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cbs en 231020 cbs evening news ;Two American hostages freed from Gaza by Hamas; How a weekly breakfast helped students heal from the grief of losing a classmate

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 21.
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0:01 0:03 tonight two Americans are back in Israel
0:03 0:05 after being held hostage by Hamas for
0:05 0:07 nearly two weeks what we're learning
0:07 0:09 about their conditions and what their
0:09 0:12 release means for about 200 men women
0:12 0:15 and children still held captive in Gaza
0:15 0:17 here are tonight's
0:17 0:20 headlines the new details about the
0:20 0:21 mother and daughter freed tonight and
0:21 0:24 how cutter played a role in securing
0:24 0:27 their release we continue to be so happy
0:27 0:30 and thankful for Natalie and Judith
0:30 0:33 coming out of the hands of murderers the
0:33 0:35 border crossing in Gaza remains closed
0:35 0:38 AIDS stuck in Egypt tonight the protests
0:38 0:40 across the Middle East and turning
0:40 0:43 violent in the West Bank the fury here
0:43 0:46 is not only aimed at Israel but also at
0:46 0:49 President Biden who these protesters say
0:49 0:51 have given unconditional support to
0:51 0:54 Israel as it continues to bomb Gaza a
0:54 0:56 Manhunt is underway here in Maryland
0:56 0:59 after a judge is shot and killed outside
0:59 1:01 his home amid a growing fear for the
1:01 1:04 safety of Judges across the country why
1:04 1:06 a New York judge is threatening Donald
1:06 1:09 Trump with jail time guilty as another
1:09 1:11 codefendant could testify against the
1:11 1:13 former president in the Georgia case
1:13 1:16 three strikes he's out Jim Jordan loses
1:16 1:19 a third vote for speaker of the house
1:19 1:21 half of Congress remains paralyzed the
1:21 1:23 latest nominee to be house speaker is
1:23 1:25 rejected by dozens in his own party tens
1:25 1:27 of millions of Americans face a wet
1:27 1:32 weekend where the nor Easter is headed
1:32 1:34 good morning guys and we go on the road
1:34 1:36 with a grandma spreading love and
1:36 1:38 building Community with the most
1:38 1:40 important meal of the day she's just
1:40 1:42 like a built-in Grandma to all of us she
1:42 1:44 really cares for us we benefit from her
1:44 1:52 she benefits from us it melts my
1:52 1:54 heart good evening to our viewers in the
1:54 1:56 west and thank you for joining us we
1:56 1:58 begin with breaking news out of Israel
1:58 2:00 we're learning new details tells about
2:00 2:02 the two American hostages who are free
2:02 2:04 tonight after being held captive by
2:04 2:07 Hamas for nearly 2 weeks in Gaza this is
2:07 2:09 the first photo of a mother and her
2:09 2:11 teenage daughter taken just moments
2:11 2:12 after they crossed the border into
2:12 2:16 Israel and into safety Natalie renan and
2:16 2:17 her mother Judith who are from the
2:17 2:20 Chicago area were in Israel to celebrate
2:20 2:23 a family member's 85th birthday the
2:23 2:25 17-year-old's father tonight telling CBS
2:25 2:28 News his daughter is doing okay this
2:28 2:30 picture just released shows President
2:30 2:32 Biden speaking on the phone with them
2:32 2:34 saying they have the full support of the
2:34 2:36 US government as they recover from the
2:36 2:39 unimaginable there are still about 200
2:39 2:42 hostages some from 40 countries being
2:42 2:45 held in Gaza and tonight the border
2:45 2:47 crossing with Egypt remains closed
2:47 2:48 despite an agreement to allow much
2:48 2:51 needed humanitarian Aid into the region
2:51 2:53 the Secretary of State saying he expects
2:53 2:56 will quote see that moving soon we have
2:56 2:57 Team coverage tonight starting with
2:57 3:00 cbs's Charlie Daga in Tel Aviv good
