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nbc nn 231031 nbc nightly news ;Deadly strike on Gaza refugee camp; Months before mass shooting, people who knew Maine suspect warned of his behavior; Police release dramatic new video of Lahaina wildfires; and more on tonight’s broadcast.

by peach1227-news 2023. 11. 1.
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0:00 0:02 tonight the deadly air strike on a
0:02 0:05 refugee camp in Gaza as Israeli troops
0:05 0:07 escalate their offensive on the ground
0:07 0:09 the massive destruction at gaza's
0:09 0:11 largest refugee camp apartment buildings
0:11 0:13 leveled dozens killed according to
0:13 0:16 hospital officials Israel saying the
0:16 0:18 strike killed a senior Hamas Commander
0:18 0:21 the military pushing farther into Gaza
0:21 0:23 hitting more than 300 Targets in 24
0:23 0:27 hours our Richard angle standing by also
0:27 0:29 the Stark warning the FBI Chief telling
0:29 0:32 Congress the Hamas attacks could Inspire
0:32 0:34 the biggest Terror threat to the US in
0:34 0:37 Isis at another hearing anti-war
0:37 0:39 protesters their hands painted red
0:39 0:42 removed by police amid threats to Jewish
0:42 0:45 students at Cornell the suspect now in
0:45 0:47 custody the search and arrest warrants
0:47 0:49 just unsealed for the gunman in the main
0:49 0:51 mass shooting the new details were
0:51 0:54 learning the record-breaking cold this
0:54 0:56 Halloween across the country births of
0:56 0:59 fall snow the danger on the roads we're
0:59 1:02 tracking it newly revealed body cam from
1:02 1:05 the deadly Maui Wildfire what it shows
1:05 1:07 the dramatic rescue after a plane
1:07 1:10 crashes into the Everglades and our NBC
1:10 1:12 News exclusive the creators of friends
1:12 1:15 speaking out the last conversation one
1:15 1:17 of them had with Matthew Perry before
1:17 1:19 his tragic
1:19 1:23 death this is NBC Nightly News with
1:23 1:24 Lester
1:24 1:27 Hol good evening and welcome Israel's
1:27 1:29 push Into the Heart of embattled
1:29 1:31 Northern God is not coming without a
1:31 1:33 deadly cost and the images of suffering
1:33 1:36 are no easier to take tonight A Hamas
1:36 1:38 run Hospital says dozens are dead and
1:38 1:41 hundreds injured in an Israeli air
1:41 1:43 strike on a Palestinian refugee camp
1:43 1:46 though NBC News cannot independently
1:46 1:48 confirm those numbers Israel not denying
1:48 1:50 its forces hit the camp calling it a
1:50 1:53 known Hamas stronghold and saying its
1:53 1:55 strike killed a top Hamas Commander
1:55 1:58 involved in planning the October 7th
1:58 2:01 Terror attacks on Israel Fierce battles
2:01 2:03 are underway in Northern Gaza tonight
2:03 2:06 Israel rejecting calls for a ceasefire
2:06 2:08 determined to crush Hamas over the
2:08 2:11 surprise attack that left 1,400 Israelis
2:11 2:13 and foreigners dead and others taken
2:13 2:16 hostage Richard angle remains at the
2:16 2:18 Israel Gaza border and leads our
2:18 2:19 coverage
2:19 2:21 tonight Israel devastated part of a
2:21 2:24 refugee camp on the edge of Gaza City
2:24 2:26 carrying out what it called a large
2:26 2:29 scale strike in one of the most densely
2:29 2:32 populated areas in the world a nearby
2:32 2:34 Hamas run hospital tonight said dozens
2:34 2:38 were killed and hundreds injured NBC
2:38 2:40 News cannot independently confirm those
2:40 2:43 figures the camp is full of apartment
2:43 2:45 buildings and people can be seen
2:45 2:48 carrying away wounded and dead and
2:48 2:50 digging through Rubble Israel said it
2:50 2:52 was targeting one of the leaders of
2:52 2:55 hamas's October 7th Massacre of 1,400
2:55 2:58 Israelis and that its strike collapsed a
2:58 3:00 Subterranean structure
3:00 3:02 Israel blamed Hamas for the civilian
3:02 3:05 deaths saying Hamas uses civilians as
3:05 3:07 human
3:07 3:10 Shields perhaps the only thing not in
3:10 3:12 dispute in this war is that civilians in
3:12 3:14 Gaza are suffering and that the
3:14 3:16 hospitals needed to care for the growing
