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nbc nn 231102 nbc nightly news ; Dozens of Palestinian Americans cross Rafah border out of Gaza as fighting continues; Eric and Donald Trump Jr. testify in former president's New York civil fraud trial; Fellow GOP Senators criticize Tuberville’s hold ..

by peach1227-news 2023. 11. 3.
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0:00 0:02 tonight the race to escape Gaza dozens
0:02 0:05 of Americans evacuating today as
0:05 0:07 President Biden calls for a pause in the
0:07 0:09 Israel Hamas War to get more hostages
0:09 0:12 out at least 74 Americans allowed to
0:12 0:14 leave Gaza to the r for crossing to
0:14 0:18 Egypt after five exit on Wednesday it
0:18 0:20 comes as Israel says its troops have
0:20 0:23 surrounded Gaza City President Biden
0:23 0:25 after he was interrupted at a campaign
0:25 0:28 event calling for a humanitarian pause
0:28 0:30 also Tonight Eric Trump's batted
0:30 0:32 testimony in a civil fraud trial
0:32 0:35 threatening his family's business Empire
0:35 0:37 the heated moments in court the first of
0:37 0:40 five former Memphis police officers to
0:40 0:41 plead guilty in the death of Tyrie
0:41 0:44 Nichols how long he could spend in
0:44 0:46 prison the explosion at a house in New
0:46 0:49 York at least 15 injured what officials
0:49 0:51 are saying about the cause the train
0:51 0:54 derailing near Detroit schools nearby
0:54 0:56 evacuated a major announcement from
0:56 0:59 Toyota recalling nearly 2 million
0:59 1:02 popular s SUVs the potential fire
1:02 1:05 danger this is NBC Nightly News with
1:05 1:07 Lester
1:07 1:10 Hol good evening and welcome today more
1:10 1:12 Americans safely made their way out of
1:12 1:14 Gaza a slow trickle of foreigners and
1:14 1:16 dual citizens getting through the now
1:16 1:19 partially open Egyptian border crossing
1:19 1:21 for many their escapes coming none too
1:21 1:23 soon in the heart of Gaza tonight Hamas
1:23 1:26 and Israeli military units are reported
1:26 1:28 to be engaged in Street to street
1:28 1:30 fighting as well as in below ground
1:30 1:32 tunnels flares tonight firing up the
1:32 1:35 night sky Illuminating the battlefield
1:35 1:38 each side taking casualties as Israeli
1:38 1:40 forces work to encircle the Hamas
1:40 1:43 stronghold of Gaza City civilians are at
1:43 1:46 increasing risk the UN reporting Israel
1:46 1:48 strikes damaged several of its camps
1:48 1:50 inside Gaza and the White House Tonight
1:50 1:52 reiterating its call for pauses in the
1:52 1:55 fighting in Gaza but not calling for a
1:55 1:58 ceasefire President Biden appearing at
1:58 2:00 an event last night suggested a pause
2:00 2:02 would allow more time to get captives
2:02 2:05 out Israel says Hamas holds more than
2:05 2:08 200 hostages including some Americans
2:08 2:11 rap Sanchez is near the Gaza border
2:11 2:12 tonight and has the
2:12 2:15 latest tonight for dozens of US citizens
2:15 2:18 a weeks long nightmare in Gaza coming to
2:18 2:20 an end more than 70 Palestinian
2:20 2:22 Americans passing through the Rafa
2:22 2:25 Crossing into Egypt
2:25 2:29 today we got out today 74 American folks
2:29 2:32 Dr Barbara zind a pediatrician from
2:32 2:34 Colorado was among the first Americans
2:34 2:36 to leave how did you feel when you
2:36 2:39 finally got out of Gaza sad and relieved
2:39 2:41 I mean you're of course relieved to be
2:41 2:44 safe yourself but so sad that you can't
2:44 2:46 we couldn't exit with 2 million people I
2:46 2:49 mean gazans can't get out of Gaza but
2:49 2:51 hundreds more Americans still inside
2:51 2:54 Gaza some trapped in bureaucratic Limbo
