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cbs en 231021 cbs evening news ;First humanitarian aid trucks allowed into Gaza; Suspect’s SUV found after shooting death of Maryland judge

by peach1227-news 2023. 10. 22.
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0:00 0:02 [Music]
0:02 0:05 tonight Aid to
0:05 0:08 Gaza Egypt allows a trickle of supplies
0:08 0:10 through its border with Gaza just 20
0:10 0:13 trucks before closing the crossing again
0:13 0:16 they are the first shipment since Israel
0:16 0:18 sealed off the region in retaliation for
0:18 0:20 hamas's brutal attack on Israeli
0:20 0:23 civilians relief organizations warned
0:23 0:25 despite today's Aid the situation is
0:25 0:28 dire for the roughly 2 million in Gaza
0:28 0:31 I'm Chris Li in Egypt where AID to Gaza
0:31 0:34 can finally trickle in but where
0:34 0:38 refugees still can't come out also
0:38 0:41 tonight breaking news a dual American
0:41 0:43 Israeli fighting for Israel killed in
0:43 0:46 combat we'll have the
0:46 0:49 details and looming ground offensive
0:49 0:51 Israeli defense officials say
0:51 0:52 preparations for the next stage of the
0:52 0:55 war have been approved starting with
0:55 0:58 increased air strikes plus Bound for
0:58 1:01 home God bless you guys what President
1:01 1:02 Biden told the American mother and
1:02 1:05 daughter held hostage by Hamas as their
1:05 1:08 Illinois neighborhood prepares for their
1:08 1:13 return today is a most celebratory day
1:13 1:16 and later tickets to history an auction
1:16 1:18 for the front row seats to a play that
1:18 1:21 never finished but took a dramatic turn
1:21 1:23 that changed America forever these
1:23 1:26 tickets you ended up paying nearly a
1:26 1:27 quar of a million dollars and you would
1:27 1:29 have went higher I would have went
1:29 1:33 higher
1:33 1:36 this is the CBS weekend news from
1:36 1:39 Washington with Adriana
1:39 1:42 Diaz good evening tonight Gaza on the
1:42 1:44 brink of an invasion two weeks after a
1:44 1:47 deadly surprise attack by Hamas Israel
1:47 1:49 stands ready to send in troops on the
1:49 1:52 ground soldiers and tanks are amassed
1:52 1:54 along the border awaiting for word to
1:54 1:57 strike the Israeli military says ahead
1:57 1:59 of the ground offensive it is
1:59 2:01 intensifying air attacks which already
2:01 2:03 have been pounding Gaza since the start
2:03 2:06 of the war in Egypt Arab leaders met
2:06 2:08 today to call for a cease fire and a
2:08 2:11 peace Summit to end this brutal conflict
2:11 2:14 thousands are dead on both sides among
2:14 2:17 the victims in Gaza at least 16 un
2:17 2:20 workers and nearly two dozen journalists
2:20 2:22 the brutality of this war has spawned
2:22 2:25 protests around the world today in
2:25 2:27 London tens of thousands marched in
2:27 2:30 support of the Palestinian cause
2:30 2:32 meanwhile today Egypt briefly allowed
2:32 2:35 just 20 trucks into Gaza carrying food
2:35 2:38 medicine and water but no fuel was
2:38 2:40 allowed the UN is hoping a second Convoy
2:40 2:43 of relief trucks will be allowed in on
2:43 2:46 Sunday cbs's Chris livay is in Cairo
2:46 2:49 with the
2:49 2:52 latest civilians in Gaza have been
2:52 2:55 paying the price since hamas's barbaric
2:55 2:58 attack on Israeli civilians more than
2:58 3:00 half a million people survive surviving
3:00 3:03 on un Aid cut off from food water and
3:03 3:05 medical supplies to the fury of
3:05 3:07 Palestinians including US Passport
3:07 3:10 holders like Leila biso who feels
3:10 3:12 abandoned by President Biden for America
3:12 3:15 to do this to us a strongest country to
3:15 3:17 leave their citizens here and not help
3:17 3:19 them that's that's a big problem they
3:19 3:22 should have done like the possible to to
3:22 3:25 help us get out of here speaking to CBS
3:25 3:26 News she and her family are at the
3:26 3:29 border with Egypt where after 2 weeks of
3:29 3:32 an Israel blockade Aid is finally coming
