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nbc nn 231020 nbc nightly news ; Our team is covering the latest updates on the Israel-Hamas war as two American hostages were released and more diplomatic efforts are underway to free others.

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 21.
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0:00 0:02 tonight inside the hostage release two
0:02 0:05 Americans now the first to be freed by
0:05 0:08 Hamas as Israel Rees a potential ground
0:08 0:10 Invasion and the church bombed in Gaza
0:10 0:13 the first image of those two Americans
0:13 0:15 an Illinois mother and her 17-year-old
0:15 0:18 daughter now free nearly two weeks after
0:18 0:21 terrorists kidnapped them from a kabut
0:21 0:22 President Biden just speaking to those
0:22 0:25 two women tonight why Hamas says it
0:25 0:27 released them and where they are now the
0:27 0:30 two of them family members of our long
0:30 0:31 time m east correspondent Martin
0:31 0:34 Fletcher what he noticed when he saw
0:34 0:36 that first image of them finally free
0:36 0:38 and what about the more than 200 other
0:38 0:42 hostages Hamas still holds all this as
0:42 0:44 Israeli strikes Hammer Gaza a church
0:44 0:48 Sheltering civilians badly damaged lines
0:48 0:50 of trucks carrying aid for Gaza stranded
0:50 0:53 at the Egypt border what's still holding
0:53 0:55 them up also tonight the House GOP
0:55 0:57 dropping Jim Jordan as their speaker
0:57 1:00 nominee after he loses a third thir vote
1:00 1:03 the chaos and the new candidates jumping
1:03 1:05 in the surprise in court a former lawyer
1:05 1:08 for the Trump campaign pleading guilty
1:08 1:10 in that Georgia election interference
1:10 1:12 case how damaging is it for the former
1:12 1:14 president and the new drama in the New
1:14 1:17 York fraud case the social media post
1:17 1:19 that just cost Donald Trump
1:19 1:22 $5,000 the Urgent Manhunt after a
1:22 1:24 Maryland judge is shot dead at his home
1:24 1:27 the armed and dangerous suspect was he
1:27 1:29 angry with the judge over his divorce
1:29 1:32 and the voices of war the people we've
1:32 1:36 met whose lives are forever
1:36 1:39 changed this is NBC Nightly News with
1:39 1:41 Lester
1:41 1:44 H and good evening I'm Tom yamas in for
1:44 1:46 Lester we begin with a dramatic and
1:46 1:49 positive development in the Israel Hamas
1:49 1:52 War the release of two American hostages
1:52 1:54 a mother and her daughter held by Hamas
1:54 1:57 and Gaza Judith and Natalie ran these
1:57 2:00 are the first hostages to be freed among
2:00 2:02 200 or more captured during that Hamas
2:02 2:05 terrorist attack on Israel almost 2
2:05 2:07 weeks ago moments ago President Biden
2:07 2:09 speaking to those two American women
2:09 2:11 telling them the government will fully
2:11 2:14 support them as they recover they happen
2:14 2:16 to be family members of our longtime
2:16 2:18 foreign correspondent Martin Fletcher he
2:18 2:20 will join us in just a few minutes with
2:20 2:22 the family's reaction and today's
2:22 2:24 hostage release comes as Israel
2:24 2:26 continues its devastating bombing of
2:26 2:29 Gaza considered a Prelude to an expected
2:29 2:32 large Gale ground Invasion an air strike
2:32 2:34 hitting a Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza
2:34 2:37 City late yesterday at least 16 people
2:37 2:39 reported killed the big question tonight
2:39 2:42 will more hostages be released and will
2:42 2:44 Israel delay that ground campaign it all
2:44 2:46 comes as vital humanitarian assistance
2:46 2:49 fuel food water remain stalled at the
2:49 2:52 border between Egypt and Gaza you see it
2:52 2:54 right here we start tonight with Chief
2:54 2:56 foreign correspondent Richard Engel on
