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nbc nn 231010 nbc nighlty news ; Lester Holt anchors from Tel Aviv with our coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. We have details on Israel intensifying its retaliation after the massive Hamas terror attack, Iran’s potential role in the conflict, and more..

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 11.
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0:00 0:02 tonight our special coverage from Israel
0:02 0:05 as President Biden says at least 14
0:05 0:07 Americans are among the dead here and
0:07 0:09 confirms Americans are being held
0:09 0:12 hostage by Hamas the port city of Gaza
0:12 0:15 inflames after Israeli strikes as Hamas
0:15 0:16 fires hundreds of rockets at the
0:16 0:19 southern city of ashalon President Biden
0:19 0:21 before the cameras today saying the US
0:21 0:23 stands with Israel and condemning the
0:23 0:26 quote sheer evil of Hamas the White
0:26 0:28 House revealing 20 or more Americans are
0:28 0:31 unaccounted for after the terror attacks
0:31 0:34 as Hamas threatens to kill hostages and
0:34 0:36 the families we've met here desperate
0:36 0:38 for any word on their missing loved ones
0:38 0:40 the Israeli death toll now over a
0:40 0:43 thousand in Gaza some 900 dead harrowing
0:43 0:45 new images from inside the Israeli
0:45 0:47 Community where some of the worst
0:47 0:50 violence occurred men women and children
0:50 0:52 slaughtered and the bodies of Hamas
0:52 0:54 terrorists still lying in the streets
0:54 0:56 the danger here constant the moment we
0:56 0:59 heard the air raid siren leaving our van
0:59 1:01 to take show Shier in a bunker and the
1:01 1:03 desperate need at a hospital we visited
1:03 1:07 long lines to donate blood and just in
1:07 1:09 the US Carrier Group arriving in the
1:09 1:11 region and the warning to Iran did it
1:11 1:14 have a role in the attacks also back
1:14 1:16 home the breaking news the new charges
1:16 1:17 just announced against embattled
1:17 1:20 Congressman George Santos our special
1:20 1:23 edition of Nightly News begins
1:23 1:27 now this is NBC Nightly News with Lester
1:27 1:32 Holt reporting tonight live from
1:32 1:34 Israel good evening and welcome from
1:34 1:36 Israel where Hamas Rockets once again
1:36 1:39 flew overhead toward Israel siren
1:39 1:41 sounding sending many of us into
1:41 1:43 shelters and reminding that Hamas is
1:43 1:45 still pressing its deadly attack pain of
1:45 1:48 the terror assault being felt far beyond
1:48 1:50 Israel tonight President Biden
1:50 1:52 confirming in addition to 14 Americans
1:52 1:55 de 20 or more are missing tonight I
1:55 1:57 speak to Americans here who are
1:57 1:59 demanding the Biden Administration take
1:59 2:01 responsib ibility for finding and
2:01 2:04 securing the freedom of their loved ones
2:04 2:05 tonight here in the region the death
2:05 2:08 toll is rising to a thousand in Israel
2:08 2:11 900 in Gaza Israel making good so far
2:11 2:14 and its promise to lay Siege to Gaza
2:14 2:16 cutting off its access routes for many
2:16 2:18 basic necessities early tonight we heard
2:18 2:20 the rumble of what we believed were
2:20 2:23 further Israeli air strikes on Hamas
2:23 2:26 positions Hamas in turn escalating its
2:26 2:28 threats to kill its
2:28 2:31 captives
2:31 2:33 tonight new escalations in this mid East
2:33 2:36 War Israel intensifying its retaliation
2:36 2:39 in Gaza targeting
2:39 2:40 [Music]
2:40 2:43 Hamas which is still firing Rockets into
2:43 2:46 Israel after it Unleashed its massive
2:46 2:49 terror attack and this dramatic newly
2:49 2:51 revealed body cam video showing the
2:51 2:54 fierce firefight Israeli forces rushing
2:54 2:57 to rescue soldiers in southern Israel
2:57 3:00 Saturday after the area was was invaded
3:00 3:03 by Hamas chilling images showing Hamas
