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nbc nn 231012 nbc nightly news ; Lester Holt is on the ground in Israel as we continue our coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. We’ll have more details on Secretary of State Blinken’s meeting with Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and new details about H..

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 13.
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0:00 0:02 tonight our special coverage from Israel
0:02 0:05 near the Gaza border as Israeli war
0:05 0:08 planes Target Hamas control territory
0:08 0:10 and the military plans for an allout
0:10 0:13 ground defensive Israeli forces
0:13 0:16 bombarding Gaza as Hamas fires barges of
0:16 0:18 missiles troops massing along the Gaza
0:18 0:20 border ahead of that looming ground
0:20 0:23 defensive the new body cam soldiers
0:23 0:25 firing at Hamas terrorists and freeing
0:25 0:28 hostages inside Gaza knew images of
0:28 0:31 Destruction Israel morning humanitarian
0:31 0:33 Aid will not be let in until all
0:33 0:36 hostages are released also our team
0:36 0:38 going into the music festival grounds
0:38 0:41 where Hamas killed 260 people what they
0:41 0:44 found and as they're inside this moment
0:44 0:46 a man allegedly armed with a knife
0:46 0:48 somehow getting in Israeli troops
0:48 0:51 detaining him also the us moving to
0:51 0:54 block $6 billion Iran was set to receive
0:54 0:57 in a prisoner swap in our one-on-one
0:57 0:59 with Secretary of State Anthony blinkin
0:59 1:00 we ask him about
1:00 1:04 it was that a an acknowledgement that
1:04 1:07 Iran might have been involved in this
1:07 1:10 attack how he answered and what he said
1:10 1:12 about efforts to free Americans held
1:12 1:15 hostage by Hamas and the faces of war
1:15 1:17 the festival goer marking her birthday
1:17 1:20 as a captive of Hamas what her family is
1:20 1:23 asking people around the world to do our
1:23 1:27 special edition of Nightly News begins
1:27 1:31 now this is NBC Nightly news with Lester
1:31 1:36 Holt reporting tonight live from
1:36 1:39 Israel good evening and welcome everyone
1:39 1:40 we'll show you some of what we saw in
1:40 1:43 ashalon closer to Gaza earlier but we
1:43 1:46 start here in Tel Aviv tonight where for
1:46 1:48 six days now the world has watched and
1:48 1:50 waited for the full might of the Israeli
1:50 1:52 response to the horrific attacks
1:52 1:55 inflicted on it anticipated by many to
1:55 1:58 be a massive invasion of the Gaza Strip
1:58 2:00 making good on its promise to destroy
2:00 2:02 Hamas after last Saturday's brutal
2:02 2:05 terrorist Rampage in southern Israel the
2:05 2:09 toll keeps getting worse 1300 in Israel
2:09 2:12 now reported killed more than 1500 lives
2:12 2:14 lost in Gaza as Israel steps up its
2:14 2:18 bombing at least 27 Americans have been
2:18 2:21 killed and the fate of as many as 150
2:21 2:23 hostages including some Americans
2:23 2:26 remains uncertain tonight Secretary of
2:26 2:28 State Anthony blinkin who was here today
2:28 2:31 says the US is doing everything it can
2:31 2:33 to secure their release I pressed him on
2:33 2:36 when when we spoke oneon-one all as the
2:36 2:40 humanitarian crisis in Gaza deepens a UN
2:40 2:44 agency estimates 340,000 Palestinians
2:44 2:46 have been displaced as Israel's air
2:46 2:50 campaign
2:50 2:52 intensifies tonight Israeli air strikes
2:52 2:55 relentlessly bombarding Gaza with a
2:55 2:57 potential ground Invasion looming
2:57 3:01 tensions escalating here for 6 days days
3:01 3:04 now this newly released body camera
3:04 3:06 video from Saturday shows Israeli forces
3:06 3:09 firing at militants and freeing hostages
3:09 3:12 during hamas's attack but perhaps the
3:12 3:14 most disturbing images of this war so
3:14 3:17 far were released today by Israeli Prime
3:17 3:19 Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on social
3:19 3:23 media photos of babies so horrifying