3:16 3:19 number of injured are barely functioning
3:19 3:22 this has been a a massacre that's been
3:22 3:24 unfolding and now we're getting to the
3:24 3:26 final chapter of this Massacre where
3:26 3:29 even the wounded will not be spared the
3:29 3:31 world needs needs to intervene now
3:31 3:34 UNICEF today calling Gaza a graveyard
3:34 3:36 for thousands of
3:36 3:39 children Israel has rejected a ceasefire
3:39 3:42 saying it would be a surrender to Hamas
3:42 3:44 everything we're seeing here in southern
3:44 3:45 Israel indicates that this ground
3:45 3:48 offensive is still ramping up with more
3:48 3:50 and more troops heading into
3:50 3:54 Gaza Israel says it struck 300 Hamas
3:54 3:56 targets today and that it's hunting
3:56 3:59 Hamas commanders it claims this strike
3:59 4:01 killed an architect of the mass murder
4:01 4:04 of Israelis in two kutzas near Gaza as
4:04 4:06 Israel increased its estimate once again
4:06 4:10 of the hostages held in Gaza now to
4:10 4:13 240 one is back with her family private
4:13 4:16 Ori mides rescued by Israeli troops
4:16 4:19 while Natalie ranan an American Teenager
4:19 4:21 taken hostage by Hamas is also back home
4:21 4:24 in the Chicago area she was freed 11
4:24 4:26 days ago and Richard as you know there's
4:26 4:28 a lot in play here tonight another
4:28 4:30 Iranian backman militia is again
4:30 4:34 sparking fears of a regional
4:34 4:37 conflict so two US military officials
4:37 4:39 tell NBC news they believe that houthi
4:39 4:42 rebels in Yemen fired a ballistic
4:42 4:44 missile at Israel Israel shot it down so
4:44 4:46 the United States is already in a
4:46 4:48 low-level conflict with these Iranian
4:48 4:51 back militias the question is how big it
4:51 4:53 will get Lester all right Richard angle
4:53 4:54 thank you and here at home the head of
4:54 4:57 the FBI issued a strong new warning
4:57 4:59 today about an increased terrorist
4:59 5:01 threat in this country from potential
5:01 5:04 attackers who might be inspired by Hamas
5:04 5:06 Garrett HCK has that story please stand
5:06 5:08 and on Capital Hill tonight A Stark
5:08 5:10 warning about the growing threat at home
5:10 5:13 from the devastating War abroad the
5:13 5:15 ongoing war in the Middle East has
5:15 5:17 raised the threat of an attack against
5:17 5:20 Americans in the United States to a
5:20 5:22 whole another level FBI director Chris
5:22 5:25 Ray signaling the US is in a dangerous
5:25 5:27 period we assess that the actions of
5:27 5:31 Hamas and its allies will serve as an
5:31 5:32 inspiration the likes of which we
5:32 5:35 haven't seen since Isis as Jewish
5:35 5:36 college students are facing threats on
5:36 5:39 us campuses Cornell University officials
5:39 5:41 today confirming the arrest of a suspect
5:41 5:44 in connection with online threats of a
5:44 5:46 mass shooting and other violence there
5:46 5:49 to see you know my own campus targeting
5:49 5:50 specifically 104 West this building the
5:50 5:53 building that I live in sleep in it was
5:53 5:55 just unbelievable a Las Vegas man also
5:55 5:57 charged with threatening to kill Nevada
5:57 5:59 senator Jackie Rosen who is Jewish after
5:59 6:01 leaving a series of anti-Semitic
6:01 6:04 profanity laced voicemails
6:04 6:08 3,500 kids dead also on the hill
6:08 6:10 anti-war protesters interrupting a
6:10 6:12 hearing as the secretaries of state and
6:12 6:14 defense were pushing the White House
6:14 6:17 plan to spend $5 billion in emergency
6:17 6:20 support for Israel Ukraine and other
6:20 6:21 National Security
6:21 6:25 threats fire now that funding dividing
6:25 6:28 House and Senate Republicans new speaker
6:28 6:30 Mike Johnson setting a vote this week on
6:30 6:33 Aid to Israel alone with $14 billion in
6:33 6:35 Military and humanitarian assistance
6:35 6:38 while some GOP Senators argue to include
6:38 6:42 Aid to Ukraine to separate the package
6:42 6:48 is is naive because the threats are have
6:48 6:51 commonality Garrett what more do the FBI
6:51 6:52 director have to say about the threats