2:56 2:59 the American hostages just freed tonight
2:59 3:02 their finally free and safe in Israel
3:02 3:04 the first hostages released by Hamas and
3:04 3:07 a top negotiator directly involved tells
3:07 3:10 NBC News hopefully it's just the start
3:10 3:13 Judith Tai ranun and her 17-year-old
3:13 3:15 daughter Natalie shoshana ranun are
3:15 3:18 American Israelis Natalie just graduated
3:18 3:21 high school they live outside Chicago
3:21 3:23 Hamas released a video of What appears
3:23 3:25 to be the group handing over the
3:25 3:27 hostages to the Red Cross they were
3:27 3:30 taken hostage while visiting family at
3:30 3:32 the nahal Kuts near the Gaza Strip I
3:32 3:35 can't speak to the condition of the two
3:35 3:37 hostages who were just released uh first
3:37 3:39 out of respect for their privacy uh
3:39 3:41 second because we haven't had a chance
3:41 3:43 yet maybe it's happening as we speak to
3:43 3:45 get our own team uh in there to uh to
3:45 3:48 see them to uh to evaluate them and most
3:48 3:50 importantly uh to U reunite them with
3:50 3:52 their loved ones the release was first
3:52 3:54 announced by the Hamas military
3:54 3:56 spokesman who said the group freed the
3:56 3:58 mother and daughter for humanitarian
3:58 4:00 reasons and to to disprove what he
4:00 4:03 called false and baseless claims about
4:03 4:05 the group by President
4:05 4:08 Biden earlier today there were signs
4:08 4:10 that negotiations were making progress
4:10 4:12 when Israel confirmed that of the more
4:12 4:16 than 200 hostages the majority are still
4:16 4:19 alive and in Gaza Israel said 20 are
4:19 4:23 under 18 and between 10 and 20 are over
4:23 4:26 60 it's a strong indication Israel has
4:26 4:28 received proof of life and that
4:28 4:30 information is flowing
4:30 4:32 Hamas is under pressure in Gaza from
4:32 4:35 Israeli air strikes and from Arab
4:35 4:38 mediators to release the
4:38 4:41 hostages on Monday the group posted a
4:41 4:43 video of a woman and made an offer to
4:43 4:46 release foreign hostages a senior Hamas
4:46 4:49 official then told NBC News the group is
4:49 4:51 willing to release all civilians and
4:51 4:54 dual Nationals with a condition we are
4:54 4:57 ready to release uh all the civilians
4:57 5:00 including the foreigners all of the
5:00 5:03 civilians including the Israeli
5:03 5:07 civilians including the I'm sorry you
5:07 5:09 are you can I just clarify this you say
5:09 5:10 you're willing to release all of the
5:10 5:13 civilians including the Israeli
5:13 5:15 Nationals if there is a stopping
5:15 5:17 including the Israeli civilians and all
5:17 5:18 the foreigners do you want the air
5:18 5:21 strikes to stop is that the
5:21 5:25 condition stop the aggression how can we
5:25 5:27 technically logistically it is
5:27 5:29 impossible to do it so that our our
5:29 5:31 viewers might hear that and say that
5:31 5:33 this offer doesn't mean anything that if
5:33 5:35 you're not willing to carry it out then
5:35 5:37 it doesn't mean
5:37 5:40 anything how well if you stop the
5:40 5:42 aggression it can be implemented over
5:42 5:44 the next hour Israel never stopped
5:44 5:46 bombing and there's no sign it's willing
5:46 5:49 to Israel is continuing its military
5:49 5:52 buildup around Gaza ahead of a possible
5:52 5:54 ground Invasion and the air strikes have
5:54 5:56 been Relentless Israel says it's
5:56 5:58 targeting and killing Hamas leaders but
5:58 6:00 neighborhoods are being flattened and
6:00 6:03 civilians are dying today they were
6:03 6:06 funerals for 16 Palestinian Christians
6:06 6:08 they were taking shelter in a church in
6:08 6:10 Gaza damaged by an Israeli air strike
6:10 6:13 Israel confirmed it attacked what it
6:13 6:15 called a Hamas command center near the
6:15 6:17 church and says the church itself wasn't