2:54 2:56 with exit permits for themselves but not
2:56 2:58 their loved ones and I can't live
2:58 3:00 without my wife the president overnight
3:00 3:03 confronted by a protester demanding a
3:03 3:05 ceasefire I need you to call for a
3:05 3:07 ceasefire right now telling her he
3:07 3:10 supports a humanitarian pause though not
3:10 3:12 a full ceasefire the Hamas run Gaza
3:12 3:15 Health Ministry says more than 9,000
3:15 3:17 Palestinians have been killed including
3:17 3:20 more than 3,600 children the UN saying a
3:20 3:22 strike today killed 20 people at one of
3:22 3:25 its schools and with gazen hospitals
3:25 3:27 desperately low on fuel Hamas is
3:27 3:29 hoarding a stockpile of more than 200
3:29 3:32 100,000 gallons us officials tell NBC
3:32 3:35 News while in Israel families urging the
3:35 3:38 world not to forget the hostages all
3:38 3:40 these people are from one kibutz kafar
3:40 3:43 AA at least 17 hostages were kidnapped
3:43 3:45 from there including several children
3:45 3:48 among them siblings aam gal and tal
3:48 3:51 kidnapped along with their mother hen
3:51 3:52 their father and older sister both
3:52 3:56 murdered by Hamas hell on Earth I I
3:56 3:57 don't even know what to say the
3:57 4:00 children's ont inbar vowing never to
4:00 4:03 give up on them they are the future of
4:03 4:06 the state of Israel we have
4:06 4:09 no existence without them they have to
4:09 4:12 be here they have to and WRA Israel's
4:12 4:15 military says it has now encircled Gaza
4:15 4:16 City and we're expecting a major
4:16 4:18 development tomorrow regarding Lebanon
4:18 4:20 what is
4:20 4:22 it Lester tomorrow we're expecting to
4:22 4:24 hear from the leader of Iranian backed
4:24 4:26 Hezbollah his forces are already
4:26 4:29 exchanging fire with Israel and people
4:29 4:31 will be looking for any sign he plans to
4:31 4:33 escalate Lester Raph Sanchez for us
4:33 4:35 tonight thank you another flash point in
4:35 4:37 the long conflict between Israelis and
4:37 4:40 Palestinians the West Bank where
4:40 4:42 Palestinians and Jews live in constant
4:42 4:44 tension and where there has been recent
4:44 4:47 deadly Violence by Israeli settlers and
4:47 4:49 now some troubling scenes involving
4:49 4:51 Israel's military and alleged treatment
4:51 4:53 of Palestinians Chief foreign
4:53 4:57 correspondent Richard angle has the
4:57 4:59 story with tensions already high ey
4:59 5:03 across the Middle East now there's this
5:03 5:05 these Palestinian men were apprehended
5:05 5:07 by Israeli soldiers Palestinians are
5:07 5:10 comparing this video to the abuse and
5:10 5:12 humiliation carried out by US troops at
5:12 5:15 Iraq's Abu grab prison two human rights
5:15 5:17 groups tell us they are still
5:17 5:19 investigating the circumstances while
5:19 5:21 it's unclear exactly where or when the
5:21 5:23 incident took place and the
5:23 5:26 circumstances surrounding it Israel is
5:26 5:28 not denying it in a statement the Israel
5:28 5:31 Defense Force tells NBC News the conduct
5:31 5:33 seen in the footage is deplorable and
5:33 5:36 does not comply with the Army's orders
5:36 5:38 we are familiar with the incident and is
5:38 5:39 being reviewed by the commanders
5:39 5:41 disciplinary actions will be applied
5:41 5:44 accordingly it was not an isolated
5:44 5:46 incident this photo on Israeli social
5:46 5:50 media shows three men stripped bound and
5:50 5:53 confined in an animal pen one of them is
5:53 5:54 Muhammad mat so you can still see where
5:54 5:58 the uh wires were today he told me he
5:58 6:00 was beaten by Jewish settlers and
6:00 6:03 Israeli troops for over 8 hours several
