to death instead Mary
5:02 5:03 her husband and their three children
5:03 5:06 escaped from the second floor window
5:06 5:08 when did you decide that you had to jump
5:08 5:10 we couldn't uh
5:10 5:13 breathe because of the smoke and because
5:13 5:15 of the gas they rushed to a neighbor's
5:15 5:17 bomb shelter where they hid in silence
5:17 5:19 for 7 hours while Hamas terrorists
5:19 5:23 reigned gunfire outside it was very
5:23 5:26 frightening the worst part she says was
5:26 5:29 the sheer Terror of waiting as more than
5:29 5:31 100 mothers from her community texted
5:31 5:33 each other near constant updates she
5:33 5:37 read them to us we have shootings please
5:37 5:38 come help us do you think they were
5:38 5:42 coming to try and kill you of course now
5:42 5:45 in Tel Aviv mie waits to find out more
5:45 5:47 about her neighbors in a community she
5:47 5:52 was born and raised in how is everyone
5:52 5:55 doing we don't know how's everyone doing
5:55 5:57 they didn't finish to clear all the
5:57 6:02 places so uh um until now we didn't uh
6:02 6:07 get a formal H list of uh the people
6:07 6:11 that was uh murdered those who escaped
6:11 6:14 left with just what they could carry as
6:14 6:17 Mary told us they left with absolutely
6:17 6:19 nothing she didn't even have shoes on
6:19 6:21 Barefoot she left her kots with her
6:21 6:24 family now she's here and as you can see
6:24 6:26 the donations are pouring in people need
6:26 6:29 everything from clothes to shoes to to
6:29 6:31 glasses to
6:31 6:34 toys someplace to stay her son is still
6:34 6:36 in the hospital and needs surgery on his
6:36 6:39 foot but doctors can't operate until the
6:39 6:42 swelling goes down her daughters are
6:42 6:44 terrorized I was so scared there was
6:44 6:48 like um sounds outside and they said we
6:48 6:52 we don't feel safe we don't feel
6:52 6:54 safe and we have learned that the
6:54 6:57 reported death toll in Mary's Community
6:57 7:00 is more than 100 people people that is
7:00 7:03 about a tenth of the entire population
7:03 7:04 of her
7:04 7:06 Kuts back in Washington President Biden
7:06 7:09 said today the US is working with
7:09 7:10 Israeli officials to get more
7:10 7:13 information about the 11 Americans who
7:13 7:15 were killed and the many more still
7:15 7:18 acced for cbs's Nancy ctis has new
7:18 7:21 details tonight from the White House
7:21 7:22 President Biden huddled with his
7:22 7:25 National Security team today and spoke
7:25 7:28 with European allies looking for ways to
7:28 7:31 head off a wider conflict this is not a
7:31 7:33 moment for any party hostile to Israel
7:33 7:36 to exploit these attacks to seek
7:36 7:39 Advantage the Pentagon has already begun
7:39 7:42 airlifting Us weapons and Munitions to
7:42 7:45 the Israelis and a carrier strike group
7:45 7:48 six us ships plus Jets has nearly
7:48 7:50 reached the Eastern Mediterranean its
7:50 7:52 goal is to serve as a deterrent to
7:52 7:56 attacks by Hezbollah or Iran the US Army
7:56 7:58 secretary warned today that the Pentagon
7:58 8:01 will require more funding to fully
8:01 8:04 Supply both Israel and Ukraine we need
8:04 8:05 additional support from Congress so I
8:05 8:08 hope we'll see that soon but that's not
8:08 8:10 possible right now because the house is
8:10 8:12 still without a speaker after Kevin
8:12 8:15 McCarthy was voted out last week today
8:15 8:17 McCarthy joined other Republicans
8:17 8:21 blaming Mr Biden for Iran's role in the
8:21 8:24 Hamas attacks the US arranged a prisoner
8:24 8:26 swap with Iran last month that freed up
8:26 8:30 $6 billion in Iranian oil money they are
8:30 8:33 wealthier richer and stronger under this
8:33 8:36 Biden Administration accusations like
8:36 8:38 that Drew Fierce push back from White
8:38 8:40 House officials this money was always
8:40 8:43 earmarked only for humanitarian purposes
8:43 8:45 doesn't go to the Iranian regime it goes
8:45 8:46 through approve vendor right to the
8:46 8:48 Iranian people who we have no beef with
8:48 8:51 she was full of life brandise University
8:51 8:53 Professor Elon troan says his daughter
8:53 8:56 Deborah was among the Americans who lost
8:56 8:58 their lives this weekend she lived with
8:58 9:01 her family on a kabut near the Gaza
9:01 9:05 border she could only say to us that um
9:05 9:07 I hear glass breaking and voices in
9:07 9:10 Arabic and they shooting troan says he
9:10 9:12 was on the phone with his daughter when
9:12 9:15 she and her husband were killed and her
9:15 9:17 16-year-old son shot it was she who
9:17 9:22 saved his life by Design falling on him
9:22 9:24 and the bullet that reached his abdomen
9:24 9:26 came through
9:26 9:29 her with Americans feared to be among
9:29 9:31 the hostages as well President Biden is
9:31 9:33 directing us officials to share
9:33 9:35 intelligence and deploy experts to
9:35 9:38 advise Israel on hostage recovery and
9:38 9:40 those us warships in the Eastern
9:40 9:42 Mediterranean can be used to launch
9:42 9:46 hostage recovery missions as well
9:46 9:48 Nora Nancy corz from the White House