6:17 6:20 a Target we're living a nightmare I'd
6:20 6:24 say um I hope that this ends very
6:24 6:27 soon anger across the Arab world is
6:27 6:31 growing and Hamas is gaining popularity
6:31 6:33 today in the West Bank near Jerusalem we
6:33 6:36 attended a protest nearly all of the
6:36 6:39 cheers were in support of Hamas anger is
6:39 6:40 growing here in the West Bank these are
6:40 6:43 Hamas supporters and they say they must
6:43 6:44 fight back against Israel they are
6:44 6:46 calling for attacks and they're calling
6:46 6:49 for them to start right now calls for
6:49 6:51 violence against Israel and the United
6:51 6:53 States are spreading in the Middle East
6:53 6:56 America's allies in the region fear a
6:56 6:58 wider War could be coming but tonight
6:58 7:01 for one family there's enormous relief
7:01 7:04 and perhaps hope for others Richard
7:04 7:06 joins us live tonight from Jerusalem
7:06 7:08 Richard we don't know yet exactly how
7:08 7:09 this deal came together
7:09 7:12 correct uh we do not and we don't know
7:12 7:14 what Hamas might be asking for in
7:14 7:16 private it's in the past it's asked for
7:16 7:19 the release of Palestinian prisoners but
7:19 7:21 we do know that qar was deeply involved
7:21 7:23 qar has excellent relations with the
7:23 7:25 United States there are US troops based
7:25 7:28 there and it has relations with Hamas
7:28 7:30 putting it in a very unique position to
7:30 7:33 be a mediator
7:33 7:35 Tom Richard Engle leading us off tonight
7:35 7:37 on that breaking news join us now is
7:37 7:40 Martin Fletcher our former longtime mes
7:40 7:42 correspondent those two hostages
7:42 7:43 released today happen to be members of
7:43 7:45 his family Martin thank you for joining
7:45 7:47 us I actually want to start right here
7:47 7:49 with this photo that has been seen
7:49 7:51 around the world now Martin when you see
7:51 7:54 that photo what do you think how tired
7:54 7:56 they look exhausted look at those eyes I
7:56 7:59 mean teenager Natalie and Judith I'm
7:59 8:02 just it's it's how it's heartbreaking
8:02 8:04 but they're free and they're safe and
8:04 8:06 the question is what traumatic damage
8:06 8:08 has been done take me inside the family
8:08 8:10 how did you guys find out how was it
8:10 8:11 circulated were relatives calling each
8:11 8:13 other yeah I didn't I didn't know that I
8:13 8:15 didn't realize that they I'd seen the
8:15 8:17 pictures I didn't realize they were the
8:17 8:19 they were the family yeah suddenly I got
8:19 8:22 a call Only Yesterday saying that who
8:22 8:25 they were and um and I've got to say
8:25 8:27 that now the family is celebrating
8:27 8:29 obviously because the the fear wasn't
8:29 8:30 maybe there was some kind of physical
8:30 8:32 damage to them we don't know yet what
8:32 8:33 really happened but I got to say one
8:33 8:35 thing fames celebrating I know this
8:35 8:37 sounds incredible there's another family
8:37 8:40 member who's hostage in Gaza too one
8:40 8:42 family member was buried today killed in
8:42 8:44 the same attack and another one is still
8:44 8:47 hostage so this is all the same family
8:47 8:49 all the same family and this is the
8:49 8:51 story of the families in that part of
8:51 8:52 Southern Israel because it was a certain
8:52 8:54 group kind of people who went to live
8:54 8:56 there in the first place and they're all
8:56 8:58 tightly tightly interlined I mean
8:58 8:59 there's other members you know this is
8:59 9:01 our family other families suffered a lot
9:01 9:04 worse and Martin do you have any idea
9:04 9:07 why these two were released I don't I
9:07 9:10 don't I mean it could be it could be a
9:10 9:11 matter of publicity it could be the fact
9:11 9:14 that somebody had to be released because