6:03 6:05 days after the Hamas Massacre he says he
6:05 6:09 was urinated on rolled in manure kicked
6:09 6:11 and hit with rifles the Israeli military
6:11 6:14 tonight told us a commander involved was
6:14 6:15 removed from his post and an
6:15 6:17 investigation has been opened do you
6:17 6:19 think they're doing this more now
6:19 6:21 emboldened taking more aggressive action
6:21 6:24 after October 7th
6:24 6:27 yeah before it was only physical assault
6:27 6:30 after they started shooting attacking he
6:30 6:32 said mat is a humanitarian worker for
6:32 6:35 the Palestinian Authority the moderate
6:35 6:37 Palestinian government in the West Bank
6:37 6:40 that Israel hopes will replace Hamas in
6:40 6:43 Gaza on October 7th Hamas murdered 1,400
6:43 6:46 Israelis including entire families and
6:46 6:49 took more than 240 hostages including
6:49 6:52 children since then Jewish settlers
6:52 6:54 living on Palestinian land on the West
6:54 6:56 Bank have dramatically increased attacks
6:56 6:59 on Palestinians we're seen an uprise in
6:59 7:03 both settler and Military um violence
7:03 7:06 towards Palestinian in the West Bank and
7:06 7:10 I think that uh in a way the settlers
7:10 7:13 mainly are exploiting the fact that all
7:13 7:17 eyes are on Gaza in order to you know
7:17 7:20 complete their task and take over more
7:20 7:23 and more Palestinian land Elana and KH
7:23 7:26 Basir were collecting olives in the West
7:26 7:30 Bank he's 77 she's 69 they're Christians
7:30 7:33 the couple says Jewish settlers last
7:33 7:36 week attacked them without
7:36 7:38 provocation told me one of the settlers
7:38 7:41 grabbed him in the groin squeezed and
7:41 7:44 said I'm going to crush them he was then
7:44 7:46 hit repeatedly with a heavy stick
7:46 7:50 leaving bruises all over his body Elana
7:50 7:51 tried to
7:51 7:54 intervene I said we're old why are you
7:54 7:57 hitting us then she says she was hit her
7:57 7:59 arm is broken in two places from a
7:59 8:03 single blow KH never called the
8:03 8:06 police they don't do anything he says
8:06 8:08 they don't even answer and Richard now
8:08 8:10 the UN is saying there's been a spike in
8:10 8:13 settler
8:13 8:16 violence a new UN report says that
8:16 8:17 settler violence has increased
8:17 8:19 significantly since the October 7th
8:19 8:21 attacks and that in almost half the
8:21 8:24 cases Israeli Security Forces
8:24 8:26 accompanied or actively supported the
8:26 8:28 attackers all right Richard angelon I
8:28 8:30 thank you here in New York former
8:30 8:32 president Trump's adult sons Eric and
8:32 8:35 Don Jr both testifying today at the
8:35 8:37 Civil fraud trial where they are
8:37 8:39 co-defendants along with a republican
8:39 8:41 front runner Laura Jared has late
8:41 8:44 details for a second straight day the
8:44 8:46 Trump Suns back in court Eric Trump
8:46 8:48 appearing combative at times under
8:48 8:50 questioning by the New York attorney
8:50 8:52 general's office accused along with his
8:52 8:54 brother and father of exaggerating
8:54 8:56 assets on the Trump organization's books
8:56 8:58 to get better interest rates on loans
8:58 9:00 Eric testifying he ran the day-to-day
9:00 9:02 operations of the Trump organization
9:02 9:04 while his father was in office but
9:04 9:06 denied having anything to do with the
9:06 9:08 disputed financial statements submitted
9:08 9:11 to Banks and lenders saying I pour
9:11 9:13 concrete echoing his deposition
9:13 9:17 testimony I pour concrete I operate
9:17 9:18 properties I don't think I've ever had
9:18 9:20 any involvement in the statement of
9:20 9:21 financial condition to the best of my