3:32 3:35 in but at a trickle only 20 trucks for
3:35 3:37 now compared to the hundreds that
3:37 3:42 entered daily before the latest
3:42 3:45 conflict in response to the Bloodshed
3:45 3:47 the Arab world has been Ablaze in
3:47 3:50 protest demonstrators denouncing Israel
3:50 3:52 and America for supporting it with
3:52 3:55 billions in military
3:55 3:59 aid the rage even in Cairo the city
3:59 4:01 notorious for the 2011 Mass protest of
4:01 4:04 tier Square the epicenter of the Arab
4:04 4:06 Spring followed by a brutal police
4:06 4:09 Crackdown for the past decade
4:09 4:12 demonstrations in Egypt have been banned
4:12 4:15 now they're encouraged this is the first
4:15 4:17 time they've even a loud protest in tier
4:17 4:20 Square since the Arab
4:20 4:23 Spring Fury over the deaths of innocent
4:23 4:26 Palestinians and fear of a mass influx
4:26 4:29 of refugees into Egypt where security
4:29 4:31 forces could be overwhelmed by a human
4:31 4:34 Stampede says former Egyptian lawmaker
4:34 4:37 and Israel expert Amad God you have to
4:37 4:41 Choice number one to try to prevent them
4:41 4:44 and shoot them and shoot them yeah in
4:44 4:48 order to prevent them you must to use
4:48 4:52 arms could do that no this is one choice
4:52 4:55 I think it's impossible the second
4:55 4:58 choice that Egypt can allow for them to
4:58 5:01 enter for
5:01 5:04 temporary just ask countries like Jordan
5:04 5:06 Lebanon and Syria about the millions of
5:06 5:08 Palestinian refugees who've been living
5:08 5:11 there for decades in temporary camps
5:11 5:14 turned permanent and Adriana now the
5:14 5:16 question is with that gate to Gaza
5:16 5:18 cracked open not just about the aid that
5:18 5:21 will come in but if people will begin to
5:21 5:22 come
5:22 5:25 out that is a major question thank you
5:25 5:27 the Israeli Defense Force says it is
5:27 5:30 stepping up attacks on Gaza head of a
5:30 5:32 ground offensive spokesman Daniel hagari
5:32 5:34 told reporters the goal was to minimize
5:34 5:36 the dangers their troops will face in
5:36 5:39 the next stages of the war cbs's roxan
5:39 5:42 Saar is in Tel Aviv
5:42 5:45 Roxanna Adriana Israel's military has
5:45 5:46 struck dozens of buildings in the
5:46 5:49 northern Gaza Strip As It prepares for
5:49 5:52 what it is called the next stages of War
5:52 5:53 but many people here worry their
5:53 5:56 families and friends still held captive
5:56 5:59 by Hamas will be caught in the crossfire
5:59 6:00 [Applause]
6:00 6:00 [Music]
6:00 6:03 [Applause]
6:03 6:05 Don't Be Afraid these Israelis sing in
6:05 6:08 Tel Aviv as they long for their loved
6:08 6:10 ones missing or held hostage by Hamas
6:10 6:13 for two
6:13 6:16 weeks everybody loved her she was always
6:16 6:19 happy Eli Cohen says the militants
6:19 6:21 captured his 27-year-old niece Angar
6:21 6:23 Hyman at the Nova Music Festival on
6:23 6:26 October 7th altogether four terrorist
6:26 6:28 they were kidnapping her into Gaza
6:28 6:30 Street last night
6:30 6:32 two Israeli American hostages were
6:32 6:36 released does that give you hope yes it
6:36 6:38 gives me hope because we see that there
6:38 6:40 are some negotiations through Qatar and
6:40 6:42 we see that Hamas understand that he
6:42 6:44 needs to let people
6:44 6:48 go after a brief pause yesterday Israel
6:48 6:49 announced it's stepping up its
6:49 6:52 bombardment of Gaza starting today and
6:52 6:54 says it finalized plans to expand its
6:54 6:57 operations signs of a much anticipated
6:57 6:59 ground incursion which could complicate
6:59 7:02 the return of more hostages and along
7:02 7:04 Israel's northern border with Lebanon
7:04 7:07 Israeli forces again exchanged fire with
7:07 7:09 Hezbollah the powerful iran-backed
7:09 7:12 militia there an Israeli American
7:12 7:13 reserve soldier was killed in the
7:13 7:16 skirmishes since hamas's brutal attacks
7:16 7:19 here Israel says up to 200 Israelis are