9:14 9:15 because of President Biden speech and
9:15 9:19 mass responded in some way why these two
9:19 9:21 from my family I don't know a miracle
9:21 9:23 we're almost at the two-e Mark and and
9:23 9:26 it has to have been torture and still is
9:26 9:27 torture for the families of these
9:27 9:30 hostage victims of course it is it will
9:30 9:32 continue for a long time and I think
9:32 9:35 that the drama and the the tortuousness
9:35 9:37 of it is just beginning it's bad enough
9:37 9:39 to be a hostage but when the ground
9:39 9:42 Invasion starts Israel is going to have
9:42 9:44 yes a priority to save the hostages but
9:44 9:46 a bigger priority is going to be to win
9:46 9:48 the war and we know from her masses what
9:48 9:50 we know from her Mass they they they
9:50 9:54 were told um the difficult hostages kill
9:54 9:56 them the rest will become human Shields
9:56 9:59 so at best the hostages inside gods of
9:59 10:01 today would become human Shields we just
10:01 10:03 got back there and every time there was
10:03 10:05 a rocket Boom the Iron Dome would go off
10:05 10:07 you you sort of flinch I have to think
10:07 10:08 for these family members who still have
10:08 10:10 hostages in Gaza every time they hear a
10:10 10:12 boom they're thinking something
10:12 10:14 different well you know they they've
10:14 10:15 lived with that not the hostage
10:15 10:18 situation but the booms and the attacks
10:18 10:20 uh for decades I have one friend who
10:20 10:22 lives down there and I was with walking
10:22 10:24 with her and her kibuts and she said do
10:24 10:25 you hear that and I said no what's that
10:25 10:28 and you know what it was it was Hamas
10:28 10:29 under the ground
10:29 10:32 digging tunnels inside the kibuts but
10:32 10:34 now knowing their family members are in
10:34 10:36 Gaza and the bombing continues even
10:36 10:38 worse even worse I mean it must be head
10:38 10:40 on Earth for the hostages there and the
10:40 10:42 and for the families and there's so many
10:42 10:43 families like this Martin do you think
10:43 10:45 we see more hostages be released in the
10:45 10:48 days to come hope so potentially this
10:48 10:49 could be the beginning of a release you
10:49 10:52 know there was talk about swapping um um
10:52 10:54 women and children hostages in Gaza for
10:54 10:57 women and children held as security
10:57 10:59 prisoners in Israeli jails there's about
10:59 11:01 30 women and there's about 130
11:01 11:03 Palestinian miners in Israeli jail so
11:03 11:05 yeah there could be hostage swap but we
11:05 11:06 don't know what's behind it but one
11:06 11:09 thing I'm pretty sure of is in in this
11:09 11:11 area of the world nobody does something
11:11 11:13 for nothing Martin when you get a chance
11:13 11:14 to speak to your relatives these two
11:14 11:16 women what are you going to tell
11:16 11:19 them I just hope the remaining hostages
11:19 11:22 come out thank God you're okay okay
11:22 11:25 Martin Fletcher first Martin Mi thank
11:25 11:25 you
11:25 11:28 Tom and almost from the beginning of
11:28 11:30 this war president Biden and other us
11:30 11:31 officials have said they are doing
11:31 11:33 everything they can to secure the
11:33 11:35 release of those hostages Andrea
11:35 11:37 Mitchell tonight with an inside look at
11:37 11:39 the Diplomatic efforts
11:39 11:42 underway tonight the Urgent push to get
11:42 11:44 all the hostages released from Gaza they
11:44 11:46 include men
11:46 11:50 women young boys young girls elderly
11:50 11:54 people from many nations Secretary of
11:54 11:56 State Tony blinkin now saying the focus
11:56 11:58 is on the 10 additional Americans who
11:58 12:00 remain uncount counted for along with
12:00 12:03 around 200 others the Urgent work to