6:52 6:55 here well Lester he said that the bureau
6:55 6:57 is not tracking any imminent threat from
6:57 6:58 a foreign terrorist group and that his
6:58 7:00 biggest concern concern as violent
7:00 7:03 extremists who may be inspired by the
7:03 7:04 events taking place in the Middle East
7:04 7:07 Ry urged all Americans to continue to be
7:07 7:09 vigilant Lester all right Garrett thank
7:09 7:10 you and the effort underway to get
7:10 7:12 American and other foreign Nationals out
7:12 7:15 of Gaza is becoming more Urgent by the
7:15 7:17 day but it's uncertain tonight when the
7:17 7:20 vital Rafa border crossing from Gaza to
7:20 7:22 Egypt will be open to more than just
7:22 7:24 humanitarian Aid trucks Megan Fitzgerald
7:24 7:26 is
7:26 7:28 there tonight our firsthand look at the
7:28 7:31 Rafa border crossing a Lifeline for
7:31 7:33 millions of people suffering in trapped
7:33 7:36 inside Gaza in the last 10 days more
7:36 7:38 than 200 Aid trucks have passed through
7:38 7:42 here 66 just today but the UN says it's
7:42 7:44 not nearly enough the situation in Gaza
7:44 7:48 has become absolutely inhumane a UNICEF
7:48 7:50 employee sending this voice message to
7:50 7:53 NBC news from inside Gaza saying the
7:53 7:55 crisis is taking a personal toll on her
7:55 7:58 own daughters and I have the youngest
7:58 8:00 she's 4 years old and she's showing
8:00 8:03 severe symptoms of stress and fear and
8:03 8:06 resorts to self harm like ripping her
8:06 8:09 hair off and scratching ha thighs until
8:09 8:12 they bleed UNICEF warning a lack of
8:12 8:14 clean water is putting lies of gaza's 1
8:14 8:17 million Children at Risk of dehydration
8:17 8:19 the plan was for the Rafa border
8:19 8:21 crossing to alleviate this crisis the
8:21 8:23 Rafa border is supposed to be a two-way
8:23 8:25 Crossing with these trucks packed with
8:25 8:27 Aid making their way in Americans and
8:27 8:29 foreign Nationals that are tra just
8:29 8:32 beyond this border making their way out
8:32 8:34 that hasn't happened yet Egypt is not
8:34 8:37 accepting Palestinian refugees and
8:37 8:39 foreign Nationals say they have not been
8:39 8:41 allowed out nearly a thousand Americans
8:41 8:44 are trapped inside Gaza and the US says
8:44 8:47 Hamas is blocking them the impediment uh
8:47 8:50 is simple it's Hamas we pressed Egypt's
8:50 8:52 head of state information who's holding
8:52 8:53 up the Americans from crossing over the
8:53 8:55 border the
8:55 8:58 Americans is is Hamas America says Hamas
8:58 9:01 is holding
9:01 9:04 meanwhile Americans like kasim Ali are
9:04 9:07 running out of patience we don't see any
9:07 9:11 care for us from the American government
9:11 9:14 I don't know why Americans caught in the
9:14 9:17 crossfire desperate to escape Megan
9:17 9:21 Fitzgerald NBC News Rafa border crossing
9:21 9:23 Egypt tonight we are learning much more
9:23 9:25 about concerns raised by family and even
9:25 9:28 members of the military long before an
9:28 9:31 Army Reserve killed 18 people in Maine
9:31 9:34 Emily a reports now from Lewiston
9:34 9:37 Maine tonight new details on apparent
9:37 9:39 warning signs about the suspect months
9:39 9:41 before the mass shooting according to
9:41 9:43 records from the county sheriff Robert
9:43 9:45 card's son and ex-wife contacted them on
9:45 9:47 May 3rd saying they were concerned about
9:47 9:49 his access to firearms because he was
9:49 9:51 hearing voices or starting to experience
9:51 9:54 paranoia a deputy reached out to cart's
9:54 9:56 Army reserve unit who said they would
9:56 9:58 figure out options to get Robert help in
9:58 10:00 July July he spent 2 weeks in a
10:00 10:02 psychiatric facility then in September
10:02 10:04 the Army Reserve asked for a wellness
10:04 10:06 check on card after he threatened to
10:06 10:08 shoot up their facility a sergeant was
10:08 10:10 so concerned he said he thought card
10:10 10:12 could snap and commit a mass shooting a
10:12 10:14 sheriff's deputy went to card's home
10:14 10:16 twice but was unable to make contact a
