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cbs en 231101 cbs evening news ; Gaza's southern border crossing opens to evacuate some stranded foreign nationals; Celine Dion greets Montreal Canadiens in rare public appearance

by peach1227-news 2023. 11. 2.
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0:01 0:03 tonight American citizens and other
0:03 0:05 foreign Nationals are allowed to leave
0:05 0:08 Gaza through the border with Egypt after
0:08 0:10 being trapped for weeks in the war torn
0:10 0:12 territory the race to evacuate as
0:12 0:14 fighting continues between Israel and
0:14 0:18 Hamas here are tonight's
0:18 0:20 headlines we came here it's hoping to
0:20 0:23 live we're there the moment the gate
0:23 0:25 opens to let some people escape Gaza
0:25 0:28 among them Americans and some of the
0:28 0:30 critically injured plus the battles in
0:30 0:33 Northern Gaza as the largest refugee
0:33 0:35 camp is hit with another air strike an
0:35 0:37 engineering student at Cornell
0:37 0:40 University is under arrest accused of
0:40 0:42 threatening to kill Jewish students as
0:42 0:45 anti-semitic threats rise here in the US
0:45 0:47 despite an arrest having been made over
0:47 0:49 the violent threats students are still
0:49 0:53 concerned about their safety and speech
0:53 0:55 the scary details after a Delta co-pilot
0:55 0:57 is accused of threatening the pilot with
0:57 1:00 a gun that he had in the cockpit while
1:00 1:02 he was allowed to have the weapon on the
1:02 1:05 plane welcome to November it's starting
1:05 1:08 to feel like winter a bit too early we
1:08 1:11 have the frigid forecast breaking news
1:11 1:13 legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight
1:13 1:16 has died a look at his legacy schools
1:16 1:19 out for tens of thousands of students in
1:19 1:21 Portland as teachers go on strike what
1:21 1:23 they're demanding Portland Public
1:23 1:26 Schools you can do better and you must
1:26 1:28 do better selling your home could soon
1:28 1:30 get a little cheaper thanks to to a new
1:30 1:32 court ruling that could reduce the
1:32 1:34 commission fees paid to real estate
1:34 1:36 agents and radically change the way
1:36 1:38 homes are bought and sold in this
1:38 1:40 country some good news as you start
1:40 1:42 thinking about Thanksgiving the price of
1:42 1:44 turkey is down a lot but what about
1:44 1:46 other parts of the meal and Seline
1:46 1:49 Dion's first appearance in nearly four
1:49 1:51 years the advice she gave to a hockey
1:51 1:58 team in
1:58 2:01 Vegas good evening to our viewers in the
2:01 2:02 west and thank you for joining us on
2:02 2:04 this Wednesday night we begin tonight
2:04 2:06 with the rush to escape Gaza for
2:06 2:08 hundreds of foreign Nationals including
2:08 2:10 American citizens who've been trapped in
2:10 2:13 the war zone for more than three weeks
2:13 2:15 today the border crossing with Egypt was
2:15 2:17 opened for the first time since the
2:17 2:19 start of the war allowing hundreds of
2:19 2:21 foreign passport holders and some
2:21 2:24 critically injured Palestinians to leave
2:24 2:27 Gaza diplomatic sources tell CBS news
2:27 2:29 that this first batch of evacuations was
2:29 2:31 negotia by cutter in coordination with
2:31 2:34 the US the news comes as the war between
2:34 2:37 Israel and Hamas escalates with a second
2:37 2:39 air strike on the jabalia refugee camp
2:39 2:42 in his many days Israel says fighter
2:42 2:44 jets hit a terrorist command and Control
2:44 2:46 Center and killed several members of
2:46 2:49 Hamas the UN Human Rights office says
2:49 2:50 the strikes on Tuesday could amount to
2:50 2:52 war crimes due to the high number of
2:52 2:55 Civilian casualties all this as Israeli
2:55 2:57 ground forces push deeper into
2:57 2:59 Palestinian territory and Israeli defend
2:59 3:01 Defense Forces Commander says troops
3:01 3:04 have broken through hamas's front lines
3:04 3:06 and are now at the gates of Gaza City we
3:06 3:08 have Team coverage from Israel to
3:08 3:10 Washington and cbs's Charlie Daga is