3:00 3:03 evening
3:03 3:05 Charlie good evening to you Nora an
3:05 3:07 Israeli spokesman said tonight the two
3:07 3:10 women are safely in the hands of Israeli
3:10 3:13 troops a Personnel from the Red Cross
3:13 3:16 helped escort them from Gaza into Israel
3:16 3:17 relatives of other captives here
3:17 3:20 welcomed the release appealing for more
3:20 3:22 hostages to be
3:22 3:25 freed Judith renan and her 17-year-old
3:25 3:27 daughter Natalie had come to Israel to
3:27 3:31 celebrate the 85th birthday of Judith's
3:31 3:34 mother Israeli officials say they were
3:34 3:36 kidnapped by Hamas gunman from the nahal
3:36 3:39 Oz Kuts not more than a few hundred
3:39 3:42 yards away from Gaza during the militant
3:42 3:45 group's murderous Rampage on October 7th
3:45 3:47 these two Americans are now safely in
3:47 3:49 the hands of Israeli authorities in
3:49 3:52 Israel we welcome their release we share
3:52 3:55 in the relief that their families
3:55 3:56 friends and loved ones are feeling but
3:56 3:58 there are still 10 additional Americans
3:58 4:01 who remain un counted for uh in this
4:01 4:04 conflict we know that some of them are
4:04 4:06 being held hostage by Hamas along with
4:06 4:08 an estimated 200 other hostages Meer
4:08 4:11 heck is their Rabbi in Evanston Illinois
4:11 4:13 this news that Judith and Natalie have
4:13 4:16 been released from the hands of Gaza
4:16 4:19 Hamas terrorists is
4:19 4:22 overwhelming and really we have this
4:22 4:24 tremendous gratitude to God the
4:24 4:26 Breakthrough came tonight when Hamas
4:26 4:28 announced it was releasing the two
4:28 4:31 Americans on humanitarian grounds
4:31 4:35 following negotiations through Qatari
4:35 4:38 mediators later confirmed by the Israeli
4:38 4:41 Defense Forces spokesman saying they are
4:41 4:43 within the territory of Israel and in
4:43 4:47 the arms of the army us officials say a
4:47 4:50 small number of Americans scattered and
4:50 4:52 hidden away amid catastrophic
4:52 4:56 destruction and violent chaos in
4:56 4:59 Gaza today a symbolic ceremony was held
4:59 5:03 by family members in Tel Aviv 203 empty
5:03 5:05 seats at a Shabbat dinner their loved
5:05 5:09 ones may never join getting the hostages
5:09 5:11 out alive during a major ground invasion
5:11 5:14 is a challenge not seen on this scale
5:14 5:16 here before it's a war zone yeah it's
5:16 5:18 different than other hostage taking
5:18 5:20 scenario this is a different Tye of
5:20 5:23 scenario this is a war zone doron Avital
5:23 5:25 is the former commander of Israel's
5:25 5:29 Elite Special Forces Unit CET matkal
5:29 5:32 extracting hostages in the middle of an
5:32 5:35 active war zone is the last option
5:35 5:36 you're going to have troops that are
5:36 5:38 moving in troops that are coming under
5:38 5:40 Fire you're going to have booby traps
5:40 5:44 tunnels snipers and within that scenario
5:44 5:46 you're going to have major Challenge and
5:46 5:48 the challenge that Israel never
5:48 5:49 encountered in the
5:49 5:52 past he told us in the event of a
5:52 5:54 fullscale Invasion specialist hostage
5:54 5:57 teams would actually work in tandem with
5:57 6:00 invading Israeli forces but even then
6:00 6:02 the hope is that negotiations would
6:02 6:04 still be taking place on the ground
6:04 6:06 rather than trying to rescue the
6:06 6:09 individual hostages by force Nora you
6:09 6:12 know Charlie and I wonder since those
6:12 6:14 hostages were released have the air
6:14 6:16 strikes
6:16 6:18 stopped uh actually our colleagues
6:18 6:20 inside Gaza said the air strike stopped
6:20 6:23 at about 12:30 this afternoon about 5
6:23 6:26 hours before the hostages were released
6:26 6:27 and as far as we know they haven't
6:27 6:30 resumed since that's a bit of news