10:16 10:18 Statewide attempt to locate alert was
10:18 10:20 issued that Statewide alert was lifted
10:20 10:23 one week before 18 people were killed
10:23 10:26 they attempted to do two Wellness checks
10:26 10:28 but never actually connected with him
10:28 10:30 should there have been more oh gosh
10:30 10:32 follow up until it's done they he wanted
10:32 10:35 to kill somebody among the victims Jim
10:35 10:38 lapitz his son-in-law Josh seal this
10:38 10:40 weekend I was blowing the leaves uh on
10:40 10:44 my yard and many times I just
10:44 10:46 stop and break
10:46 10:51 down because this could have been
10:51 10:53 prevented the Army says they determined
10:53 10:55 card should not have a weapon or handle
10:55 10:56 ammunition while records from the
10:56 10:58 Sheriff's Office show card's family said
10:58 11:00 they would worked to secure his personal
11:00 11:02 guns at least three guns have been
11:02 11:04 recovered as part of the investigation
11:04 11:07 all obtained by card legally Main's
11:07 11:09 Governor called for action on Monday but
11:09 11:11 wouldn't say whether law enforcement's
11:11 11:14 response was adequate we want to get at
11:14 11:16 the at the best answer to how can we
11:16 11:17 prevent something like this from
11:17 11:19 happening that includes why did it
11:19 11:22 happen in the first place newly released
11:22 11:24 core documents reval card's sister
11:24 11:25 identified him to police the night of
11:25 11:27 the shooting and that family told
11:27 11:29 investigators he'd been struggling since
11:29 11:31 a bad break up earlier in the year with
11:31 11:33 someone he originally met at a cornhole
11:33 11:35 competition at the bar where the
11:35 11:38 shooting occurred Lester Emily aeta
11:38 11:39 thank you if your family is
11:39 11:41 trick-or-treating tonight be aware we
11:41 11:42 could be in for one of the coldest
11:42 11:45 Halloweens on record 77 million are
11:45 11:48 under Frost and freeze alerts from Texas
11:48 11:50 to New York some cities like Chicago
11:50 11:52 seeing their first snow of the season
11:52 11:54 and south of Minneapolis multiple
11:54 11:57 crashes reported in Slippery conditions
11:57 12:00 in Maui police released harrowing
12:00 12:02 previously unseen body cam video showing
12:02 12:05 the response to the lahina wildfire that
12:05 12:08 killed some 100 people Miguel almager
12:08 12:10 has the footage we have to warn you some
12:10 12:12 of it may be difficult to
12:12 12:15 watch
12:15 12:18 Jesus you got to go the heart pounding
12:18 12:20 video captures the scramble to escape
12:20 12:23 the flames and the race to save lives
12:23 12:25 come out come out come out as wildfires
12:25 12:27 tore through lahina Maui police rescued
12:27 12:30 15 people trapped inside a coffee shop
12:30 12:33 on famed Front Street while Thick Smoke
12:33 12:36 choked the air and The Inferno closed in
12:36 12:37 come on come on come on every out
12:37 12:38 everybody out the heroine scene
12:38 12:41 unfolding August 8th this our first
12:41 12:43 perspective from police who selected the
12:43 12:46 16 minutes of video from 20 hours of
12:46 12:48 footage to say that the M Police
12:48 12:49 Department did not do their due
12:49 12:53 diligence to save lives is false get the
12:53 12:55 first facing Flames at 6:00 in the
12:55 12:58 morning there's a fire is there anybody
12:58 13:00 else in here police scrambled to break
13:00 13:02 open locked Gates on dirt roads to
13:02 13:04 create Escape
13:04 13:08 Routes and rushed to evacuate
13:08 13:10 residents this is not
13:10 13:13 important we're trying to get everybody
13:13 13:16 out of country as the blaze erupted
13:16 13:17 through the night one officer loads a
13:17 13:20 burn victim into his car realizing he's
13:20 13:22 badly in need of help I'll just take you
13:22 13:25 st the hospital with 99 believed dead
13:25 13:29 and 2,000 structures destroyed we have
13:29 13:33 these 16 minutes of hell H are for many
13:33 13:36 a lifetime of pain authorities in Maui