12:03 12:05 free every single American to free all
12:05 12:08 other hostages continues working with
12:08 12:10 cutter and other countries he visited
12:10 12:13 last week shuttling around the mid East
12:13 12:15 pressing them to use their connections
12:15 12:17 to Hamas to get the hostages out the
12:17 12:20 freed Americans Judith and Natalie ranan
12:20 12:22 once they've gotten medical treatment
12:22 12:24 will be invaluable sources for how the
12:24 12:26 remaining hostages are being treated and
12:26 12:30 held NBC's David was held hostage for 7
12:30 12:33 months by the Taliban in 2008 before
12:33 12:35 getting out in a daring Escape Israeli
12:35 12:37 officials will talk immediately to this
12:37 12:38 mother and daughter and try to get a
12:38 12:40 sense of where they were held how many
12:40 12:43 other captives were held with them and
12:43 12:45 just get a sense of of what Hamas is
12:45 12:48 doing with all of these captives is
12:48 12:49 there any way to find them is there any
12:49 12:51 way to rescue them it's a much bigger
12:51 12:53 issue now hostage taking for civilians
12:53 12:55 for the hostage themselves and for
12:55 12:56 governments and there has to be a more
12:56 12:59 unified effort with the US and its
12:59 13:00 allies in the Middle East its allies in
13:00 13:03 Europe to how to stop this kidnapping
13:03 13:06 from happening the US does not trust the
13:06 13:07 terror groups promises but Hamas has
13:07 13:09 said it will release all the
13:09 13:12 non-military hostages if Israel halts
13:12 13:14 the air strikes should even the air
13:14 13:16 strikes be stopped to see if you could
13:16 13:20 get more people out it's very simple um
13:20 13:22 hostages should be released immediately
13:22 13:23 and
13:23 13:25 unconditionally and Andrea we know the
13:25 13:26 president just spoke to those freed
13:26 13:28 American women what can you tell us
13:28 13:30 about that
13:30 13:32 Tom the president did tweet that he just
13:32 13:34 spoke with the two Americans and let
13:34 13:36 them know their government will fully
13:36 13:38 support them as they recover and heal
13:38 13:40 and that he and the first lady will
13:40 13:43 continue holding close in their hearts
13:43 13:45 all the families of unaccounted for
13:45 13:47 Americans Tom a bit of good news in this
13:47 13:49 ugly War okay Andrea we thank you for
13:49 13:51 that now to the other crisis in
13:51 13:53 Washington more paralysis in Congress
13:53 13:55 where Republicans today abandon their
13:55 13:57 effort to make Jim Jordan house Speaker
13:57 13:59 Ryan Nobles is at the C capital and Ryan
13:59 14:01 explain to our viewers here what's next
14:01 14:03 in all this well Tom Republicans plan to
14:03 14:05 meet on Monday night for a new candidate
14:05 14:08 Forum where they hope to elect a new or
14:08 14:10 nominate I should say a new candidate
14:10 14:12 for speaker of the house and almost a
14:12 14:14 dozen Republicans have said that they
14:14 14:16 are considering a run for the top job
14:16 14:18 this after Jim Jordan was forced to step
14:18 14:21 aside Jordan lost yet a third ballot on
14:21 14:24 the house floor for the speakership and
14:24 14:26 then in a closed door meeting a majority
14:26 14:28 of Republicans voted that he should step
14:28 14:30 aside side now the house has left for
14:30 14:33 the weekend in search of a path forward
14:33 14:35 for a chamber that's been unable to pass
14:35 14:38 any legislation now going into a third
14:38 14:41 week Tom 12 Republicans it's going to be
14:41 14:43 quite a week all right ran thank you for
14:43 14:45 that in 60 seconds a surprise in court a
14:45 14:47 former lawyer for the Trump campaign
14:47 14:49 pleading guilty in that Georgia election
14:49 14:51 interference case what that could mean