6:30 6:33 Charlie Daga thank you tonight there are
6:33 6:36 still around 500 American citizens who
6:36 6:38 remain stranded inside Gaza unable to
6:38 6:41 escape this as the border crossing with
6:41 6:43 Egypt remains closed to those looking to
6:43 6:45 flee and trucks carrying humanitarian
6:45 6:48 Aid cbs's MTS tab reports from the West
6:48 6:51 Bank where violent protests
6:51 6:54 continue Israeli forces Mass along
6:54 6:56 gaza's Northern and Eastern borders As
6:56 7:00 It prepares for a ground war but along
7:00 7:02 the Palestinian territory Southern front
7:02 7:04 repairs are underway at the ruffa
7:04 7:06 Crossing with Egypt as 90 trucks of
7:06 7:09 humanitarian Aid wait to get in and
7:09 7:11 foreign passport holders including US
7:11 7:14 citizens wait to get out Gaza is in
7:14 7:17 desperate need of aid but as Israel
7:17 7:19 strikes only intensify in the South
7:19 7:21 where more than 600,000 have taken
7:21 7:24 Refuge some are now leaving saying
7:24 7:27 they'd rather die in their own
7:27 7:29 homes while in the Israeli occupied West
7:29 7:31 Bank Stone throwing Palestinians
7:31 7:34 bitterly confront Israeli forces who
7:34 7:36 Strike Back
7:36 7:39 hard Israeli snipers shot at several
7:39 7:42 protesters we witnessed at least three
7:42 7:43 and caught the moment one injured
7:43 7:45 protester was put in an
7:45 7:48 ambulance since hamas's deadly Rampage
7:48 7:50 82 Palestinians have been killed in the
7:50 7:53 West Bank The Fury that these protesters
7:53 7:55 have isn't just at Israel and its
7:55 7:57 bombardment of Gaza it's also at
7:57 8:00 President Biden who they say is giving
8:00 8:02 Israel unconditional
8:02 8:05 support unconditional support that has
8:05 8:07 allowed Israel to kill in Gaza with
8:07 8:10 impunity say protesters in Cairo as they
8:10 8:13 pour into taher Square during a day of
8:13 8:15 Rage there were even massive
8:15 8:18 demonstrations in the wtor capital of
8:18 8:19 Yemen
8:19 8:22 s in turkey's largest city istambul they
8:22 8:24 burnt an effigy of Israel's prime
8:24 8:27 minister and the US
8:27 8:30 flag the fear now is that these
8:30 8:32 widespread demonstrations could evolve
8:32 8:34 into a regional War a war the us could
8:34 8:37 find itself dragged into if it doesn't
8:37 8:39 address to Fury across the Middle East
8:39 8:42 as Israel continues to bomb Gaza and
8:42 8:44 gets ready for its massive ground
8:44 8:48 Invasion Nora MTS tab thank you for more
8:48 8:50 on what impact the release of the
8:50 8:52 American hostages may have on this
8:52 8:54 rapidly evolving conflict let's turn to
8:54 8:55 CBS Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent
8:55 8:57 Margaret Brennan all right Margaret you
8:57 8:59 heard jarlie taga say the air strikes
8:59 9:00 have stopped for now what does this mean
9:00 9:02 for a potential ground Invasion well it
9:02 9:04 is possible that this was part of
9:04 9:06 hamas's strategy to slow down the
9:06 9:08 potential of a ground Invasion but
9:08 9:11 that's ultimately up to the Israelis and
9:11 9:12 what diplomats tell me is they are
9:12 9:14 focused instead on really trying to
9:14 9:16 maximize this window of opportunity they
9:16 9:18 know they have a short period of time to
9:18 9:20 try to get more hostages out and they
9:20 9:24 see this as proof of concept they now
9:24 9:26 know that they can negotiate with Hamas
9:26 9:28 through Qatar and so they're hoping they
9:28 9:30 can rep replicate this we also heard
9:30 9:32 from the Secretary of State today there
9:32 9:34 are still 10 Americans unaccounted for
9:34 9:37 some of them being held hostage why did
9:37 9:39 Hamas release this mother and this
9:39 9:43 daughter no one's quite sure of hamas's
9:43 9:46 motivations but it was noted to me that
