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cbs en 231103 cbs evening news ; Israeli forces tighten their grip on Gaza City; How a Texas teacher helped her students use their imaginations to take flight

by peach1227-news 2023. 11. 4.
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0:00 0:01 [Music]
0:01 0:03 tonight America's Secretary of State
0:03 0:05 travels to the Middle East once again
0:05 0:08 this time urging Israel to pause its
0:08 0:10 attacks on Gaza to allow more
0:10 0:12 humanitarian Aid in and to reduce
0:12 0:17 civilian casualties here are tonight's
0:17 0:19 headlines secretary blinkin reiterated
0:19 0:21 us support for Israel but was unable to
0:21 0:24 persuade prime minister Netanyahu to
0:24 0:26 temporarily pause fighting Israel
0:26 0:29 insisting that Hamas must first release
0:29 0:31 hostages meanwhile another terror group
0:31 0:34 Hezbollah vows to enter the battle a
0:34 0:36 Hezbollah rocket attack fired from
0:36 0:39 Southern Lebanon only about 2 miles away
0:39 0:42 hit this random residential neighborhood
0:42 0:45 hundreds more foreign Nationals Escape
0:45 0:48 Gaza cbs's Chris livay is in Cairo as
0:48 0:50 the first bus carrying Americans arrived
0:50 0:53 we were living in hell every day we wake
0:53 0:54 up
0:54 0:57 alive we thank God and the growing
0:57 0:59 concern in the West Bank as violence
0:59 1:00 against Palestinian Ians by Israeli
1:00 1:04 settlers intensifies FDX founder Sam
1:04 1:08 bankman freed now faces up to 110 years
1:08 1:10 in prison after a Manhattan jury found
1:10 1:13 him guilty of what prosecutors call one
1:13 1:15 of the biggest Financial frauds in
1:15 1:17 American history this kind of fraud this
1:17 1:20 kind of corruption is as old as time
1:20 1:23 this is about protecting our freedom to
1:23 1:26 go to a bowling alley a restaurant a
1:26 1:30 school a church without being shot in
1:30 1:32 killed President Biden and the first
1:32 1:35 lady visit Leon Maine to mourn the 18
1:35 1:38 people killed in a mass
1:38 1:41 shooting and it's Friday so Steve
1:41 1:43 Hartman is on the road with a class of
1:43 1:46 first graders who show us that a good
1:46 1:49 imagination really can take you anywhere
1:49 1:52 it was my first time on a plane we went
1:52 1:58 inside a cloud we had a little
1:58 2:02 Turin
2:02 2:04 good evening to our viewers in the west
2:04 2:06 and thank you for joining us on this
2:06 2:08 Friday night I'm Margaret Bron in for
2:08 2:10 Nora We Begin tonight with the spiraling
2:10 2:13 violence in the Middle East Secretary of
2:13 2:15 State Anthony blinkin returned to Israel
2:15 2:17 today to show support for its military
2:17 2:20 campaign against the terror group Hamas
2:20 2:22 while also urging prime minister
2:22 2:25 Benjamin Netanyahu to be careful while
2:25 2:28 waging that war the US is pushing for a
2:28 2:30 temporary humanitarian cause to allow
2:30 2:33 for the distribution of Aid in Gaza the
2:33 2:35 US says thousands of Palestinian
2:35 2:37 civilians have died in the nearly
2:37 2:40 month-long War today Netanyahu rejected
2:40 2:42 any ceasefire that doesn't include the
2:42 2:46 release of hostages blinken seen here
2:46 2:48 leaving Israel for Jordan is under
2:48 2:50 intensifying pressure to broker a
2:50 2:53 solution meanwhile the Pentagon
2:53 2:55 confirmed that it is conducting unarmed
2:55 2:58 drone flights over Gaza in an effort to
2:58 3:01 help locate the roughly 240 hostages
3:01 3:04 held by Hamas today an Israeli air
3:04 3:07 strike hit a convoy of ambulances which
3:07 3:09 Israel says Hamas uses to transport
3:09 3:12 terrorists and weapons the strike killed
3:12 3:15 dozens of people we have Team coverage
3:15 3:17 tonight and cbs's Charlie Daga will
3:17 3:19 start us off from near Israel's northern
3:19 3:22 border with Lebanon in kirat Shona good
3:22 3:25 evening
3:25 3:27 Charlie good evening Margaret yes we're
3:27 3:29 close to the border with Lebanon which