9:21 9:23 knowledge but the state points to emails
9:23 9:25 indicating Eric's involvement and Eric's
9:25 9:27 signature on letters that declared the
9:27 9:30 annual financial statements free of
9:30 9:32 misstatements and fraud these letters a
9:32 9:34 critical piece of evidence also bearing
9:34 9:36 the signature of his older brother Don
9:36 9:39 Jr again telling the judge today he
9:39 9:41 relied on accountants to compile the
9:41 9:43 financial statements you pay experts
9:43 9:46 millions of dollars to be experts you
9:46 9:48 sign off on what they give
9:48 9:52 you and you're liable if this was to
9:52 9:54 become president where you could have an
9:54 9:56 overzealous attorney general go after
9:56 9:58 any business in New York uh this city
9:58 10:00 would would be in even worse shape than
10:00 10:03 it already is today and Laura ianka
10:03 10:05 Trump is scheduled to testify next week
10:05 10:07 she is as of now Lester but her lawyers
10:07 10:09 are hoping that won't happen and asking
10:09 10:11 an appeals court to not only block the
10:11 10:13 judge's decision that required her to
10:13 10:15 show up in court but paus the entire
10:15 10:18 trial no indication of when that appeals
10:18 10:19 court might actually rule all right
10:19 10:21 Laura thanks very much in Memphis today
10:21 10:23 a guilty plea by one of five former
10:23 10:25 police officers charged in the beating
10:25 10:28 death of Tyrie Nichols last January in
10:28 10:31 Federal Court Desmond Mills Jr pleaded
10:31 10:33 guilty to reduce charges of using
10:33 10:35 excessive force and obstruction of
10:35 10:37 justice in return for prosecutors
10:37 10:40 recommending a prison term of 15 years
10:40 10:42 Nichols died three days after the
10:42 10:45 beating during a traffic stop also
10:45 10:47 tonight the massive house explosion
10:47 10:49 rocking a neighborhood about 70 miles
10:49 10:51 north of New York City officials say at
10:51 10:53 least 15 people were injured including
10:53 10:56 two children and five First Responders
10:56 10:58 some of the injuries are critical
10:58 11:00 authorities believe the blast was caused
11:00 11:03 when a power company contractor struck a
11:03 11:05 gas line here in New York tonight
11:05 11:07 there's breaking news in the trial of
11:07 11:09 Sam bankman freed the former crypto
11:09 11:12 billionaire charged with fraud and money
11:12 11:14 laundering cnbc's Kate Rooney now with
11:14 11:17 late details after just a few hours of
11:17 11:19 deliberation the jury came back with its
11:19 11:21 verdict Sam bankman freed wants the
11:21 11:23 darling of the crypto industry guilty on
11:23 11:26 seven counts of Fraud and conspiracy
11:26 11:27 this kind of fraud this kind of
11:27 11:31 corruption is as oldest time and we have
11:31 11:33 no patience for it at the peak of his
11:33 11:35 Fame Sam bankman freed could afford to
11:35 11:37 be a reverent I'm don't giveing about my
11:37 11:39 legacy with an estimated net worth of$
11:39 11:42 26 billion he Charmed investors
11:42 11:45 politicians and the media we sat down
11:45 11:46 with a 31-year-old famous for his
11:46 11:48 disheveled look and casual dress in the
11:48 11:51 Bahamas last year in just two years he
11:51 11:53 had grown FTX into one of the largest
11:53 11:55 crypto exchanges in the world and
11:55 11:57 founded a crypto focused hedge fund Alam
11:57 11:59 are there any potential conf of interest
11:59 12:01 in running as many companies as you do
12:01 12:03 in the same space yeah I've put a lot of
12:03 12:05 work over the last few years into uh
12:05 12:07 trying to eliminate conflicts of
12:07 12:09 interest there and you know one big