9:46 9:49 of all 200 hostages they were two
9:49 9:52 Americans who reside in Illinois these
9:52 9:55 weren't just any dual Nationals so why
9:55 9:57 prioritize two Americans ahead of
9:57 9:58 everyone else it's interesting that
9:58 10:01 president President Biden so loudly
10:01 10:03 emphasized his interest in this even
10:03 10:06 broadcasting parts of that Zoom meeting
10:06 10:08 he had that's really rare with hostages
10:08 10:10 to up the price on their heads by
10:10 10:13 showing how uh important they are but in
10:13 10:16 this case it may have helped Margaret
10:16 10:19 Brennan thank you and CBS News will have
10:19 10:22 a prime time special Israel Hamas War
10:22 10:24 the world on edge that's tonight at 10
10:24 10:26 p.m. and Margaret will have more on the
10:26 10:28 evolving conflict this Sunday on Face
10:28 10:30 the Nation
10:30 10:32 now to the dysfunction and utter chaos
10:32 10:34 on Capitol Hill after three failed
10:34 10:36 attempts house Judiciary chair Jim
10:36 10:39 Jordan was removed as the nominee to be
10:39 10:41 the next speaker by members of his own
10:41 10:43 party cbs's Scott McFarland reports the
10:43 10:46 only thing certain among Republicans is
10:46 10:47 the
10:47 10:50 anger for Ohio Republican Jim Jordan his
10:50 10:53 race to be speaker second in line to the
10:53 10:56 presidency was like quicksand speaker
10:56 10:58 has not been elected the harder he
10:58 11:00 fought the Deep deeper he sunk It's time
11:00 11:02 for him to step down get somebody with a
11:02 11:04 clean slate with no baggage bleeding
11:04 11:06 support Jordan was forced to leave the
11:06 11:08 race today ending a fight that included
11:08 11:10 Anonymous threats against Republicans
11:10 11:11 who had voted against him on the house
11:11 11:14 floor at least three members
11:14 11:15 acknowledged they receive threats and
11:15 11:18 Nebraska Republican Don Bacon reported
11:18 11:20 his wife got anonymous text messages
11:20 11:22 that her husband wasn't a team player I
11:22 11:25 think any efforts at any level to try to
11:25 11:28 intimidate or to try to pressure um
11:28 11:31 first backfire and second place are
11:31 11:34 unacceptable and and and have to be
11:34 11:35 rejected in the strongest of terms
11:35 11:38 Jordan denied he or his allies had any
11:38 11:40 involvement in the threats some of your
11:40 11:42 colleagues feel threatened is there more
11:42 11:44 you can do to Tamp that down that that
11:44 11:46 is there's no place for that we've been
11:46 11:48 totally against that nearly 3 weeks
11:48 11:50 after voting to remove then speaker
11:50 11:52 Kevin McCarthy the house remains
11:52 11:54 stalemated with Republicans unable to
11:54 11:57 unify behind a successor it's
11:57 11:59 astonishing to me and um we are in a
11:59 12:03 very bad position as a party until the
12:03 12:05 US House reopens the president's request
12:05 12:08 for 105 billion dollars in aid for
12:08 12:10 Israel and Ukraine is frozen and the
12:10 12:12 earliest they'll vote on a new speaker
12:12 12:15 Contender is Tuesday morning Nora Scott
12:15 12:18 McFarland thank you an urgent man hunt
12:18 12:20 is underway after a Maryland judge was
12:20 12:21 killed in the driveway of his own home
12:21 12:24 on Thursday police are calling it a
12:24 12:26 targeted attack the judge had presided
12:26 12:28 over the suspect's divorce case earlier
12:28 12:31 in the day cbs's Jeff Bay has the new
12:31 12:36 details on this disturbing
12:36 12:40 crime 52-year-old Judge Andrew Wilkinson
12:40 12:43 had just arrived home after work when
12:43 12:45 the gunman opened fire his wife and son
12:45 12:47 were at home at the time Sheriff Brian
12:47 12:50 Albert is leading the investigation this
12:50 12:53 was a targeted attack on Judge Wilkinson