3:23 3:25 that we will not show you Hamas has
3:25 3:27 shown itself to be an enemy of
3:27 3:30 civilization Netanyahu sharing those
3:30 3:32 images with Secretary of State Anthony
3:32 3:35 blinkin who traveled to Israel in a show
3:35 3:38 of support from the US it's
3:38 3:42 simply depravity in the worst imaginable
3:42 3:44 way and secretary blinkin had this
3:44 3:47 emotional moment with a Survivor from
3:47 3:49 the music festival we're strong here
3:49 3:52 we're powerful here in this place now in
3:52 3:58 Tel Aviv and
3:58 4:01 everywhere I sat down with him soon
4:01 4:03 after is there a risk a greater risk of
4:03 4:06 a regional War at this point uh we're
4:06 4:08 determined that there not be uh we
4:08 4:10 deployed the largest aircraft carrier
4:10 4:11 group that we have the Gerald R Ford to
4:11 4:14 the region uh we've taken other steps to
4:14 4:16 make it very clear to anyone who might
4:16 4:17 think of taking advantage of this moment
4:17 4:19 that that would be a big mistake we're
4:19 4:21 working with many other countries in the
4:21 4:23 region countries that may have influence
4:23 4:25 with those who might consider doing
4:25 4:28 something uh to use that influence to to
4:28 4:30 to uh prevent it to avoid it also
4:30 4:32 traveled to the Israeli city of ashalon
4:32 4:35 not far from Gaza ashalon is a virtual
4:35 4:37 ghost town except for a few people we
4:37 4:40 saw at a cafe around us the distant
4:40 4:43 Rumble of explosions air strikes hitting
4:43 4:46 targets inside Gaza and here are just a
4:46 4:48 few miles from the Gaza border evidence
4:48 4:50 of those rocket attacks we've seen so
4:50 4:53 much of the crater here in the street
4:53 4:55 and the shrapnel flying in so many
4:55 4:58 directions destroying this car the
4:58 5:00 people left here now bracing for the
5:00 5:02 next phase of this war many told me they
5:02 5:06 support a ground invasion of Gaza and
5:06 5:08 Must Destroy them completely how will
5:08 5:12 this period be remembered in Israeli
5:12 5:15 history it be remembered as
5:15 5:20 a as a the biggest wakeup call we ever
5:20 5:23 had since the the Holocaust this is the
5:23 5:25 time to act not to talk I met
5:25 5:28 26-year-old Daniel Taran at a local
5:28 5:31 barber shop still giving haircuts a rare
5:31 5:35 relic of Peace time here in your view is
5:35 5:37 it going to be necessary to put Israeli
5:37 5:39 troops on the ground one thing I know
5:39 5:43 for sure that uh this thing called Hamas
5:43 5:47 it's we need to finish them whatever it
5:47 5:50 takes whatever it costs people here are
5:50 5:53 determined to help any way they can this
5:53 5:55 is kind of a citizen relief organization
5:55 5:57 they've been delivering food to troops
5:57 5:58 at the front line I believe they're
5:58 6:00 taking these now to some troops about 15
6:00 6:02 minutes from here but very very close to
6:02 6:05 the Gaza border Sally Schiff is a dual
6:05 6:08 Israeli American citizen if I was young
6:08 6:10 enough and I was able enough I would be
6:10 6:12 joining that Army and I think everybody
6:12 6:14 here everybody here would be doing the
6:14 6:17 same thing we don't fear War we want
6:17 6:20 peace but they're not giving us peace
6:20 6:22 Israeli forces say they have already
6:22 6:25 dropped more than 6,000 bombs on Gaza
6:25 6:28 with power cut off hospitals are chaotic
6:28 6:30 and overwhelmed
6:30 6:32 Israel vowing no humanitarian Aid will
6:32 6:35 be allowed into Gaza until all hostages
6:35 6:38 are released meanwhile 14 Americans
6:38 6:42 remain unaccounted for 27 now confirmed
6:42 6:45 dead including Adrian Netta I met her
6:45 6:48 son Nahar earlier this week holding out
6:48 6:52 hope his mom would be found alive I am
6:52 6:55 confident Mom I'm confident that you're
6:55 6:58 holding on we're waiting for you we love
6:58 7:02 you tonight another family torn apart by
7:02 7:03 this
7:03 7:06 war on both sides of the Border a sense