3:03 3:06 terrorists killing drivers in their cars
3:06 3:08 then dragging their bodies this
3:08 3:11 disturbing video showing a terrified
3:11 3:14 Israeli concertgoer desperately hiding
3:14 3:17 behind a vehicle as he's executed at
3:17 3:19 Point Blank Range Israeli officials
3:19 3:22 releasing this image of body bags over a
3:22 3:25 100 people killed in the berry caboots
3:25 3:27 while tonight Israeli troops now
3:27 3:29 amassing for a potential ground
3:29 3:32 offensive inside Gaza with President
3:32 3:35 Biden vowing American Support let there
3:35 3:38 be no doubt the United States has
3:38 3:41 Israel's back and Blasting the Carnage
3:41 3:44 Unleashed by Hamas stomach turning
3:44 3:47 reports of being babies being killed
3:47 3:50 entire fam slain women raped assaulted
3:50 3:53 paraded as trophies like every nation in
3:53 3:55 the world Israel has the right to
3:55 3:58 respond indeed has a duty to respond to
3:58 4:00 these vicious attacks
4:00 4:02 still looming the threat by Hamas to
4:02 4:05 start executing over 100 hostages on
4:05 4:09 camera including Americans we now know
4:09 4:11 that American citizens are among those
4:11 4:14 being held by Hamas that's your mom yeah
4:14 4:16 that's my mom but tonight some families
4:16 4:19 of Americans held by Hamas say the Biden
4:19 4:22 Administration is not doing enough Nahar
4:22 4:24 Neta says he's only received one call
4:24 4:27 from the US Embassy since his mother
4:27 4:29 Adrien a nurse born and raised in
4:29 4:32 California was presumed to have been
4:32 4:36 abducted by Hamas I expect those people
4:36 4:39 to act to bring to the release of all
4:39 4:42 the hostages my mom included telling us
4:42 4:44 his siblings were on the phone with her
4:44 4:47 when it happened my brother told me that
4:47 4:50 uh they both heard Kamas terrorist Burg
4:50 4:53 into um the shelter in my
4:53 4:55 mom's
4:55 4:58 home and that was when the conversation
4:58 5:01 was disconnected and this but notably
5:01 5:02 there were no shots heard there were no
5:02 5:04 shots heard yeah so you take some hope
5:04 5:07 in that of course yeah I'm quite
5:07 5:12 confident that if those animals didn't
5:12 5:16 kill her on the first go that she
5:16 5:19 survived and and she's kept hostage in
5:19 5:22 Gaza tonight his whole family is stuck
5:22 5:24 in a nightmare I am
5:24 5:27 confident Mom I'm confident that you're
5:27 5:30 holding on we're waiting for you we love
5:30 5:33 you I know that you're holding
5:33 5:36 on we're waiting for you at home while D
5:36 5:39 tesler fearing for his childhood friend
5:39 5:42 and coworker bar also held hostage by
5:42 5:45 Hamas tonight you hear the bullets you
5:45 5:48 saw left and right and you see people go
5:48 5:51 down and you just want to to survive
5:51 5:53 they were both working security at that
5:53 5:56 music festival in southern
5:56 5:59 Israel helping Rush concert goers away
5:59 6:02 way as Hamas gunman massacred hundreds
6:02 6:05 of people the two friends were separated
6:05 6:08 later he saw this haunting video that's
6:08 6:11 bar being kidnapped by Hamas and then
6:11 6:14 you saw the video yeah and then I saw
6:14 6:16 the video that must have just been
6:16 6:18 devastating
6:18 6:21 yeah it's not just a friend for me it's
6:21 6:23 very good friend his family is like my
6:23 6:26 second family and I I love him like my
6:26 6:29 brother the thinking that I'm here and
6:29 6:32 he's there it's it's killing me from the
6:32 6:34 inside he says he hid in the woods for
6:34 6:37 hours and was able to escape there was
6:37 6:39 no question they were hunting people
6:39 6:41 yeah they meant to kill people yeah
6:41 6:43 they're looking for people to
6:43 6:46 kill meanwhile Israelis are coping with
6:46 6:49 the danger here 24 hours a day from
6:49 6:52 Hamas
6:52 6:55 Rockets with air raid sounding we left