12:09 12:11 piece of this is just like I don't run
12:11 12:13 out me anymore I don't work for it those
12:13 12:15 words coming back to haunt him in court
12:15 12:17 where prosecutors laid out a case
12:17 12:19 showing how bankman freed stole billions
12:19 12:21 in customer funds from FTX to make up
12:21 12:24 for bad bets at Alam buy luxury real
12:24 12:26 estate in the Bahamas and secure
12:26 12:28 celebrity endorsement what's up guys I'm
12:28 12:30 here with my boy Sam from FTX bankman
12:30 12:32 freed was also a respected name among
12:32 12:35 power Brokers in Washington my goal has
12:35 12:37 been to find ways to have positive
12:37 12:39 impact on the world lawmakers looked to
12:39 12:40 bankman Freed for advice on how to
12:40 12:43 regulate the wild west of crypto then it
12:43 12:46 all came crashing down a leaked
12:46 12:47 Financial document showing the close
12:47 12:50 ties of his two crypto companies and a
12:50 12:52 major competitor sounding the alarm
12:52 12:54 spooked investors sparking a run on the
12:54 12:58 bank 8 billion of FTX customer money had
12:58 13:00 vanished the company declared bankruptcy
13:00 13:02 then came the criminal charges and
13:02 13:06 today's verdict Sam bman Freed's lawyer
13:06 13:08 says his client maintains his innocence
13:08 13:10 and will continue to fight the charges
13:10 13:13 against him buer in 60 seconds the
13:13 13:15 Israel Hamas War causing tension at
13:15 13:17 colleges throughout the country Cornell
13:17 13:20 canes classes as confrontations break
13:20 13:22 out at another major university can
13:22 13:27 schools bring calm to their campuses
13:27 13:29 next we're back now with a massive
13:29 13:31 protest in Philadelphia at this hour a
13:31 13:33 crowd of demonstrators overtaking the
13:33 13:36 city's main train station calling for a
13:36 13:40 ceasefire in the Israel Hamas war and
13:40 13:41 with tension increasing on college
13:41 13:43 campuses over the warp Cornell
13:43 13:45 University has cancelled classes
13:45 13:48 tomorrow citing extraordinary stress
13:48 13:50 after anti-semitic threats and the
13:50 13:52 arrest of a student who allegedly
13:52 13:54 threatened to kill Jews Stephanie gos
13:54 13:57 has more on these escalating tensions on
13:57 13:59 campuses visiting two Tain University in
13:59 14:02 New Orleans that's seen a protest turned
14:02 14:05 violent at Tain University's campus in
14:05 14:07 New Orleans today Jewish students
14:07 14:10 organized a Unity rally the scene a far
14:10 14:13 cry from what took place last week just
14:13 14:15 off campus a clash between pro-israel
14:15 14:18 students and a pro Palestinian group it
14:18 14:20 was terrifying second-year law student
14:20 14:24 Ryan zamos is Jewish he shot the video
14:24 14:26 an Israeli flag was being burned and a
14:26 14:27 brave two-lane student attempted to grab
14:27 14:30 the flag but before a fight broke out a
14:30 14:32 two lane student was injured in the
14:32 14:34 brawl three others who don't attend the
14:34 14:37 University were arrested the violence
14:37 14:40 that occurred outside our campus um was
14:40 14:43 horrific and we condemned it tane
14:43 14:45 President Michael Fitz says people came
14:45 14:48 to campus to incite violence is it
14:48 14:52 possible to have a fair-minded debate on
14:52 14:55 this war that doesn't descend into hate
14:55 14:59 speech and threats or violence the
14:59 15:02 promise of a university is exactly that
15:02 15:05 to engage in those conversations that's
15:05 15:08 what we're about mutual respect it's our
15:08 15:11 hope that you know we can kind of help