14:51 14:56 for the former president stay with
14:56 14:58 us all right tonight another codefendant
14:58 15:00 in the Georgia election interference
15:00 15:02 case against former president Trump has
15:02 15:04 pleaded guilty a lawyer who actually
15:04 15:05 worked for the Trump campaign Laura
15:05 15:07 Jared is here now so Laura what does
15:07 15:08 this plea deal mean for the
15:08 15:10 prosecution's case it's really
15:10 15:12 significant Tom this is now the second
15:12 15:14 Trump lawyer to flip pleading guilty
15:14 15:17 today and receiving only probation for
15:17 15:19 cooperating with prosecutors part of
15:19 15:22 what makes Ken chez's plea so damaging
15:22 15:24 to the former president is that chesbro
15:24 15:26 has now admitted that one of the central
15:26 15:28 parts of this scheme to reverse tr's
15:28 15:30 election loss was not some legal
15:30 15:33 strategy but in fact was a crime Mr
15:33 15:35 Trump's legal team saying tonight that
15:35 15:37 this plea was the result of the state's
15:37 15:39 quote looming threat of prison time and
15:39 15:40 then there's some drama also in that
15:40 15:43 Trump civil fraud case here in New York
15:43 15:44 and it's something that started with
15:44 15:45 social media that's right and it's
15:45 15:47 actually not as bad as it could have
15:47 15:48 been for the former president the judge
15:48 15:51 in that case handing down a $5,000 fine
15:51 15:54 tonight against Mr Trump for posting a
15:54 15:56 disparaging photo of the judge's law
15:56 15:58 clerk now he took one down from his
15:58 16:00 social media site after the judge made
16:00 16:02 him but he kept one up on his campaign
16:02 16:05 website for days Mr Trump's attorney
16:05 16:06 saying it was all a big mistake but the
16:06 16:08 judge found it to be a violation of the
16:08 16:11 order that he imposed weeks ago warning
16:11 16:13 that further violations could result in
16:13 16:15 potential jail time time all right Laura
16:15 16:16 Jarrett for us tonight Laura great to
16:16 16:18 see you coming up a judge in Maryland
16:18 16:21 shot and killed in his driveway shortly
16:21 16:23 after ruling in a child custody case the
16:23 16:26 father in that case now the main suspect
16:26 16:31 The Manhunt for him when we come back
16:31 16:32 all right we are back now with the
16:32 16:35 massive Manhunt underway after a judge
16:35 16:36 was fatally shot in front of his
16:36 16:38 Maryland Home the armed and dangerous
16:38 16:41 suspect a man whose child custody case
16:41 16:44 was overseen by that Judge Tom costell
16:44 16:45 now on the Urgent
16:45 16:48 search it happened in a quiet
16:48 16:50 neighborhood in Western Maryland Circuit
16:50 16:52 Court Judge Andrew Wilkinson gunned down
16:52 16:55 in his driveway his wife and son inside
16:55 16:58 the house this was a targeted attack on
16:58 17:00 on Judge Wilkinson police say the
17:00 17:03 suspect is 49-year-old Pedro arot
17:03 17:05 earlier in the day judge Wilkinson had
17:05 17:08 awarded custody of argo's children to
17:08 17:11 his ex-wife denying argot visitation
17:11 17:12 rights after a history of domestic
17:12 17:15 violence immediately after the shooting
17:15 17:17 law enforcement mooved to protect other
17:17 17:20 judges we placed uh officers and
17:20 17:23 troopers at the local judges here in the
17:23 17:25 county at their residence just as a
17:25 17:27 precaution initially the US Marshals
17:27 17:30 report threats against federal judges
17:30 17:34 and courts peaked at 4500 in 2021 after
17:34 17:36 the last election last year there were
17:36 17:40 1362 threats it's not common for any
17:40 17:43 judge to be murdered though in 2017 an
17:43 17:46 Ohio Judge was shot outside a courthouse