3:10 3:11 going to start us off tonight from Tel
3:11 3:14 Aviv good evening
3:14 3:17 Charlie good evening Nora today
3:17 3:19 President Biden said we'll see more from
3:19 3:21 those negotiations in the coming days
3:21 3:24 and the US government is working nonstop
3:24 3:27 to get Americans out of Gaza as soon and
3:27 3:32 as safely as possible
3:32 3:34 for a fortunate few the nightmare of
3:34 3:36 living under the constant fear of
3:36 3:38 bombardment is over
3:38 3:42 today 500 people mostly foreign passport
3:42 3:45 holders the first to cross from Gaza
3:45 3:48 into Egypt since the conflict began but
3:48 3:51 only a handful of Americans so far the
3:51 3:54 US state department says around 400 US
3:54 3:57 citizens are still trying to get out of
3:57 4:00 Gaza but more Americans are expected to
4:00 4:04 leave tomorrow plus their families US
4:04 4:07 citizen FTI Abu alhassan is still
4:07 4:11 trapped no water no food no shelter
4:11 4:14 nothing nothing we open our eyes on the
4:14 4:17 dead people and we close our our eyes on
4:17 4:20 the people today brought another deadly
4:20 4:23 reminder of the chaos and Carnage
4:23 4:25 they're fleeing Hamas said another
4:25 4:27 Israeli air strike hit the jabalia
4:27 4:31 refugee camp this morning war planes had
4:31 4:34 already pounded the area the day before
4:34 4:36 devastating surrounding apartment
4:36 4:39 buildings Rescuers emerging from the
4:39 4:43 dust and debris cradling small children
4:43 4:45 the Israeli Defense Forces say it was
4:45 4:49 targeting and killed a senior Hamas
4:49 4:51 commander and several militants but
4:51 4:54 civilians are among the dozens of people
4:54 4:56 who died including children according to
4:56 4:59 Hamas Health officials we can't indep
4:59 5:02 dependently verify those numbers I lost
5:02 5:06 my whole family 15 of them says this man
5:06 5:09 holding a list of their names they were
5:09 5:11 innocent what did they
5:11 5:14 do fierce clashes have been reported
5:14 5:17 from both sides in several locations
5:17 5:20 along the Gaza Strip Hamas released this
5:20 5:22 new video said to show Fighters emerging
5:22 5:25 from tunnels and firing rocket propelled
5:25 5:29 grenades at Israeli tanks and this video
5:29 5:31 claims to show a drone dropping a bomb
5:31 5:34 on a group of Israeli soldiers gathered
5:34 5:37 in a circle the Israeli military
5:37 5:40 reported today at least 16 of its
5:40 5:42 soldiers have been killed in the past 24
5:42 5:45 hours of fighting and Rockets continue
5:45 5:48 to get through Israeli defenses a dash
5:48 5:50 cam captured a rocket slamming into a
5:50 5:54 highway near the border city of ashdod
5:54 5:56 miraculously paramedics said only three
5:56 5:58 people were lightly
5:58 6:01 wounded but for now it's the other side
6:01 6:03 of the Border that's bearing the brunt
6:03 6:05 of this War and why everyone is so
6:05 6:09 desperate to escape while they can and
6:09 6:11 Charlie Daga is back with us and so for
6:11 6:13 those who were able to leave Gaza today
6:13 6:17 why did Hamas agree to this
6:17 6:20 deal uh nor it's not entirely clear we
6:20 6:22 know a number of badly wounded
6:22 6:24 Palestinians were able to cross into
6:24 6:27 Egypt for medical care um but US state
6:27 6:29 department uh spokesman Matthew Miller
6:29 6:31 made clear today the US is not making
6:31 6:33 any concessions to Hamas on the Aid
6:33 6:36 Front Nora Charlie Daga thank you so
6:36 6:38 much the Biden Administration is calling
6:38 6:40 the opening of the Rafa border crossing
6:40 6:42 for foreign Nationals a significant
6:42 6:44 breakthrough and the product of weeks of
6:44 6:47 highlevel negotiations cbs's Nancy ctis
6:47 6:49 joins us now from the White House good
6:49 6:51 evening Nancy so what do we know about
6:51 6:53 who was released Nora so far we've been
6:53 6:55 able to confirm the names of five
6:55 6:58 American women who were escorted safely
6:58 7:00 into Egypt today most of them were
7:00 7:02 serving in a humanitarian capacity in