13:36 13:38 still have not named a cause for the
13:38 13:40 fire as down power lines remain a focus
13:40 13:44 of the investigation Lester Miguel thank
13:44 13:45 you and a dramatic scene today in a
13:45 13:47 remote part of the Florida Everglades
13:47 13:49 were a small plane crash in the middle
13:49 13:51 of the night more than 7 hours later
13:51 13:54 Rescuers arrived and hoisted the pilot
13:54 13:56 onto a helicopter he was taken to a
13:56 13:58 hospital with a leg injury that caused
13:58 14:02 of the crash is being investigated in 60
14:02 14:04 seconds a seat at the table we speak to
14:04 14:06 families in one city about why what's
14:06 14:08 happening in the Middle East is striking
14:08 14:10 such a painful cord with so many
14:10 14:12 American
14:12 14:14 families it is a place here in America
14:14 14:17 both Jews and Palestinians call home the
14:17 14:19 Twin Cities of Minnesota where they are
14:19 14:22 following all this in this war intensely
14:22 14:24 Gabe Gutierrez spent the day getting
14:24 14:26 their views on the
14:26 14:30 conflict more than 6,000 from Israel the
14:30 14:33 war hits home so my initial response was
14:33 14:36 fear and sadness and anger a seed at the
14:36 14:39 table both Jewish just a living a
14:39 14:41 nightmare like a Horror Story
14:41 14:44 Palestinian we are citic people and
14:44 14:46 Palestinian Jeff Bin's grandfather
14:46 14:48 opened his family's first Jewish
14:48 14:50 restaurant in the 1930s he now checks
14:50 14:53 the latest news from Israel hourly and
14:53 14:54 was horrified when he first learned of
14:54 14:57 hamas's terrorist attack on October 7th
14:57 14:59 were you surprised
14:59 15:02 no why not because they've been telling
15:02 15:05 for years that they want to destroy not
15:05 15:07 only Israel but
15:07 15:10 Jews and people that speak that way you
15:10 15:13 have to believe what they tell you over
15:13 15:15 lunch we listened in as three Jewish
15:15 15:17 Americans opened up about their Agony
15:17 15:20 over the war my extended Jewish body is
15:20 15:23 being threatened here yeah on a daily
15:23 15:26 basis and across the world and it's
15:26 15:29 terrifying and infuriating I feel like I
15:29 15:31 I just keep going back to the word home
15:31 15:33 and it's not home like a home that's
15:33 15:35 thousand of thousands of miles away it's
15:35 15:37 home that is like right here I think
15:37 15:39 there's a way to have discourse that
15:39 15:41 isn't hateful there's a way to have a
15:41 15:44 protest that doesn't say kill the Jews
15:44 15:46 and as for the humanitarian concerns in
15:46 15:48 Gaza I'm getting very emotional because
15:48 15:49 I really wish there was a way to you
15:49 15:52 know be able to still feed people but
15:52 15:54 have it not also feed the enemy who came
15:54 15:55 in and slaughtered thousands of our own
15:55 15:58 people nearby Mims Cafe opened decades
15:58 16:00 AO ago Palestinian American owner mmud
16:00 16:02 Shaheen's wife and five of his children
16:02 16:05 live in the occupied West Bank when you
16:05 16:08 see the images coming out of Gaza of all
16:08 16:10 those
16:10 16:12 casualties what goes through your head
16:12 16:14 you know it is horrifying it is
16:14 16:16 definitely we also listened in as
16:16 16:18 Palestinian Americans at his restaurant
16:18 16:20 spoke about the war from a much
16:20 16:23 different perspective does seem clear
16:23 16:26 that Israel is is geared towards
16:26 16:28 Vengeance not necessarily getting the
16:28 16:31 leadership of Hamas by itself until
16:31 16:33 there's an end to Israeli occupation and
16:33 16:34 aggression there will be no peace
16:34 16:36 they're furious at the US government for
16:36 16:39 not supporting a ceasefire I am honestly
16:39 16:43 not voting uh Democrat again I'm not
16:43 16:45 going to vote for Biden but for them
16:45 16:47 this is about much more what they
16:47 16:50 consider a long history of being
16:50 16:53 dehumanized this idea that we have to
16:53 16:56 constantly earn empathy it's ridiculous