6:55 6:58 our van heading into a shelter we rushed
6:58 6:59 into a shelter we were driving down the
6:59 7:01 street the sirens went off and then it
7:01 7:03 was about a minute minute and a half
7:03 7:05 we're beginning to hear
7:05 7:07 impacts while inside Gaza tonight
7:07 7:10 Israel's bombardment is
7:10 7:13 ongoing the Palestinian death toll
7:13 7:16 rising from Israeli retaliation strikes
7:16 7:18 entire buildings
7:18 7:21 flattened my brother was killed she says
7:21 7:24 if we stay in our houses we die if we go
7:24 7:28 on the streets we die I can't handle
7:28 7:31 more back in Israel I visited a hospital
7:31 7:33 this is what a country at War looks like
7:33 7:35 thousands have lined up at the central
7:35 7:37 Tel Aviv hospital to donate blood for
7:37 7:39 many it's a recognition of a belief that
7:39 7:43 more Dark Days lie ahead so many telling
7:43 7:46 me Israel is united in the face of
7:46 7:50 Terror the cader between Israeli people
7:50 7:52 is um
7:52 7:55 unparalleled even a tourist from France
7:55 7:57 it's pretty amazing that you're you're
7:57 7:59 not from here you're French
7:59 8:02 and yet you came to give blood yeah sure
8:02 8:08 it's nothing they do so much for us to
8:08 8:11 be sure that we have a country where we
8:11 8:13 can feel free and I met this Israeli
8:13 8:16 soldier wounded by Hamas gunman after
8:16 8:18 they poured into Israel Saturday and
8:18 8:20 they're coming across the border yeah
8:20 8:22 and they're running towards Israel like
8:22 8:25 there were like 20 terrorist stack on us
8:25 8:28 on our tank do you worry about your
8:28 8:30 fellow soldiers who have been
8:30 8:33 captured of course any civilian that got
8:33 8:36 captured my prayers are for them I it's
8:36 8:39 terrible from someone who was there and
8:39 8:41 says he is eager to rejoin the fight for
8:41 8:45 his countrymen as soon as he is able
8:45 8:47 Israeli troops are still trying to
8:47 8:49 secure towns near the border with Gaza
8:49 8:51 where Hamas carried out their deadly
8:51 8:54 Terror attacks a grim task that Richard
8:54 8:56 angle witnessed
8:56 8:59 today Israeli troops are still trying to
8:59 9:02 secure the country 4 days after the
9:02 9:04 worst terror attack in Israel's history
9:04 9:06 and today moved into the village of
9:06 9:10 kafar Aza on the border with Gaza Hamas
9:10 9:14 massacred dozens of Israeli civilians
9:14 9:18 here the area is not yet
9:18 9:20 secure this is the first time
9:20 9:22 journalists have been allowed
9:22 9:25 in Israeli troops are still clearing
9:25 9:27 this kabut they fear that there might
9:27 9:28 still be Hamas Fighters hidden in some
9:28 9:34 of these
9:34 9:36 buildings it's a slow and Dangerous
9:36 9:39 Mission as the soldiers go through every
9:39 9:41 room double and triple
9:41 9:44 checking all the residents are gone
9:44 9:47 either evacuated killed or kidnapped
9:47 9:50 there are still bodies everywhere the
9:50 9:53 Israelis in body bags Hamas gunmen were
9:53 9:56 left rotting where they fell next to the
9:56 9:58 flags they brought to declare
9:58 10:03 victory
10:03 10:05 and these were the homes that the Hamas
10:05 10:07 militants were going through you can see
10:07 10:10 all the doors windows are broken
10:10 10:14 in it was like each one suffered a home
10:14 10:16 invasion and
10:16 10:18 kidnapping as the troops kept searching
10:18 10:20 they discovered the remains of an
10:20 10:22 elderly woman they wrapped her in a
10:22 10:25 plastic tarp adding one more to the
10:25 10:29 death toll Sergeant DOL shishe porti is
10:29 10:31 a civil engineer now on an open-ended
10:31 10:33 combat Mission what is it like for you
10:33 10:35 to see this it's horrible actually I
10:35 10:36 live 10 minutes from
10:36 10:40 here by mistake I didn't do the uh the
10:40 10:42 weekend here what do you think needs to