7:06 7:08 a ground war is imminent Israel's
7:08 7:10 military massing while in Gaza which is
7:10 7:13 roughly the size of Philadelphia but
7:13 7:15 with a third more people there is no way
7:15 7:18 out Richard angle is near the border
7:18 7:22 tonight com coming there's an air war in
7:22 7:25 Gaza tonight with Hamas firing barrages
7:25 7:28 of rockets toward Israel to little
7:28 7:31 effect Israel's Iron Dome missile
7:31 7:33 defense system launching tiny
7:33 7:35 projectiles at supersonic speed
7:35 7:38 intercepting and destroying nearly all
7:38 7:39 of
7:39 7:42 them Israel's air strikes are not being
7:42 7:46 stopped they're slamming into
7:46 7:50 Gaza where there are no air
7:50 7:52 defenses the United Nations is sounding
7:52 7:54 the alarm of a growing humanitarian
7:54 7:57 crisis human rights groups are calling
7:57 7:59 for civilians to be allowed to leave and
7:59 8:03 for Aid to enter the 139 square mile
8:03 8:05 territory that's home to 2 million
8:05 8:10 Palestinians 40% of them under 15 Israel
8:10 8:12 says it will keep attacking Gaza until
8:12 8:15 Hamas is destroyed the Israeli military
8:15 8:17 says it only targets
8:17 8:19 Hamas but what about the Children
8:19 8:22 Medical officials say more than 1500
8:22 8:25 Palestinians have been killed and 6,000
8:25 8:27 wounded and those numbers could grow
8:27 8:30 quickly Israel's military is amassing
8:30 8:34 tanks and troops along the border with
8:34 8:37 Gaza it's Chief of Staff saying now it
8:37 8:39 is time for war and that the head of
8:39 8:41 Hamas and all those who operate under
8:41 8:45 him deserve to die 22-year-old police
8:45 8:48 alad lives in Gaza the media is barely
8:48 8:49 covering covering any news because of
8:49 8:51 the situation there is no electricity
8:51 8:54 there is no connection like Israelis are
8:54 8:56 literally bombing everywhere nowhere is
8:56 8:58 safe these words life in Gaza right now
8:58 9:01 they don't make any sense to any gin Liv
9:01 9:03 living in here because we don't know
9:03 9:04 what does the word live mean we're
9:04 9:07 expecting death at any minute we're
9:07 9:09 expecting that the whole like Gaza Strip
9:09 9:11 will be erased at any minute the Gaza
9:11 9:14 Strip is bordered by Israel the
9:14 9:17 Mediterranean Sea and Egypt all exits
9:17 9:20 are closed and blocked refugees are not
9:20 9:23 streaming out this isn't Ukraine no one
9:23 9:26 is taking in the people of Gaza we
9:26 9:28 couldn't handle this amount of injuries
9:28 9:32 and and um it's just heartbreaking Dr
9:32 9:35 Sarah alaka is a Palestinian surgeon
9:35 9:37 based in Gaza she says she's working
9:37 9:40 24-hour shifts and when she can is
9:40 9:42 posting to social media to show
9:42 9:45 conditions there no one can leave Gaza
9:45 9:48 no one can enter Gaza there is no
9:48 9:51 Crossing Borders nothing left for anyone
9:51 9:56 to do it's a a huge big cage that we are
9:56 10:00 that we are trapped inside and someone
10:00 10:02 from outside is just keep on
10:02 10:05 bombing non-stop bombing and there is
10:05 10:08 nowhere else to go Israel says it had no
10:08 10:11 choice but to attack to disarm and deter
10:11 10:14 Hamas after more than 1,500 gunmen
10:14 10:17 stormed into Israel butchered entire
10:17 10:20 families desecrated their bodies killed
10:20 10:23 at least 1300 Jews and took hostages
10:23 10:26 including children and the elderly
10:26 10:29 Israel's reprisal is underway tonight it
10:29 10:31 is massive intensifying and could
10:31 10:33 trigger a regional
10:33 10:35 War Richard I've been watching your
10:35 10:37 camera feet out of the corner of my eye
10:37 10:39 you're by the Gaza border and it looks
10:39 10:41 quite active there tonight yes Lester
10:41 10:43 Israel is continuing to carry out air
10:43 10:46 strikes into the Gaza Strip all night
10:46 10:48 and we know that there are between 5 and
10:48 10:51 600 Palestinian Americans in Gaza and