16:56 16:59 we're auditioning for sympathy it's
16:59 17:02 outrageous two tables two very different
17:02 17:06 viewpoints a world apart Gabe gutier NBC
17:06 17:09 News Minneapolis we'll take a short
17:09 17:11 break coming up with mortgage rates and
17:11 17:13 home prices soaring how to navigate this
17:13 17:16 tough real estate market our series
17:16 17:19 price out is
17:19 17:22 next as mortgage rates sore and with
17:22 17:24 home prices near record highs what can
17:24 17:26 you do if you're looking for a home in
17:26 17:30 this difficult Market see NBC's Diana ol
17:30 17:33 has some answers in our series priced
17:33 17:36 out Marta Moreno is on the hunt for a
17:36 17:39 bigger home that's really cool but
17:39 17:41 today's Skyhigh mortgage rates are
17:41 17:44 giving her a big pause I'm guessing you
17:44 17:45 probably have a very low mortgage rate
17:45 17:48 on your current mortgage yes yes
17:48 17:51 everybody's got 3% right yes so it makes
17:51 17:54 it really difficult to you know uh to
17:54 17:55 purchase a home at a much higher
17:55 17:58 interest rate in Just 2 years more
17:58 18:01 mortgage rates have gone from 3% to 8%
18:01 18:04 that adds nearly $1,000 to the monthly
18:04 18:07 payment on today's median priced home
18:07 18:09 rates are surging because the Federal
18:09 18:10 Reserve is still trying to tame
18:10 18:12 inflation and the economy is still
18:12 18:14 hotter than they'd like we don't know
18:14 18:16 exactly when it's going to be over but
18:16 18:19 we do hear a chorus of fed speakers in a
18:19 18:23 very notable way saying that they are
18:23 18:24 restrictive and that they can wait and
18:24 18:27 see what happens with the policy
18:27 18:29 filtering through to the Eon
18:29 18:31 High rates are colliding with record low
18:31 18:33 supply of homes for sale which real
18:33 18:35 estate agents say is freezing the market
18:35 18:37 well before winter hits I think people
18:37 18:40 are anxious and there's a lot of like
18:40 18:41 buyer mentality of we're going to wait
18:41 18:44 and see if you are one of those buyers
18:44 18:46 you probably want to get pre-approved
18:46 18:48 for a mortgage at a high rate just in
18:48 18:51 case see if you can pull cash maybe
18:51 18:53 borrow from family to be more
18:53 18:55 competitive and be ready to move fast if
18:55 18:58 and when rates drop so for buying buers
18:58 19:00 today it's a tough call you can either
19:00 19:02 get in now at a high rate and maybe get
19:02 19:04 a deal on the price or wait for rates to
19:04 19:06 drop but then potentially get caught in
19:06 19:09 a wave of competition and end up in a
19:09 19:11 bidding war Lester all right Diana ol
19:11 19:14 thanks up next remembering Matthew Perry
19:14 19:16 hoty speaks exclusively with the
19:16 19:19 co-creators of friends what he said in
19:19 19:22 their final conversation
19:22 19:26 next finally our NBC News exclusive as
19:26 19:27 fans are still reeling from the death of
19:27 19:30 matth Perry the co-creators of friends
19:30 19:32 Marta Kaufman and David crane are
19:32 19:35 speaking out to our Hoda copy Kaufman
19:35 19:37 told Hoda about the last time she spoke
19:37 19:40 with Perry shortly before his untimely
19:40 19:44 death I know you just spoke to Matthew
19:44 19:46 two weeks ago will you just tell me what
19:46 19:49 that conversation was like it was great
19:49 19:50 he
19:50 19:55 was happy and and chipper he didn't
19:55 19:59 seem weighed down
19:59 20:00 by
20:00 20:04 anything he was in a really good
20:04 20:09 place which is why this seems so unfair
20:09 20:11 you can catch more of their emotional
20:11 20:13 interview tomorrow morning on today
20:13 20:15 that's Nightly News thank you for
20:15 20:17 watching everyone I'm Lester Holt please
20:17 20:19 take care of yourself and each other
20:19 20:25 good
20:25 20:28 night thanks for watching stay up ated
20:28 20:30 about breaking news and top stories on
20:30 20:34 the NBC News app or follow us on social
20:34 20:34 media