9:48 9:51 thank you tonight as Israel ordered the
9:51 9:54 Complete Siege of the Gaza Strip cbs's
9:54 9:56 Charlie Daga takes a look at the history
9:56 10:00 of Hamas and their well planned terror
10:00 10:04 attack even before sweeping to power in
10:04 10:08 Gaza in 2007 Hamas had sworn to the
10:08 10:11 obliteration of Israel the territory has
10:11 10:14 been sealed off since 2005 by Egypt and
10:14 10:17 Israel because of fears of attack Gaza
10:17 10:20 is a strip of land roughly twice the
10:20 10:23 size of Washington DC bordering Israel
10:23 10:26 and Egypt with a population of 2.3
10:26 10:28 million people it's one of the most
10:28 10:31 densely packed regions in the world
10:31 10:33 residents call it the world's largest
10:33 10:36 open air prison and while many who live
10:36 10:39 there may not support Hamas they pay the
10:39 10:42 heaviest price for a Relentless conflict
10:42 10:45 that has raged for decades the US
10:45 10:48 designated terror group has the backing
10:48 10:51 of Iran and the Iranian backed islamist
10:51 10:53 group Hezbollah in nearby
10:53 10:56 Lebanon Hamas lists among the reasons
10:56 10:59 for the unprecedented attack out breaks
10:59 11:01 of violence at the AL oxa mosque
11:01 11:04 persecution of Palestinians and
11:04 11:07 frustration over the blockade of Gaza
11:07 11:10 but Regional players like Iran may have
11:10 11:13 had a hand in influencing the group to
11:13 11:16 launch a war they might never win
11:16 11:21 Charlie Daga CBS News
11:21 11:24 London back in the US security is being
11:24 11:26 beefed up at embassies and synagogues
11:26 11:28 while protests and rallies of support
11:28 11:29 are taking place from from New York to
11:29 11:32 Los Angeles CBS dri Duncan takes a look
11:32 11:35 at the heightened
11:35 11:38 tensions tonight as attacks continue
11:38 11:39 thousands of miles
11:39 11:44 away emotions in the US are running
11:44 11:46 High dueling demonstrations were held
11:46 11:48 for the second day outside the Israeli
11:48 11:51 consulate in New York City I think
11:51 11:53 they're there just to murder to kill
11:53 11:56 there's boming bombing bombing in their
11:56 11:58 buildings protesters have taken to the
11:58 12:01 streets from coast to coast since
12:01 12:04 Saturday United will never be defeated
12:04 12:06 free
12:06 12:09 free it's a complicated conflict that's
12:09 12:11 left Americans
12:11 12:14 divided tensions boiled over in Fort
12:14 12:16 Lauderdale on Sunday police say one
12:16 12:18 person was arrested but there were no
12:18 12:21 injuries everybody to calmly please exit
12:21 12:23 the building and services at
12:23 12:26 congregation kolami in Salt Lake City
12:26 12:28 were interrupted by a bomb threat anti
12:28 12:31 toeic rhetoric has surged online since
12:31 12:33 the attack but federal law enforcements
12:33 12:36 say there are no credible threats at
12:36 12:37 this
12:37 12:40 time several protesters that I spoke to
12:40 12:42 today on both sides expressed anger and
12:42 12:44 sadness over the attacks many of them
12:44 12:47 saying they expect tensions to get worse
12:47 12:50 moving forward
12:50 12:54 Nora tra Duncan thank you the war is
12:54 12:56 forcing Airlines around the world to
12:56 12:58 shut down travel to and from Israel
12:58 13:03 we've got the details
13:03 13:05 next the attack here in Israel has
13:05 13:07 prompted major US airlines to suspend
13:07 13:10 flights to and from Tel Aviv American
13:10 13:13 United and Delta all canceled flights
13:13 13:14 after the state department issued travel
13:14 13:17 advisories for the region Airlines in
13:17 13:19 Europe and Asia are also putting those
13:19 13:22 flights on hold there was an unusual
13:22 13:25 sight at the space station today we'll
13:25 13:27 explain
13:27 13:31 next
13:31 13:34 about 250 miles above Earth today a
13:34 13:36 coolant leaked briefly causing alarm
13:36 13:38 aboard the International Space Station
13:38 13:40 liquid coolant which appears like
13:40 13:42 snowflakes in space leaked from a
13:42 13:44 radiator in the Russian portion of the
13:44 13:47 space station crew members are not in
13:47 13:50 any danger we'll have our Reflections
13:50 13:53 from Israel when we come
13:53 13:57 back finally tonight we end where we
13:57 14:00 started in a region used to Air Raid
14:00 14:03 Sirens but many we spoke to here say
14:03 14:06 this time is different it's scarier it's
14:06 14:08 deadlier and it's leaving not just the
14:08 14:11 region but the world on edge the streets
14:11 14:13 in major cities like Jerusalem and Tel
14:13 14:16 Aviv quiet usually bustling but now
14:16 14:19 barely a soul the further south you go
14:19 14:21 it's the sound of rockets and wailing
14:21 14:24 from both Israelis and Palestinians who
14:24 14:27 have lost loved ones including children
14:27 14:29 who really should be playing in this
14:29 14:32 playground and not witnessing all the
14:32 14:35 Bloodshed that is tonight's CBS Evening
14:35 14:37 News I'm Nora odonnell reporting tonight
14:37 14:40 from Tel Aviv we'll see you tomorrow
14:40 14:46 good
14:46 14:46 night