12:53 12:55 police are searching for a 49-year-old
12:55 12:58 Pedro argot just hours before the
12:58 13:00 shooting investigators say the
13:00 13:02 Washington County circuit court judge
13:02 13:04 presided over the suspect's divorce
13:04 13:07 hearing granting custody of our good
13:07 13:10 taste for children to his wife we have
13:10 13:12 responded to the residents for verbal
13:12 13:14 domestic assaults two times within the
13:14 13:18 last uh few years but no no uh criminal
13:18 13:21 record that we're aware of threats
13:21 13:23 against judges have been increasing
13:23 13:27 Nationwide in 2021 federal judges were
13:27 13:29 the target of more than 4500 threats and
13:29 13:31 inappropriate Communications in
13:31 13:34 Hagerstown it's unclear if the suspect
13:34 13:37 knew where the judge lived or just
13:37 13:40 followed him home we've known him for
13:40 13:43 years moella lives down the street from
13:43 13:44 where the shooting occurred he was
13:44 13:48 always nice to us always wave to
13:48 13:52 us take a look at the photograph of the
13:52 13:54 suspect that law enforcement is now
13:54 13:56 circulating he is considered armed and
13:56 13:59 dangerous and right now investigator
13:59 14:01 believe that he may be driving a silver
14:01 14:04 Mercedes Nora we found out late this
14:04 14:07 afternoon that US Marshals are now
14:07 14:10 involved in this intensifying
14:10 14:13 Manhunt Jeff pay thank you very much in
14:13 14:15 another potential blow to former
14:15 14:17 president Donald Trump a second attorney
14:17 14:19 has pleaded guilty in Georgia's election
14:19 14:21 interference case Kenneth cheeseboro
14:21 14:23 admitted to putting forward a fake slate
14:23 14:26 of GOP electors in an effort to
14:26 14:28 undermine the state's 2020 election
14:28 14:30 results Trump attorney Sydney Powell
14:30 14:32 took a similar plea deal Thursday
14:32 14:35 requiring them both to testify against
14:35 14:37 other defendants which could include
14:37 14:39 Donald Trump the former president was
14:39 14:42 hit with a $5,000 fine and threatened
14:42 14:44 with jail time today for violating a gag
14:44 14:46 order in his New York fraud trial the
14:46 14:49 judge said a social media post attacking
14:49 14:51 the judge's clerk remained visible on
14:51 14:53 Trump's campaign website more than two
14:53 14:55 weeks after he was ordered to take it
14:55 14:58 down an norer is expected to make this a
14:58 15:00 wet windy and chilly weekend for
15:00 15:02 millions in the East we've got the
15:02 15:05 details
15:05 15:08 next a heartbreaking scene in Baltimore
15:08 15:10 as firefighters held a somber procession
15:10 15:12 for a fellow firefighter who was killed
15:12 15:14 on Thursday rookie firefighter Rodney
15:14 15:17 pittz was 31 years old four other
15:17 15:19 firefighters suffered Burns battling
15:19 15:21 this intense fire at a row house
15:21 15:23 Baltimore's fire department which just
15:23 15:25 swore in a new Fire Chief came under
15:25 15:27 scrutiny last year after three
15:27 15:29 firefighters were killed when a burning
15:29 15:32 roow house collapsed tonight tens of
15:32 15:33 millions of Americans are in the path of
15:33 15:36 a nor Easter that's moving in it's
15:36 15:37 expected to bring heavy rain and
15:37 15:39 Powerful gusts from Virginia to Maine
15:39 15:41 between now and Sunday with some areas
15:41 15:43 getting more than 2 Ines of rain higher
15:43 15:46 elevations could get snow as a blast of
15:46 15:48 cold air hits the region in New York
15:48 15:51 this will be the 20th out of 21 weekends
15:51 15:53 where it rained at least once between
15:53 15:56 Friday and Sunday Spirit Airlines
15:56 15:58 suddenly cancels dozens of FL flights
15:58 16:03 will explain why