7:19 7:22 still unaccounted for and around 300
7:22 7:24 remains have yet to be
7:24 7:27 identified the hardest cases come to the
7:27 7:30 Institute of forensic medicine in telev
7:30 7:34 leave where gurnie after gurnie carry
7:34 7:37 bodies mutilated riddled with bullets
7:37 7:39 and charred beyond recognition some of
7:39 7:42 the cases came as a mass of charcoal and
7:42 7:44 some of the cases when you open the bag
7:44 7:48 we have only so parts of Bones every day
7:48 7:50 more bodies are brought here for
7:50 7:53 identification they're bodies of adults
7:53 7:54 bodies of children they're brought
7:54 7:57 inside where samples are
7:57 8:00 taken samples like bits of of Bones you
8:00 8:02 extract DNA from this yes teeth to see
8:02 8:04 if it matches a family
8:04 8:07 member or DNA that hasn't already
8:07 8:10 degraded any clues these experts can
8:10 8:15 find our job is to try and relief the
8:15 8:18 pain of the families to help them
8:18 8:21 identify and then bury their loved
8:21 8:25 ones yes so they could get sort of a
8:25 8:30 closure and would be able to start again
8:30 8:32 we didn't heard from him the family of
8:32 8:34 hanano blanca is still looking for their
8:34 8:37 closure the 42-year-old is missing his
8:37 8:39 car left behind at the music festival
8:39 8:42 his friends among the estimated 260
8:42 8:45 people slaughtered there by Hamas you
8:45 8:50 just want closure you want answers yes
8:50 8:53 the unknowing is horrible if it's dead
8:53 8:56 or if he's alive it's
8:56 8:58 terrible some of the missing and
8:58 9:01 kidnapped hostages were wounded or sick
9:01 9:03 and Adriana as each day passes their
9:03 9:05 families grow more concerned they're not
9:05 9:09 getting the care they need roxan of sa
9:09 9:11 thank you the White House says it
9:11 9:13 remains engaged in talks aimed at
9:13 9:15 freeing the hostages earlier today
9:15 9:17 President Biden was asked about whether
9:17 9:20 Israel should wait are you encouraging
9:20 9:23 the Israelis to delay
9:23 9:27 invasion in do have you any word on any
9:27 9:28 additional CBS says Christina rafini is
9:28 9:30 at the White House Christina what have
9:30 9:32 we heard from the White House about
9:32 9:34 exactly what the president
9:34 9:37 meant not a lot of details we've asked
9:37 9:38 precisely about those remarks and not
9:38 9:40 gotten anything specific yet but it only
9:40 9:42 happened a little while ago we were told
9:42 9:44 earlier today the president who's at his
9:44 9:46 beach home in Delaware was brief with
9:46 9:48 the latest updates on the war now last
9:48 9:49 night while boarding Air Force One
9:49 9:51 President Biden was asked by the TV pool
9:51 9:53 if he thought Israel should delay the
9:53 9:55 ground assault until they could release
9:55 9:56 more hostages a little similar to the
9:56 9:58 question that was just asked last night
9:58 10:00 the president answered yes but a White
10:00 10:02 House official says he was far away and
10:02 10:04 didn't hear the full question and that
10:04 10:05 it sounded more like would you like to
10:05 10:08 see more hostages relied we followed up
10:08 10:09 and asked what the president's position
10:09 10:11 is on whether Israel should delay a
10:11 10:13 ground offensive until more of those
10:13 10:15 hostages can get out and we have not
10:15 10:18 gotten a response back yet Adriana and
10:18 10:19 Christina turning to gaza's Border
10:19 10:21 Crossing into Egypt this morning of
10:21 10:23 course it was open for a short amount of
10:23 10:25 time is that a positive sign for the 5
10:25 10:28 to 600 American citizens that are stuck
10:28 10:30 there I mean yes and no we asked the
10:30 10:32 state department if any of those
10:32 10:34 Americans were able to get through after
10:34 10:36 the aid trucks went in and a state
10:36 10:37 department spokesperson said they
10:37 10:39 alerted all the Americans in the area uh
10:39 10:41 to the crossing this morning that the