10:51 10:53 that negotiations are underway with the
10:53 10:56 US Israel and Egypt to evacuate them and
10:56 10:58 based on what we see here they are an
10:58 11:01 imminent danger
11:01 11:04 Lester Richard angle thank you and
11:04 11:06 tonight we're getting a devastating
11:06 11:07 firsthand look at the side of that music
11:07 11:10 festival where more than 250 people were
11:10 11:13 killed by Hamas Raph Sanchez reports on
11:13 11:18 a Night of Joy interrupted by
11:18 11:21 Terror the sun was Rising but the music
11:21 11:22 played
11:22 11:25 on 3 and a half thousand young people at
11:25 11:27 the Supernova Music Festival dancing
11:27 11:30 into the early hours
11:30 11:33 at first moments of
11:33 11:37 confusion and then sheer Terror heavily
11:37 11:40 armed Hamas gunman closing in from all
11:40 11:43 sides some joining a desperate Stampede
11:43 11:45 across the
11:45 11:49 fields others hiding and praying for
11:49 11:52 rescue I saw a group of girls in the car
11:52 11:54 just so afraid to get out and I I
11:54 11:56 realized that if if they going to stay
11:56 11:58 there they're going to get killed so it
11:58 12:01 just take them and scream at them just
12:01 12:04 run so fast is because I understand that
12:04 12:06 if the people that get freeze they're
12:06 12:07 going to
12:07 12:11 die more than 260 people killed in a
12:11 12:14 massacre that went on for
12:14 12:18 hours others kidnapped and dragged into
12:18 12:21 Gaza today we walked to the ghostly site
12:21 12:23 ourselves this was a place of Music
12:23 12:26 place of Joy a place of dancing and now
12:26 12:28 there is just a deathly deathly silence
12:28 12:29 here
12:29 12:33 people had been making art they were
12:33 12:35 expressing themselves and many of the
12:35 12:37 people here are likely to have lost
12:37 12:40 their lives we walked among the rans
12:40 12:42 sacked suitcases personal documents and
12:42 12:45 an empty bar still lined with half
12:45 12:46 finish
12:46 12:49 bottles the silence briefly shattered
12:49 12:51 Israeli troops are running to the other
12:51 12:53 side of the festival we've heard gunfire
12:53 12:56 it seems like somebody has come in this
12:56 12:58 Palestinian man carrying a knife
12:58 12:59 according to the Israeli military had
12:59 13:01 somehow entered the grounds he was
13:01 13:05 quickly detained with the site so vast
13:05 13:07 Israeli authorities struggled to collect
13:07 13:09 all the bodies Aria Ricardo's family
13:09 13:12 waiting four agonizing days before she
13:12 13:15 was confirmed dead and for the Israeli
13:15 13:17 military the festival site today Echoes
13:17 13:20 with painful questions there are so many
13:20 13:23 families across Israel asking where was
13:23 13:25 the Army why didn't they stop this what
13:25 13:27 do you tell those families I tell them
13:27 13:29 it's the responsibil
13:29 13:31 of the army it's the responsibility of
13:31 13:34 the arm of the army for the intelligence
13:34 13:36 it's our responsibility to guard the
13:36 13:39 people of Israel we failed on Saturday
13:39 13:43 this is our responsibility but now we're
13:43 13:45 fighting fighting to make sure what
13:45 13:49 happened here never happens again and
13:49 13:50 rap tonight we're hearing reports of a
13:50 13:53 shooting in
13:53 13:55 Jerusalem that's right ler Israeli
13:55 13:57 police say a terrorist armed with a
13:57 14:00 submachine gun shot sh and wounded two
14:00 14:02 officers and that's raising fears that
14:02 14:03 the violence in Gaza could spread to
14:03 14:07 Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank
14:07 14:10 Lester all right Raph Sanchez thank you
14:10 14:12 with 27 Americans dead and more than a
14:12 14:15 dozen missing America's top Diplomat
14:15 14:18 came to Israel to reassure families I
14:18 14:19 spoke to Secretary of State Anthony
14:19 14:22 blinkin about the stakes of Israel's
14:22 14:23 growing war
14:23 14:25 effort Mr secretary you and the