10:42 10:43 happen
10:43 10:47 now we need to uh I don't know to change
10:47 10:50 this uh reality we live like this for
10:50 10:52 years kafar RAB is only one Israeli
10:52 10:55 Community where Hamas went on a killing
10:55 10:57 spree today we saw new images from the
10:57 11:00 nearby Village of beer where more than a
11:00 11:03 hundred men women and children were
11:03 11:06 executed Hamas says it trained for over
11:06 11:08 a year for all of this and today
11:08 11:10 released new footage which the group
11:10 11:12 edited and blurred of the militant
11:12 11:14 streaming through holes in the Border
11:14 11:18 fence and flying over it and Hamas isn't
11:18 11:21 finished yet the militants today
11:21 11:25 launched hundreds of rockets into
11:25 11:27 Israel we took cover in a
11:27 11:31 shelter this is happening in Israel
11:31 11:33 every single
11:33 11:36 day Israel's Iron Dome defense system
11:36 11:39 intercepted nearly all of the
11:39 11:42 Rockets but a few did get
11:42 11:45 through all right Israel has declared
11:45 11:48 war on Hamas and these may only be the
11:48 11:50 first days of it Richard all right we're
11:50 11:52 also getting late details on that phone
11:52 11:54 call between President Biden and prime
11:54 11:57 minister Netanyahu what can you tell
11:57 11:59 us
11:59 12:01 so Israel put out a readout about the
12:01 12:03 call saying that prime minister
12:03 12:06 Netanyahu told President Biden that
12:06 12:09 Hamas is worse than Isis that Hamas
12:09 12:13 beheaded Israeli soldiers and executed
12:13 12:16 dozens of children these are claims we
12:16 12:19 have not independently verified he also
12:19 12:21 said that what is required now is quote
12:21 12:23 a prolonged Campaign which he said
12:23 12:26 Israel will
12:26 12:29 win Richard angle thank you in the death
12:29 12:31 toll is rising as the Israeli military
12:31 12:34 fires back with air strikes rap Sanchez
12:34 12:36 reports many civilians are among the
12:36 12:39 dead in Gaza tonight the scale of
12:39 12:42 Devastation in Gaza coming into full
12:42 12:45 view after 4 days of Israeli retaliation
12:45 12:48 air strikes whole neighborhoods now lie
12:48 12:49 in
12:49 12:52 Ruins and smoke Rising as boats burn in
12:52 12:55 Gaza City Port one missile falling into
12:55 12:58 the sea Israel's military says it's
12:58 13:01 launched more than 2,300 strikes so far
13:01 13:03 in response to the assault mounted by
13:03 13:04 Hamas
13:04 13:07 terrorists tonight Hamas leaders
13:07 13:09 continue to fire Rockets into Israel and
13:09 13:13 hold civilians hostage in Gaza but it's
13:13 13:15 ordinary Palestinians who live under
13:15 13:17 Hamas rule but don't necessarily support
13:17 13:20 the group who often pay the heaviest
13:20 13:22 price digging through the rubble with
13:22 13:26 bare hands gaza's hospitals overwhelmed
13:26 13:30 by the tide of injuries we evu
13:30 13:33 from our houses jumana Shaheen is a
13:33 13:35 young mother her daughter Sophia turns
13:35 13:39 two tomorrow I feel like guilty because
13:39 13:43 I can't even celebrate her birthday with
13:43 13:45 gaza's borders still sealed we were
13:45 13:47 forced to talk over shaky internet when
13:47 13:49 the bombs are falling what do you tell
13:49 13:53 your daughter big car that's old what I
13:53 13:56 can reply to her but she can recognize
13:56 13:58 the sound Israel's defense minister has
13:58 14:01 has ordered a total Siege of the strip
14:01 14:03 cutting off food Fuel and
14:03 14:05 electricity leaving the border with
14:05 14:07 Egypt as gaza's only
14:07 14:10 Lifeline but today Israeli strikes
14:10 14:13 landing near the crossing point and with
14:13 14:15 Israel massing its forces for an
14:15 14:17 expected ground Invasion it's likely to
14:17 14:19 be Palestinian civilians caught in the