10:41 10:43 gate opened at 10:00 a.m. and then it
10:43 10:44 closed again in the afternoon without
10:44 10:46 allowing US citizens or any other
10:46 10:48 foreign Nationals to cross South into
10:48 10:50 Egypt now there aren't any us officials
10:50 10:52 on the ground there to help but the US
10:52 10:54 says it's urgently working on the
10:54 10:58 situation ad rafini thank you so much we
10:58 10:59 are learning more more about what
10:59 11:01 happened behind the scenes to secure the
11:01 11:03 freedom of two American hostages
11:03 11:04 yesterday a mother and daughter from
11:04 11:07 Illinois the country of Qatar helped
11:07 11:09 negotiate the women's release and today
11:09 11:11 the Qatari foreign minister spoke with
11:11 11:13 US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin
11:13 11:15 reaffirming their country's commitment
11:15 11:18 to working with the US other nations and
11:18 11:20 Hamas to free more hostages the two
11:20 11:22 Americans are the first hostages
11:22 11:24 released out of more than 200 people
11:24 11:27 abducted CBS Chicago's nll Brennan is in
11:27 11:29 the hometown of those two women in Evon
11:29 11:32 Illinois north of
11:32 11:35 Chicago Adriana the release of Judith
11:35 11:38 and Natalie renan has injected New Hope
11:38 11:40 into the Israel Hamas conflict that
11:40 11:43 successful negotiations are taking place
11:43 11:46 and that at least two hostages will soon
11:46 11:47 return
11:47 11:50 home this is what Freedom First looked
11:50 11:53 like for Judith and Natalie renan as
11:53 11:54 Hamas handed them over to the
11:54 11:57 International Red Cross in Gaza the
11:57 11:59 mother and daughter were back in Israel
11:59 12:02 Friday and shortly after spoke with
12:02 12:04 President Biden I hope you're both not
12:04 12:08 only feeling good but in good health as
12:08 12:11 well yes sir yes we are and thank you
12:11 12:13 very much God bless you Buri renan said
12:13 12:16 he was able to hear his daughter's voice
12:16 12:18 after 2 weeks of sleepless nights she
12:18 12:21 sounds very good she looks very good she
12:21 12:24 was very happy and she's waiting to come
12:24 12:27 home the renan traveled to Israel right
12:27 12:29 before the October 7th attack to
12:29 12:31 celebrate the 85th birthday of Judith's
12:31 12:34 mother Israeli officials say they were
12:34 12:36 kidnapped from a kabut a few hundred
12:36 12:39 yards from Gaza two Saturdays ago we got
12:39 12:42 a text from Natalie saying hey I'm in
12:42 12:46 the house right now uh there is gunshots
12:46 12:48 and explosions outside Natalie's
12:48 12:49 stepbrother hopes the pair will be back
12:49 12:52 home in time to celebrate Natalie's 18th
12:52 12:54 birthday on Tuesday you know when
12:54 12:57 Natalie and Judith are reunited with us
12:57 12:59 it's not over there are are still
12:59 13:03 hostages we care just as deeply about
13:03 13:04 those families as we do our own because
13:04 13:07 we know the pain of what's happened and
13:07 13:10 we know that there are civilians in Gaza
13:10 13:12 right now who had nothing to do with
13:12 13:15 this who are being hurt the renan's
13:15 13:17 Jewish congregation celebrated their
13:17 13:20 release Friday and lit candles offering
13:20 13:22 prayers for the remaining hostages and
13:22 13:24 for lasting
13:24 13:26 peace us officials say there are still
13:26 13:29 10 Americans who are unacc accounted for
13:29 13:32 Adriana us officials believe that Hamas
13:32 13:35 is holding some of them hostage along
13:35 13:36 with about 200
13:36 13:39 others n Brenan thank you straight ahead
13:39 13:42 on the CBS weekend news sorting fact
13:42 13:43 from fiction when navigating social
13:43 13:47 media posts about war and owning a piece
13:47 13:51 of History your ticket to a night of
13:51 13:56 [Music]
13:56 13:58 infamy adding to the confusion of over
13:58 14:01 the Israel Hamas war is a surge of
14:01 14:03 online misinformation some of it coming