14:25 14:28 president have made clear the US has
14:28 14:30 Israel's back during this time is there
14:30 14:32 a limit to that support especially as we
14:32 14:35 lean toward what could be the beginning
14:35 14:37 of a ground war that's true what we've
14:37 14:40 seen here is is something to most of us
14:40 14:44 almost unimaginable I think there's a
14:44 14:45 both an absolute revulsion at what we've
14:45 14:48 seen and also a determination to stand
14:48 14:50 strongly against it so we stand with
14:50 14:52 Israel it has not only a right but I
14:52 14:54 think an obligation to take the the
14:54 14:56 steps necessary to defend its people and
14:56 14:58 also to ensure to the best of its
14:58 15:00 ability that this can't happen again you
15:00 15:02 haven't discussed any red lines with
15:02 15:05 prime minister Netanyahu we are talking
15:05 15:08 to them about their their plans how they
15:08 15:10 proposed to proceed but I'm not going to
15:10 15:12 get into any of the operational details
15:12 15:15 uh and again we're determined to support
15:15 15:16 them you had a chance to meet with
15:16 15:18 Americans who have loved ones who are
15:18 15:21 missing many of them presumed kidnapped
15:21 15:22 I've had conversations with many of
15:22 15:24 those same folks they want their
15:24 15:26 government to stand up and take
15:26 15:28 responsibility and find these folks and
15:28 15:30 bring them safely home what Assurance
15:30 15:32 can you give them first Lester and you
15:32 15:34 know this from talking to some of these
15:34 15:37 families no one can fully put themselves
15:37 15:39 in in their shoes no one can know what
15:39 15:41 this experience is like we are doing
15:41 15:43 everything we can to secure the freedom
15:43 15:45 of those who've been been taken hostage
15:45 15:47 I also asked secretary blinkin about
15:47 15:49 news today that the US and cutter have
15:49 15:52 agreed to deny Iran's access to $6
15:52 15:55 billion which was due to be released as
15:55 15:57 part of a recent prisoner swap was that
15:57 16:01 a an acknowledgement that Iran might
16:01 16:03 have been involved in this attack well
16:03 16:06 two things here first when it comes to
16:06 16:10 uh Iran and its it's possible
16:10 16:12 involvement Iran's had a long
16:12 16:14 relationship with Hamas uh Hamas
16:14 16:15 wouldn't be Hamas without the support
16:15 16:18 over many many years from Iran when it
16:18 16:20 comes to this specific attack in this
16:20 16:22 moment we don't have direct evidence
16:22 16:24 that U Iran was involved in the attack
16:24 16:27 either in planning it or carrying it out
16:27 16:29 but that that could change now when it
16:29 16:31 comes to $6 billion it's important to be
16:31 16:33 very clear because unfortunately some
16:33 16:35 people are either misinformed or they're
16:35 16:38 misinforming uh the money in question
16:38 16:41 Iranian money not American taxpayer
16:41 16:43 dollars is money that was allowed to
16:43 16:45 acrew in a bank account from the sale of
16:45 16:47 Iranian oil what we did is we moved the
16:47 16:51 money from one account uh in South Korea
16:51 16:52 to another account in cter where the
16:52 16:54 money could actually be used but under
16:54 16:55 the supervision of our Treasury
16:55 16:57 Department only for humanitarian
16:57 16:59 purposes and not a dollar of that money
16:59 17:02 has been spent to date and we retain the
17:02 17:05 right to freeze that account in 60
17:05 17:06 seconds breaking news in the case of
17:06 17:10 Elijah mlan how a jury ruled against two
17:10 17:12 police officers
17:12 17:14 next and now to some breaking news in
17:14 17:17 the case of the death of Elijah mlan Aon
17:17 17:20 mcglaughlin joins me with late details
17:20 17:23 Erin that's right Lester a jury has
17:23 17:25 returned a split verdict in the case
17:25 17:27 against two Aurora Colorado police
17:27 17:29 officers chared chared with 23-year-old