7:02 7:05 Gaza and simply got trapped there when
7:05 7:07 the war broke out Dr Barbara zind for
7:07 7:10 instance is a pediatrician from Grand
7:10 7:12 Junction Colorado she arrived in Gaza
7:12 7:15 just one day before Hamas attacked
7:15 7:17 Israel last month she made it out
7:17 7:20 alongside Ramona okamura from Seattle
7:20 7:23 she's an expert in making prosthetics
7:23 7:26 for children us officials said a handful
7:26 7:28 of Americans were able to get out today
7:28 7:30 no numbers but they said they're hoping
7:30 7:32 to get the rest out over the next few
7:32 7:34 days and we know that between the
7:34 7:36 Americans who want to leave and their
7:36 7:38 family members it's about a thousand
7:38 7:40 people Nora that the US is trying to
7:40 7:42 help evacuate that is a significant
7:42 7:44 number and Nancy what have we learned
7:44 7:46 about the role that President Biden
7:46 7:47 played on this I know he's been working
7:47 7:49 the phones right President Biden was
7:49 7:51 speaking in Minnesota today he said that
7:51 7:53 these new evacuations are the product of
7:53 7:56 quote urgent diplomacy between himself
7:56 7:59 and the leaders of Israel Egypt and cter
7:59 8:00 he also made a point nor of saying that
8:00 8:04 Israel needs to follow international law
8:04 8:07 as it continues to wage war on Hamas
8:07 8:09 White House highly aware of mounting
8:09 8:11 frustration in the arab-american
8:11 8:13 community in particular over those
8:13 8:17 civilian casualties in Gaza Nancy ctis
8:17 8:19 thank you from the war in the Middle
8:19 8:21 East to the rise in anti-semitic
8:21 8:23 incidents here at home a 21-year-old
8:23 8:26 Junior at Cornell University is facing
8:26 8:28 federal charges after allegedly posting
8:28 8:31 threats to kill or injure Jewish
8:31 8:33 students at the Ivy League school cbs's
8:33 8:35 Lilia Luciano is on campus where she
8:35 8:37 spoke with several students about the
8:37 8:38 ongoing
8:38 8:41 fears New York State Police are now
8:41 8:42 standing guard outside the Cornell
8:42 8:44 Center for Jewish living after
8:44 8:46 authorities say Patrick Dy a junior
8:46 8:49 engineering student at Corell threatened
8:49 8:51 to kill Jewish students including those
8:51 8:53 who eat at this kosher dining hall it's
8:53 8:56 been very tense on campus a lot of
8:56 8:57 students are definitely affected by it
8:57 9:00 today the 21-year-old was in federal
9:00 9:02 court after his arrest Tuesday and
9:02 9:03 charged with making a string of
9:03 9:05 anti-Semitic threats online which
9:05 9:08 included threatening to stab and slid
9:08 9:10 the throats of Jewish students police
9:10 9:12 say they tracked him using his IP
9:12 9:14 address and that he confessed as this
9:14 9:17 arrest shows we are focusing our efforts
9:17 9:19 on confronting and disrupting illegal
9:19 9:22 threats wherever they arise bai's father
9:22 9:24 told the New York Post via text that his
9:24 9:27 son is innocent and that he's suffering
9:27 9:29 from severe depression adding the family
9:29 9:31 feared his son was
9:31 9:34 suicidal vigorous debate and protest
9:34 9:36 have erupted on college campuses since
9:36 9:39 the Israel Hamas War began with some
9:39 9:42 leading to violence and intimidation FBI
9:42 9:44 director Christopher Ray but the ongoing
9:44 9:46 war in the Middle East has raised the
9:46 9:49 threat of an attack against Americans in
9:49 9:51 the United States to a whole another
9:51 9:53 level back on campus at Cornell students
9:53 9:55 say despite an increase in police
9:55 9:58 presence and an arrest students are
9:58 10:00 still concerned about safety and Free
10:00 10:02 Speech I think people are a little bit
10:02 10:06 more afraid to to I guess speak out um
10:06 10:09 especially Jews Jewish students um you
10:09 10:11 know because this is a threat against
10:11 10:12 you know their their
10:12 10:15 identity I also heard from a group of
10:15 10:16 Muslim Students here on campus who
10:16 10:18 condemned those horrific threats against
10:18 10:20 Jewish students and said that they are a