15:11 15:14 Foster that kind of meaningful
15:14 15:16 productive dialogue because otherwise
15:16 15:20 it's just chaos Hannah Levon and Gabby
15:20 15:22 leeler work for T Lane's independent
15:22 15:26 paper the hollow blue I think that um
15:26 15:28 the oper of violence in last week
15:28 15:31 rallies were definitely shocking is it
15:31 15:34 fair to say that some students are
15:34 15:37 scared right now absolutely threats and
15:37 15:39 violence are easy to identify president
15:39 15:42 Fitz says hate speech can be harder the
15:42 15:45 question is at what moment uh something
15:45 15:48 becomes hateful um and we need to call
15:48 15:50 that out as hateful the day of the
15:50 15:52 protest the pro Palestinian group had
15:52 15:54 banners that said from The River To The
15:54 15:57 Sea a slogan that is often used by Hamas
15:57 15:59 and what many Jewish people see as a
15:59 16:02 call for violence from the river to the
16:02 16:04 sea is the elimination of Israel as a
16:04 16:06 state and with that means where those 12
16:06 16:08 million Jews going to go Hannah and
16:08 16:10 Gabby have spoken to students who
16:10 16:12 disagree I believe that they interpret
16:12 16:14 it as a call for Palestinian Liberation
16:14 16:16 but I think the most important thing is
16:16 16:18 that it has the potential um to feel
16:18 16:20 like hate speech to others and I think
16:20 16:22 that you really have to balance those
16:22 16:24 two perspectives but we're not making
16:24 16:29 room for both sides president Fitz sees
16:29 16:31 potential in this divisive moment for
16:31 16:33 students to teach each other something
16:33 16:35 we've got to keep students safe and they
16:35 16:37 will remember what they learned from it
16:37 16:38 and what they learned about their
16:38 16:41 ability to come together as part of it
16:41 16:43 the hope is that empathy and
16:43 16:46 understanding will overcome the hate
16:46 16:49 Stephanie gos NBC News New Orleans and
16:49 16:50 up next tonight the massive recall
16:50 16:53 impacting a popular Toyota model and
16:53 16:55 later the stunning scene in Michigan has
16:55 16:58 more than a dozen train cars derail late
16:58 17:01 details after
17:01 17:04 this a freight train arment today in
17:04 17:06 Romulus Michigan outside Detroit more
17:06 17:09 than a dozen cars jumped the tracks
17:09 17:10 authorities said most of them were empty
17:10 17:12 but three were carrying nonhazardous
17:12 17:15 liquids no leaks were reported and there
17:15 17:17 were no injuries some schools in the
17:17 17:20 area however were closed as a precaution
17:20 17:22 we have a consumer alert for you from
17:22 17:24 Toyota the automaker recalling nearly 2
17:24 17:28 million of its RAV SUVs to fix a problem
17:28 17:30 with batteries that can shift during
17:30 17:33 hard turns and potentially cause a fire
17:33 17:36 certain models from 2013 to 2018 are
17:36 17:38 affected Toyota says it's still working
17:38 17:40 on a fix and a massive settlement
17:40 17:42 involving the two giants of the ride
17:42 17:44 sharing industry Uber and Lyft agreeing
17:44 17:49 to pay a combined $328 million to settle
17:49 17:51 wage theft complaints in New York the
17:51 17:53 two companies also agreed to give
17:53 17:55 drivers in the state a guaranteed
17:55 17:58 minimum wage and sick leave that's nice
17:58 18:00 news for this Thursday thank you for
18:00 18:02 watching I'm Lester Holt please take
18:02 18:04 care of yourself and each other good
18:04 18:06 night thanks for watching stay updated
18:06 18:09 about breaking news and top stories on
18:09 18:13 the NBC News app or follow us on social
18:13 18:13 media