14:03 14:05 from social media accounts that receive
14:05 14:08 millions of views cbs's Jolan Kent in
14:08 14:10 Los Angeles reports on the struggle to
14:10 14:14 sort out fact from fiction
14:14 14:17 online as the war in Israel and Gaza
14:17 14:19 plays out in real time regulators and
14:19 14:21 experts say misleading information and
14:21 14:23 propaganda are rapidly spreading
14:23 14:26 throughout social media in the aftermath
14:26 14:28 of the Gaza Hospital blast misleading
14:28 14:30 claim and images circulated online
14:30 14:32 generating confusion and heightened
14:32 14:34 tension the problems have surfaced
14:34 14:37 across platforms especially X formerly
14:37 14:39 known as Twitter research group althia
14:39 14:42 also detected a network of at least 67
14:42 14:44 accounts that intentionally posted false
14:44 14:46 content about the war receiving millions
14:46 14:48 of
14:48 14:50 views including these mistranslated
14:50 14:52 videos of Russian President Vladimir
14:52 14:55 Putin and foreign minister Sergey lavro
14:55 14:58 manipulated to falsely say that Russia
14:58 15:00 will support Palestine if the US
15:00 15:04 supports Israel why are 67 accounts so
15:04 15:06 powerful in their influence and why do
15:06 15:08 they matter it matters whether or not
15:08 15:11 people believe it and the more times
15:11 15:13 that people are able to view content of
15:13 15:16 a similar nature the more opportunities
15:16 15:18 an actor has to convince somebody of
15:18 15:20 something that may or may not be true
15:20 15:22 all of it is a threat to our democracy
15:22 15:25 Colorado Senator Mike Bennett sent this
15:25 15:27 open letter calling on Elon Musk Mark
15:27 15:28 Zuckerberg and other Tech leaders to
15:28 15:31 take immediate and concerted efforts to
15:31 15:32 address the scale and speed at which
15:32 15:35 disinformation is circulating and answer
15:35 15:37 questions by the end of the month this
15:37 15:40 comes after musk the owner of X laid off
15:40 15:41 much of the team responsible for
15:41 15:43 monitoring posts when he took over the
15:43 15:46 company what can you do about that well
15:46 15:48 I think what we could do about this is
15:48 15:51 set up a new agency in Washington uh to
15:51 15:53 represent the interest the American
15:53 15:55 people I think leaving it to these guys
15:55 15:59 to police themselves is a big mistake X
15:59 16:00 formerly Twitter says it's already
16:00 16:02 removed several hundred accounts
16:02 16:05 including some that are Hamas Affiliated
16:05 16:06 meanwhile meta the parent company of
16:06 16:09 Facebook says it's opened a Special
16:09 16:11 Operation Center while Tik Tok and
16:11 16:13 Snapchat tell me they've also increased
16:13 16:15 their resources to fight misinformation
16:15 16:17 Jolene Kent CBS
16:17 16:20 News still ahead on the CBS weekend news
16:20 16:22 police searching for a judge's killer
16:22 16:27 make a major
16:27 16:29 discovery
16:29 16:30 police searching for the killer of a
16:30 16:32 Maryland judge today found a vehicle
16:32 16:35 belonging to the suspect Judge Andrew
16:35 16:37 Wilkinson was shot dead in the driveway
16:37 16:40 outside his home Thursday allegedly by
16:40 16:42 Pedro arot the shooting happened just
16:42 16:45 hours after the judge presided over a
16:45 16:47 hearing in the suspect's divorce trial
16:47 16:50 granting his wife custody of their four
16:50 16:52 children next on the CBS weekend news a
16:52 16:57 recall on a popular toy
16:57 16:59 train
16:59 17:03 3 2 1
17:03 17:07 ignition and liftoff of Falcon 9 SpaceX
17:07 17:09 successfully launched its Falcon 9
17:09 17:10 rocket this morning it carried a payload
17:10 17:13 of 21 Starling satellites into space
17:13 17:15 joining the nearly 5,000 already in
17:15 17:18 orbit it was the 16th flight for the
17:18 17:21 reusable first stage SpaceX booster
17:21 17:24 Fisher pric is recalling roughly 21,000