10:20 10:23 mockery of their religion they also
10:23 10:24 pointed to messages that are
10:24 10:26 islamophobic and hateful on those
10:26 10:29 message boards and said that they too
10:29 10:32 feel unsafe in this increasingly tense
10:32 10:35 environment Nora very tense Lilia
10:35 10:37 Luciano thank you well we're learning
10:37 10:39 more tonight about a terrifying
10:39 10:41 confrontation in the cockpit of a Delta
10:41 10:44 Airlines flight where officials say a
10:44 10:46 co-pilot threatened to shoot the plane's
10:46 10:49 Captain midf flight as cbs's Chris Van
10:49 10:51 Cleave reports that co-pilot is facing a
10:51 10:55 felony charge that could land him in
10:55 10:57 prison details remain limited but while
10:57 10:59 working as the first officer on an
10:59 11:01 unspecified Delta Airlines flight in
11:01 11:04 late August 2022 Jonathan Dunn allegedly
11:04 11:06 threatened the captain they would be
11:06 11:08 shot multiple times if the captain
11:08 11:10 diverted the flight the Department of
11:10 11:11 Transportation inspector General's
11:11 11:13 office says the incident was prompted by
11:13 11:15 a disagreement over a passenger medical
11:15 11:18 event dun of Marysville California was
11:18 11:21 indicted by a Utah grand jury last month
11:21 11:23 court documents alleg he used a
11:23 11:24 dangerous weapon in assaulting and
11:24 11:26 intimidating the crew member he was
11:26 11:28 authorized to carry a firearm through
11:28 11:30 the TS Federal Flight Deck officer
11:30 11:33 program TSA says dun has since been
11:33 11:35 removed from that program it was
11:35 11:37 launched after 911 as an additional
11:37 11:39 layer of security on domestic flights
11:39 11:42 drop the weapon it serves as that last
11:42 11:45 line of defense in case everything else
11:45 11:47 goes bad John pistol is a former TSA
11:47 11:50 administrator I think it's worth having
11:50 11:51 for the bad guys to know that even if
11:51 11:54 they can get the cockpit door open that
11:54 11:56 might be the last door they ever open
11:56 11:58 the volunteer Pilots are vetted which
11:58 12:00 pistol says includes cognitive and
12:00 12:02 psychological aspects they also complete
12:02 12:04 a training program overseen by federal
12:04 12:06 Air Marshals and are recertified twice a
12:06 12:08 year there get back get back we need to
12:08 12:12 take a hard look at the
12:12 12:15 oversight program relating
12:15 12:18 to the people who command airplanes in
12:18 12:21 cockpits this newly revealed incident
12:21 12:23 follows another cockpit confrontation
12:23 12:25 last month when an off-duty Alaska
12:25 12:27 Airlines Captain allegedly attempted to
12:27 12:29 turn off a plane's engines flight I
12:29 12:31 think if you look at the big picture our
12:31 12:35 safety system is very good in this
12:35 12:38 country done is set to be arraigned in
12:38 12:40 federal court on that felony charge
12:40 12:43 later this month the FAA requires Pilots
12:43 12:46 to have a valid medical certificate we
12:46 12:48 understand dun's certificate has been
12:48 12:50 suspended Delta says he's no longer
12:50 12:52 employed by the airline our efforts to
12:52 12:55 reach done have so far been unsuccessful
12:55 12:57 Nora that is quite a story Chris Van
12:57 12:59 Cleave thank you
12:59 13:01 Donald Trump Jr took the stand today at
13:01 13:03 the Civil fraud trial that could
13:03 13:05 determine the fate of the Trump family's
13:05 13:08 New York real estate Empire Trump Jr an
13:08 13:10 executive vice president with the Trump
13:10 13:13 organization said he was not in charge
13:13 13:15 of accounting details at the company the
13:15 13:17 trumps are accused of financial fraud
13:17 13:21 grossly overexaggerating the values of
13:21 13:23 their properties turning out of the
13:23 13:24 weather and the November chill that's in
13:24 13:26 the air over most of the country more
13:26 13:29 than 150 million Americans we'll see
13:29 13:31 temperatures below freezing overnight
13:31 13:33 that's from Mississippi to Maine so for