14:19 14:22 crossfire now Israel is urging civilians
14:22 14:24 in Gaza to evacuate but their options
14:24 14:26 are very limited the best most people
14:26 14:28 can do is just get out of the neighbor
14:28 14:31 hoods Israel is striking Lester all
14:31 14:33 right rfh Sanz tonight thank you this
14:33 14:35 evening a new denial by Iran that it was
14:35 14:37 involved in the terrorist attack on
14:37 14:39 Israel at the same time Iran's supreme
14:39 14:42 leader prais those behind it Andre
14:42 14:44 Mitchell joins us Andre the US still
14:44 14:46 quite concerned about Iran's potential
14:46 14:48 role exactly Lester tonight the aircraft
14:48 14:50 carrier Gerald R Ford is in the eastern
14:50 14:53 Mediterranean to warn Iran not to widen
14:53 14:55 the war National Security adviser Jake
14:55 14:57 Sullivan says they still don't have
14:57 14:59 proof that Iran was direct directly
14:59 15:01 responsible today Iran's supreme leader
15:01 15:04 the Ayatollah Ki denied Iran was behind
15:04 15:06 the attack claiming that those saying so
15:06 15:09 are wrong but he added we kiss the hands
15:09 15:11 of those who planned the attack and
15:11 15:13 whether Iran ordered the attacks or not
15:13 15:16 most experts agree it's a distinction
15:16 15:18 without a difference Iran has armed and
15:18 15:20 trained Hamas for 30 years and without
15:20 15:24 Iran there would be no Hamas last
15:24 15:27 year Andrea Mitchell thank you President
15:27 15:29 Biden did not min words today as he
15:29 15:31 described the terrorist attacks Peter
15:31 15:33 Alexander is at the White House and
15:33 15:36 Peter this was a strong condemnation ler
15:36 15:38 this was the most forceful we have seen
15:38 15:40 President Biden condemning hamas's
15:40 15:42 attacks comparing their unadulterated
15:42 15:45 evil in his words to Isis the President
15:45 15:47 says that the US is now sending Israel
15:47 15:49 more ammunition and interceptors for its
15:49 15:52 Iron Dome defense system a team of
15:52 15:54 technical experts experienced in hostage
15:54 15:56 recovery is also on its way tonight
15:56 15:59 there to advise the Israeli
15:59 16:01 not to rescue Americans being held we
16:01 16:03 are told the president was direct in his
16:03 16:05 call with prime minister Netanyahu today
16:05 16:07 urging him to protect the lives of
16:07 16:09 Palestinian civilians and tonight we've
16:09 16:11 learned the US is discussing safe
16:11 16:13 passage out of Gaza including for
16:13 16:15 Palestinian Americans through its border
16:15 16:18 with Egypt by the way while all of this
16:18 16:19 was happening the president was
16:19 16:21 interviewed Sunday and Monday by the
16:21 16:23 special counsel Lester investigating his
16:23 16:26 handling of those classified
16:26 16:28 documents all right Peter Alexander
16:28 16:30 right thank you in 60 seconds the chaos
16:30 16:33 in Washington as the house begins a
16:33 16:35 process of selecting a new speaker with
16:35 16:37 Aid to Israel and much more hanging in
16:37 16:42 the balance please stay with
16:42 16:45 us back in the US with chaos in Congress
16:45 16:47 preventing any further aid for Israel
16:47 16:50 from being approved the House GOP met
16:50 16:52 today facing another potentially
16:52 16:54 bruising battle for speaker Garrett H is
16:54 16:57 at the Capitol Garrett Where Do We Stand
16:57 16:59 well ler the process of picking a new
16:59 17:00 speaker beginning tonight in Earnest
17:00 17:02 with Republicans meeting behind closed
17:02 17:04 doors lawmakers hearing pitches tonight
17:04 17:06 from Trump back Judiciary chair Jim
17:06 17:09 Jordan and current House GOP number two
17:09 17:11 Steve scales who survived a politically
17:11 17:14 motivated shooting in 2017 about how
17:14 17:16 they would unite their badly fractured
17:16 17:18 party now without a speaker the house