17:46 17:48 in 2020 a gunman killed the son of
17:48 17:50 federal judge estra sales when he opened
17:50 17:52 the door to the family home in New
17:52 17:55 Jersey last year a former Wisconsin
17:55 17:57 judge was killed by a suspect he'd sent
17:57 18:00 to prison now in Maryland a judge who
18:00 18:03 grew up here murdered outside his home
18:03 18:05 you had a husband but now you don't you
18:05 18:07 have a dad and now you don't tonight
18:07 18:10 local state and federal authorities are
18:10 18:12 searching for arot who they warn is
18:12 18:15 armed and dangerous Tom all right Tom
18:15 18:16 Costello for us and there's a major
18:16 18:18 development tonight involving Travis
18:18 18:20 King the US soldier who was detained in
18:20 18:22 North Korea after running across the
18:22 18:25 border in July the Army has now charged
18:25 18:27 King with desertion and other counts
18:27 18:29 including soliciting child pornography
18:29 18:32 and assault King returned to the US last
18:32 18:34 month all right coming up the voices of
18:34 18:38 war the people feeling this Devastation
18:38 18:41 firsthand and I said
18:41 18:44 sure finally the Palestinians and
18:44 18:45 Israelis who have lived through two
18:45 18:48 weeks of War their stories and their
18:48 18:49 voices
18:49 18:51 tonight this couple they're from the
18:51 18:54 very start survivors of the terror
18:54 18:57 attack at the music festival dancing 1
18:57 18:59 second running the next the terrorists
18:59 19:01 are in every corner on every vehicle you
19:01 19:03 can imagine vehicle that's suited for
19:03 19:06 like going on the on the roads off the
19:06 19:08 roads with every kind of weapon with
19:08 19:11 missiles motorcycles like they had
19:11 19:13 everything prepared like a Hollywood
19:13 19:16 movie you've looked into these terrorist
19:16 19:18 eyes what type of people are these um I
19:18 19:20 don't think these people I mean when you
19:20 19:23 look you make an eye contact with a
19:23 19:26 human you see a little bit of his soul
19:26 19:30 and no soul I mean they were shallow
19:30 19:32 empty I don't know how to to explain
19:32 19:35 it some Israeli Americans answering the
19:35 19:38 call like this father from New York my
19:38 19:40 kids of course asked questions my kid
19:40 19:43 you know said do you have to go also and
19:43 19:45 I said yeah I have to go you're ready to
19:45 19:48 fight for Israel and and ready to fight
19:48 19:51 till the end it's not just till the end
19:51 19:53 the mentality is we'll do whatever needs
19:53 19:56 to be done in Gaza a daily battle for
19:56 19:59 survival at this point not only there
19:59 20:00 are not enough people there are not
20:00 20:03 enough beds in the hospitals there are
20:03 20:04 not enough
20:04 20:07 ventilators this is absolute Carnage
20:07 20:10 there is no Safe Haven in Gaza there's
20:10 20:12 nothing there's nothing but bombs and
20:12 20:16 bombs and bombs and blood and
20:16 20:20 bodies and so many children living with
20:20 20:24 war we now going to see the area where
20:24 20:27 my father and my brother had died
20:27 20:29 because of the
20:29 20:30 your your father and your brother died
20:30 20:34 yes in I'm collecting I want to keep
20:34 20:36 them
20:36 20:39 for
20:39 20:41 feelings the four-year-old doesn't
20:41 20:43 understand though she has entered
20:43 20:46 bombing into in her vocabulary and it's
20:46 20:49 very complicated but our goal one day is
20:49 20:50 is
20:50 20:52 peace and we are thinking and praying
20:52 20:54 for all those affected by this war
20:54 20:56 that's Nightly News for this Friday
20:56 20:57 thank you so much for watching have a
20:57 21:04 great week good
21:04 21:06 night thanks for watching stay updated
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