13:33 13:34 the cold forecast let's bring in
13:34 13:35 meteorologist Mike Bettis from our
13:35 13:37 partners at The Weather Channel hey
13:37 13:38 there
13:38 13:41 Mike nor good evening that fall chill is
13:41 13:43 sticking around but not for that much
13:43 13:45 longer okay we got about one more day to
13:45 13:47 get through the really cold stuff then a
13:47 13:49 gradual warmup will move in notice the
13:49 13:50 temperatures tomorrow morning really
13:50 13:52 cold even down across the South place
13:52 13:55 like Montgomery Alexandria Austin Texas
13:55 13:57 will have temperatures near freezing if
13:57 13:59 not below it in Nashville 28°
13:59 14:01 temperatures freezing once you get
14:01 14:03 across the Ohio Valley now the cold air
14:03 14:04 is all courtesy of the jet stream that's
14:04 14:06 taking a big dip to the South here all
14:06 14:07 that cold air from Canada has come
14:07 14:10 Southbound however that jet stream
14:10 14:11 flattens going into the weekend that
14:11 14:12 means a lot of places see our
14:12 14:14 temperatures rebound a lot of places at
14:14 14:16 or above average across dozens of States
14:16 14:18 going into the weekend for example 60s
14:18 14:22 and 70s now return Nashville 71 68 in St
14:22 14:24 Louis temperatures in the 70s across the
14:24 14:26 South here in nor and a trend that
14:26 14:29 continues into Sunday and beyond my
14:29 14:31 thanks thousands of teachers and school
14:31 14:32 staffers went on strike today in
14:32 14:34 Portland Oregon cancelling school for
14:34 14:37 about 49,000 students the teachers whose
14:37 14:38 average salary is
14:38 14:42 $82,000 a year are demanding higher pay
14:42 14:44 more time to plan lessons and a cap on
14:44 14:46 class sizes the union has advised
14:46 14:48 parents to make plans for child care
14:48 14:51 while 81 schools in the district are
14:51 14:53 closed now of the class action ruling
14:53 14:56 that could change the way Americans buy
14:56 14:58 and sell homes a federal jury in in
14:58 15:00 Missouri on Tuesday found that the
15:00 15:03 National Association of Realtors liable
15:03 15:05 for artificially inflating commissions
15:05 15:09 and awarded plaintiffs $1.8 billion in
15:09 15:11 Damages cbs's Carter Evans takes a look
15:11 15:13 at what it means for the average
15:13 15:15 consumer I think that this is going to
15:15 15:18 drastically lower what commission rates
15:18 15:20 are Jared Brit's long legal battle with
15:20 15:22 the real estate industry began when he
15:22 15:25 sold his St Louis Home back in
15:25 15:28 2017 he was frustrated that he had to
15:28 15:30 pay a commission to the buyer broker
15:30 15:32 certainly I didn't understand why I was
15:32 15:35 paying for someone who I'd never met
15:35 15:37 will never meet and wasn't doing
15:37 15:40 anything for me here's how it works
15:40 15:42 under the current system for a $500,000
15:42 15:44 home the seller agrees to pay a
15:44 15:46 commission typically 5 to 6% of the home
15:46 15:49 selling price that is then split between
15:49 15:52 the sell's agent and the buyer's agent
15:52 15:54 sellers have to pay the Commission in
15:54 15:56 order to have their home included on the
15:56 15:59 multiple listing service or MLS a vast
15:59 16:01 Property database that feeds into
16:01 16:03 popular sites like Zillow it doesn't
16:03 16:05 sound like that radical of a concept you
16:05 16:07 pay for the person who's working for you
16:07 16:08 right's attorney Michael catchmark
16:08 16:10 brought the class action lawsuit against
16:10 16:12 the National Association of Realtors and
16:12 16:14 some of the largest real estate brokers
16:14 16:16 in the country what we proved was the
16:16 16:18 National Association of Realtors has
16:18 16:20 joined in a conspiracy with the two of
16:20 16:22 the largest corporate um real estate
16:22 16:25 brokers to to use the system to to fix
16:25 16:27 prices the court determined the current
16:27 16:29 commission model makes it difficult for
16:29 16:31 sellers and buyers to negotiate lower