17:18 17:20 can't pass anything not even a
17:20 17:22 bipartisan resolution supporting Israel
17:22 17:24 something that has the backing of nearly
17:24 17:26 400 lawmakers Republicans are hoping for
17:26 17:29 a floor vote this week on the speaker a
17:29 17:31 timetable that seems very much in
17:31 17:33 question right now
17:33 17:36 Lester Garrett Han thank you up next the
17:36 17:38 new charges just announced against New
17:38 17:40 York Congressman George Santos what he's
17:40 17:42 now accused
17:42 17:45 [Music]
17:45 17:48 of new fraud charges tonight against
17:48 17:50 embattled Congressman George Santos a
17:50 17:52 new Federal indictment accuses the New
17:52 17:54 York Republican of stealing the
17:54 17:56 identities of campaign donors and using
17:56 17:58 their credit cards to make contrib
17:58 18:00 butions to his campaign worth tens of
18:00 18:03 thousands of dollars then transferring
18:03 18:05 some of the money to his personal bank
18:05 18:07 account coming out the Staggering number
18:07 18:10 of lives lost Americans among them some
18:10 18:11 of their stories
18:11 18:19 [Music]
18:19 18:22 next the Tel Aviv Skyline this evening
18:22 18:24 finally The Staggering toll here still
18:24 18:26 growing as we learn more about the
18:26 18:28 victims including the Americans among
18:28 18:30 them here's Kelly
18:30 18:33 Koba for the meni family it's been the
18:33 18:36 longest 4 days holding on to each other
18:36 18:39 and to every bit of hope we are in hell
18:39 18:41 right now that's where we are their two
18:41 18:45 daughters norel 25 and Roya 22 both born
18:45 18:48 in La living in Tel Aviv were at the
18:48 18:50 music festival in the south of Israel
18:50 18:53 where at least 260 people were killed
18:53 18:57 it's either uh they're
18:57 18:59 dead or
18:59 19:01 or there's been no word from nural or
19:01 19:05 Roya since their parents giving DNA
19:05 19:06 praying they're not among the
19:06 19:09 unidentified dead their friend Noah was
19:09 19:12 with them they're just the most lovable
19:12 19:16 people they come in a room and and they
19:16 19:18 just make everybody happy Tamar and
19:18 19:21 Johnny Seaman T lived on a kabut near
19:21 19:23 Gaza with their six-year-old twin
19:23 19:25 daughters and four-year-old son the kids
19:25 19:27 were always happy always jumping always
19:27 19:29 laughing when the attack began they ran
19:29 19:32 for shelter texting friends in Australia
19:32 19:35 that they were safe but Hamas breached
19:35 19:36 their bunker and murdered the whole
19:36 19:39 family to get killed in your house
19:39 19:42 surrounded by your kids it's just it's
19:42 19:44 horrible across the border in Gaza a
19:44 19:47 family of six killed by an Israeli air
19:47 19:49 strike according to defense for children
19:49 19:51 International four children and their
19:51 19:54 parents now dead the youngest was just a
19:54 19:57 year old hayim katsman was a dual
19:57 19:59 American Israeli citizen killed at the
19:59 20:02 Kuts he called home it's very sad
20:02 20:04 because he was a person who wanted and
20:04 20:07 was sympathetic to both Sid haim's mom
20:07 20:09 says he was a promising researcher
20:09 20:12 activist and teacher adding he is sorely
20:12 20:15 missed by all who had the privilege of
20:15 20:18 knowing him tonight so many families in
20:18 20:22 unimaginable pain they are my babies
20:22 20:24 they my
20:24 20:26 babies my
20:26 20:30 babies Kelly TOA NBC News Tel
20:30 20:34 Aviv this is all so tough that's Nightly
20:34 20:35 News for this Tuesday thank you for
20:35 20:37 watching I'm Lester Holt please take
20:37 20:40 care of yourself and each other good
20:40 20:42 [Music]
20:42 20:44 night thanks for watching stay updated
20:44 20:46 about breaking news and top stories on
20:46 20:50 the NBC News app or follow us on social
20:50 20:50 media