16:03 16:06 next Spirit Airline says it had to
16:06 16:07 cancel some of its flights today after
16:07 16:10 it removed 25 planes from service for
16:10 16:12 mandatory inspections Flight Aware
16:12 16:14 reports nearly 100 Spirit flights were
16:14 16:16 canceled today and more than 80 on
16:16 16:18 Saturday Spirit expects flights to be
16:18 16:20 disrupted for several days and it's
16:20 16:22 urging passengers to monitor their email
16:22 16:24 and check their flight status on its
16:24 16:27 website on the road is next with a
16:27 16:29 lesson in caring like only a grandmother
16:29 16:30 can
16:30 16:33 do if you can't watch the CBS Evening
16:33 16:36 News you can listen subscribe wherever
16:36 16:40 you get your
16:40 16:42 podcast finally tonight they say
16:42 16:44 breakfast is the most important meal of
16:44 16:46 the day cbs's Steve Hartman found one
16:46 16:48 home where it's good for the body and
16:48 16:50 the Soul on the
16:50 16:53 road they come together at the crack of
16:53 16:56 dawn from all directions converging on
16:56 16:59 this tiny house in St Louis Missouri for
16:59 17:01 their weekly Wednesday visit with
17:01 17:04 66-year-old Peggy wincowski it's raining
17:04 17:06 grandma Peggy brings everyone together
17:06 17:08 she's just like a built-in Grandma to
17:08 17:10 all of us she cares for us a lot she
17:10 17:12 really cares for
17:12 17:15 us the students who visit Grandma Peggy
17:15 17:17 attend Bishop deberg high school and are
17:17 17:19 part of what they call the Wednesday
17:19 17:20 Breakfast
17:20 17:24 Club seeing the spread you can
17:24 17:26 understand why kids might want to come
17:26 17:29 here but what isn't so CL is how Peggy
17:29 17:32 got roped into hosting the Wednesday
17:32 17:34 Breakfast Club actually used to meet at
17:34 17:37 this Diner until one day a kid named Sam
17:37 17:40 Crow said you know my grandma could cook
17:40 17:44 better than this so the next Wednesday
17:44 17:46 they showed up at her doorstep I'm like
17:46 17:49 okay and they came all school year every
17:49 17:53 Wednesday that was back in 2021 and it
17:53 17:57 continued merrily until that day when
17:57 18:00 all Joy was
18:00 18:03 lost about a year and a half ago Peggy's
18:03 18:06 grandson Sam a sophmore Bishop deberg
18:06 18:10 was killed in a hit and run the boy was
18:10 18:13 beloved so of course breakfast was the
18:13 18:17 last thing on anyone's mind and yet the
18:17 18:20 very next Wednesday and virtually every
18:20 18:23 Wednesday since during the school year
18:23 18:25 the kids have returned to Grandma
18:25 18:27 peggies in numbers far greater than
18:27 18:30 before would be so proud look at when he
18:30 18:33 started everyone coming together for a
18:33 18:35 heaping helping of
18:35 18:39 healing it melts my heart it's really
18:39 18:41 not about the food it's just about being
18:41 18:43 together we benefit from her she
18:43 18:45 benefits from us it's like we feed off
18:45 18:48 each other and we're like keeping his
18:48 18:52 memory alive so yeah good morning guys
18:52 18:55 everyone Grieves differently but those
18:55 18:57 who manage it best always seem to
18:57 19:00 blanket themselves with Kindred Spirits
19:00 19:02 sharing the burden teaching each other
19:02 19:06 to laugh again and building tradition to
19:06 19:09 make sure those memories are as snug and
19:09 19:13 sustaining as a warm meal at Grandma's
19:13 19:15 this is the best morning Steve Hartman
19:15 19:18 on the road in St Louis makes Wednesday
19:18 19:20 so much
19:20 19:22 fun we needed that this week that's
19:22 19:25 tonight's CBS Evening News we'll see you
19:25 19:28 at 10 p.m. for the CBS News special is
19:28 19:31 Hamas War the world on edge I'm Nora
19:31 19:40 odonnell good
19:40 19:40 night