16:31 16:34 fees at a time when technology makes it
16:34 16:36 easy for anyone to access real estate
16:36 16:39 listings online the National Association
16:39 16:41 of Realtors plans to appeal the verdict
16:41 16:42 and says its rules serve in the best
16:42 16:45 interests of consumers it's scary and
16:45 16:47 it's daunting and so we'll we'll see
16:47 16:50 it's a big shakeup La realtor Pamela
16:50 16:52 Rich says a shift in fees could put
16:52 16:54 homes Out Of Reach for some who could
16:54 16:57 this impact the most I think the buyers
16:57 16:58 although the seller may have some
16:58 17:00 Financial relief the buyer is now the
17:00 17:02 one that's going to absorb the cost for
17:02 17:04 the buyer's fees that's a huge shift in
17:04 17:05 the
17:05 17:08 industry now it's unclear if banks will
17:08 17:10 allow buyers to fold those fees into
17:10 17:12 their mortgage loans of course that
17:12 17:13 comes at a time when interest rates are
17:13 17:16 extremely high similar class action
17:16 17:18 lawsuits are in the works across the
17:18 17:21 country Nora such a big story Carter
17:21 17:24 Evans thank you and now to some breaking
17:24 17:27 news former Indiana hooers basketball
17:27 17:28 coach Bobby Knight has died at the age
17:28 17:31 of 83 that's according to an online
17:31 17:33 statement by his family Knight was one
17:33 17:34 of the most successful coaches in the
17:34 17:37 history of college basketball he won
17:37 17:39 three NCA national championships during
17:39 17:42 his stored career at army Indiana and
17:42 17:44 Texas Tech but he was also known as much
17:44 17:47 for his fiery temper on and off the
17:47 17:49 court Knight was fired as head coach at
17:49 17:50 Indiana after getting into a
17:50 17:52 confrontation with a
17:52 17:55 student Millions more Americans should
17:55 17:57 be tested for lung cancer we've got the
17:57 18:02 new guidelines L for you
18:02 18:04 next in tonight's Health watch the
18:04 18:06 American Cancer Society has updated its
18:06 18:09 guidelines for lung cancer screening the
18:09 18:11 new recommendations expand the age range
18:11 18:13 for testing to between 50 and 80 years
18:13 18:15 old and for smokers who quit the number
18:15 18:18 of years since your last cigarette is no
18:18 18:20 longer a factor for screening it's
18:20 18:22 estimated that an additional 5 million
18:22 18:24 Americans will now be eligible for
18:24 18:27 regular screenings we have a consumer
18:27 18:29 alert tonight about the cost of your
18:29 18:34 Thanksgiving feast that's just
18:34 18:36 ahead there's news tonight about the
18:36 18:38 cost of hosting a Thanksgiving feast
18:38 18:41 turkey prices are down about 9% that's
18:41 18:42 according to a new report from Wells
18:42 18:45 Fargo the price of ham however is up
18:45 18:49 more than 5% to 456 per pound fresh
18:49 18:52 cranberries are 20% cheaper this than
18:52 18:53 this time last year but canned
18:53 18:56 cranberries are up almost
18:56 18:58 60% one of the biggest names names and
18:58 19:00 music makes a rare public appearance
19:00 19:02 we'll tell you who
19:02 19:05 next this portion of the CBS Evening
19:05 19:12 News is sponsored by lisine feel the
19:12 19:14 wo finally tonight we leave you with
19:14 19:16 some good news for fans of Superstar
19:16 19:19 Selene Dion the five-time Grammy Award
19:19 19:21 winner made a rare public appearance on
19:21 19:24 Monday to watch the NHL's Las Vegas
19:24 19:26 golden knights take on her hometown team
19:26 19:29 the Montreal Canadians it was her first
19:29 19:32 public appearance in nearly 4 years
19:32 19:33 after being diagnosed with a rare
19:33 19:36 autoimmune and neurological disorder the
19:36 19:38 My Heart Will Go On singer stepped into
19:38 19:40 the locker room to meet the Canadians
19:40 19:43 players and was heard encouraging them
19:43 19:45 saying just stay healthy strong do what
19:45 19:47 you do best good to see her back and
19:47 19:50 that is tonight's CBS Evening News I'm
19:50 19:55 Nora odonnell good
19:55 19:55 night