17:29 17:32 Elijah McLean's death in 2019 one
17:32 17:34 officer was found guilty of criminally
17:34 17:37 negligent Reckless homicide and third
17:37 17:39 degree murder the second officer was
17:39 17:41 acquitted of all counts the officers
17:41 17:43 were charged after Nationwide protests
17:43 17:45 following the death of mlan who was
17:45 17:47 stomped by police walking home from a
17:47 17:49 convenience store police had gotten a
17:49 17:51 call about a suspicious man wearing a
17:51 17:53 mask he died after police tackled him
17:53 17:56 placed him in a neckhold and EMS sedated
17:56 17:58 him with ketamine prior to the the trial
17:58 18:00 and independent investigation found the
18:00 18:02 officers involved never identified a
18:02 18:05 crime mlan was suspected of committing
18:05 18:07 and that the EMS responders gave him a
18:07 18:09 grossly inaccurate and inflated amount
18:09 18:11 of ketamine two paramedics are also
18:11 18:13 charged McLean's death their trial is
18:13 18:16 slated for November
18:16 18:19 Lester we're back with more right after
18:19 18:22 this I'm Garrett hake in Washington with
18:22 18:24 some breaking news House Majority Leader
18:24 18:26 Steve scales is withdrawing from the
18:26 18:28 search to be the next Speaker of the
18:28 18:30 House just one day after receiving the
18:30 18:32 Republican nomination for the job which
18:32 18:34 has been vacant now for nine days since
18:34 18:37 the aser of Kevin McCarthy scalise told
18:37 18:39 reporters tonight that he saw no path to
18:39 18:42 getting to the 217 votes necessary to
18:42 18:44 win the speakership on the floor and
18:44 18:46 accused some members of his own party of
18:46 18:47 putting their interest above the
18:47 18:49 countries the search for the next
18:49 18:52 speaker will continue Nightly News will
18:52 18:57 be right
18:57 18:59 back
18:59 19:01 finally the story of the last week here
19:01 19:03 in Israel and in Gaza is written on the
19:03 19:05 faces of those who have lived through it
19:05 19:07 and those who are being remembered
19:07 19:09 here's Kelly
19:09 19:13 Koba Noah aramani turned 26 today her
19:13 19:16 family posting this picture not the
19:16 19:19 horrifying image from 6 days ago of Noah
19:19 19:24 being kidnapped from the Supernova Music
19:24 19:27 Festival what's happening with her how
19:27 19:29 is she living how is coping her father
19:29 19:32 asks they're the images of War shielding
19:32 19:35 children from rockets in Israel and
19:35 19:36 trying to comfort them from bombs in
19:36 19:40 Gaza the smallest victims hurt scared
19:40 19:43 and those who couldn't be saved parents
19:43 19:46 grieving at the funeral of a 23-year-old
19:46 19:48 Soldier killed while battling Hamas
19:48 19:51 militants an 85-year-old grandmother
19:51 19:53 held hostage and paraded through the
19:53 19:57 streets she's strong she's a strong lady
19:57 19:58 in Gaza
19:58 20:01 images of homes crumbling and already
20:01 20:04 destroyed charg shelters in Israel
20:04 20:07 bullet holes in a kindergarten window
20:07 20:10 Nathan kenning has seen even worse
20:10 20:12 recovering bodies from
20:12 20:15 kabut we couldn't believe the horror we
20:15 20:19 were seeing he says today Noah's family
20:19 20:22 doesn't want to see the horror they sang
20:22 20:24 had cake and asked the world to spread
20:24 20:28 the message # happppy birthday Noah and
20:28 20:30 Jerusalem at the Western Wall mourners
20:30 20:33 creating a new image lighting 1300
20:33 20:37 candles for the lives lost Kelly Koba
20:37 20:39 NBC News
20:39 20:42 Jerusalem that's Nightly News for this
20:42 20:44 Thursday thank you for watching everyone
20:44 20:46 I'm Lester Holt please take care of
20:46 20:57 yourself and each other good
20:57 21:00 night thanks for watching stay updated
21:00 21:02 about breaking news and top stories on
21:02 21:06 the NBC News app or follow us on social
21:06 21:06 media