17:24 17:26 of its popular Thomas and Friends toy
17:26 17:28 trains Thomas Li's large at my house it
17:28 17:30 affects two models the Troublesome Truck
17:30 17:32 and crates and the Troublesome Truck and
17:32 17:34 paint a piece of plastic containing a
17:34 17:36 magnet on the toys can potentially come
17:36 17:39 loose posing a choking hazard the
17:39 17:40 company says the trains can be returned
17:40 17:43 for a full refund when we return why
17:43 17:45 someone paid more than a quarter of a
17:45 17:48 million dollars for tickets to a play
17:48 17:49 that never
17:49 17:55 [Music]
17:55 17:58 finished two tickets for a show that
17:58 18:00 never finished have just been sold for
18:00 18:02 six figures last month an auction was
18:02 18:04 held for seats to a theater production
18:04 18:07 that changed the course of US History
18:07 18:09 the final bid revealed a surprise and
18:09 18:11 not just the dollar amount cbs's Scott
18:11 18:12 McFarland
18:12 18:15 explains inside the intimate Ford's
18:15 18:17 Theater near the White House days after
18:17 18:18 the end of the Civil War the
18:18 18:21 presentation of our American cousin was
18:21 18:23 to be a moment of Celebration and joy
18:23 18:26 with Abraham Lincoln in the president's
18:26 18:29 box he came here that night to unwind he
18:29 18:31 did absolutely it's one of his favorite
18:31 18:35 things to do April 14th 1865 a date
18:35 18:37 students of History know quite well
18:37 18:40 Confederate sympathizer John wils Booth
18:40 18:42 broke into the unguarded box shot
18:42 18:45 Lincoln and barreled down to the stage
18:45 18:46 and all of a sudden you have chaos
18:46 18:48 unfolding here in the crowd people on
18:48 18:50 the first floor are clamoring up onto
18:50 18:52 the stage to get after booth and to also
18:52 18:54 get up into that box an attack that
18:54 18:55 National Park Service Ranger and
18:55 18:57 historian Garrett C says left an
18:57 19:00 indelible mark on the nation this summer
19:00 19:02 when a Boston auction house put up for
19:02 19:04 sale what it said were a pair of front
19:04 19:05 row tickets on the upper level to the
19:05 19:07 show they expected the tickets could
19:07 19:09 yield more than
19:09 19:12 $60,000 and were they right here they
19:12 19:16 are right here these tickets you ended
19:16 19:18 up paying nearly a quarter of a million
19:18 19:20 dollars and you would have went higher I
19:20 19:23 would have went higher I Jim Ur won the
19:23 19:25 auction and if his name rings a bell you
19:25 19:28 might be a football fan Jim ERS owns the
19:28 19:30 Indianapolis Colts and the football team
19:30 19:32 is just one of the interesting things he
19:32 19:35 owns it's a service of the Arts to the
19:35 19:38 community when our Vladimir dutier met
19:38 19:40 with ERS this year he found ERS is a
19:40 19:43 oneman museum with a $100 million
19:43 19:46 collection that includes a Muhammad Ali
19:46 19:49 championship belt a Bob Dylan guitar and
19:49 19:52 an Abraham Lincoln pocket knife and now
19:52 19:55 tickets to our American cousin which
19:55 19:58 became our American Tragedy to really
19:58 20:01 hand have two Mint Condition tickets
20:01 20:03 that were there that night you just
20:03 20:04 realized you're you're holding
20:04 20:08 history there's no question I mean
20:08 20:10 history right here Ford's Theater
20:10 20:12 welcomes tourists from around the world
20:12 20:14 year round as people come to learn more
20:14 20:16 about April 14th
20:16 20:20 1865 but also they have new shows as
20:20 20:22 they try to build more than just a
20:22 20:25 history but also a future Scott
20:25 20:29 McFarland CBS News Washington
20:29 20:31 what a collector that is the CBS weekend
20:31 20:33 news for this Saturday first thing
20:33 20:35 tomorrow Sunday morning with Jane Paulie
20:35 20:37 followed by Face the Nation with
20:37 20:39 Margaret Brennan I'm majorna Diaz in
20:39 20:52 Washington good
20:52 20:52 night