3:29 3:32 was just under 2 miles in that direction
3:32 3:34 uh this area and the area behind me has
3:34 3:36 come under repeated attacks this week
3:36 3:38 and we've heard a couple of explosions
3:38 3:40 tonight on the day the Secretary of
3:40 3:42 State warned Regional enemies not to
3:42 3:45 open up a second front and a warning our
3:45 3:51 story contains images some might find
3:51 3:54 disturbing with the war in Gaza raging
3:54 3:56 and Israeli forces tightening their grip
3:56 4:00 on Gaza City less than 50 miles away
4:00 4:01 the Secretary of State returned to Tel
4:01 4:04 Aviv in part to persuade leaders here to
4:04 4:07 allow for a humanitarian pause we need
4:07 4:10 to do more to protect Palestinian
4:10 4:12 civilians we've been clear that as
4:12 4:14 Israel conducts his campaign to defeat
4:14 4:17 Hamas how it does so matters but prime
4:17 4:20 minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has
4:20 4:24 no intention of pausing that
4:24 4:26 campaign I made clear that we will
4:26 4:28 continue full force and that Israel
4:28 4:31 refuses any temporary ceasefire which
4:31 4:33 does not include the release of our
4:33 4:36 hostages he said but both men were
4:36 4:38 United in warning Israel's
4:38 4:40 iranian-backed Regional enemies from
4:40 4:43 widening the war beyond the battlefields
4:43 4:46 of Gaza yet Northern Israel has seen a
4:46 4:49 sharp escalation in violence with
4:49 4:52 Lebanon this week a rocket attack On the
4:52 4:54 Border Town of kirat Shimona last night
4:54 4:57 set cars and buildings of Blaze Hamas
4:57 4:59 militants who have a presence in in
4:59 5:02 Hezbollah controlled areas of Lebanon
5:02 5:05 claim responsibility for the barrage and
5:05 5:07 this is the aftermath it's just a row of
5:07 5:11 shops on a random residential street a
5:11 5:13 couple of people were injured but it
5:13 5:15 doesn't matter what the target was when
5:15 5:18 the aim is to spread
5:18 5:21 fear in his first comment since the War
5:21 5:24 Began the leader of Hezbollah Hassan NOA
5:24 5:26 said his group has already been battling
5:26 5:30 Israeli forces in the North in order to
5:30 5:32 stretch them thin in Gaza but stopped
5:32 5:35 short of declaring an allout
5:35 5:39 War inside Gaza itself today the Israeli
5:39 5:41 military released new video showing the
5:41 5:44 firefights and Street battles underway
5:44 5:47 with Hamas militants as soldiers
5:47 5:48 encircle Gaza
5:48 5:52 City but civilians continue to Bear the
5:52 5:54 worst of the violence Hamas Health
5:54 5:56 official said an Israeli air strike hit
5:56 5:59 a convoy of ambulances outside the the
5:59 6:02 alifa hospital in Gaza City Israel has
6:02 6:05 accused Hamas of using the grounds as a
6:05 6:07 command center but images show a number
6:07 6:10 of civilians among the victims adding to
6:10 6:13 a death toll that continues to mount by
6:13 6:15 the
6:15 6:19 day and we are learning from a briefing
6:19 6:20 tonight by the Israeli military that one
6:20 6:23 of its aircraft did strike an ambulance
6:23 6:26 because it was being used quote by a
6:26 6:28 Hamas terrorist cell in close proximity
6:28 6:30 to their position
6:30 6:33 Margaret Charlie Daga in Israel today
6:33 6:36 Secretary of State Anthony blinkin urged
6:36 6:38 the Israeli government to take action
6:38 6:40 against what he called extremist
6:40 6:42 violence being committed against
6:42 6:44 Palestinians by Jewish settlers who are
6:44 6:46 living in the Palestinian majority West
6:46 6:49 Bank violence has increased there since
6:49 6:51 the October 7th terror attack and the
6:51 6:53 Israeli government recently provided
6:53 6:56 weapons to settlers cbs's Deborah P
6:56 7:00 reports tonight from Jerusalem belal
7:00 7:02 sale was collecting olives from his
7:02 7:05 ancestral land with his family last
7:05 7:07 Saturday his Olive Grove in the West
7:07 7:10 Bank is surrounded by illegal Israeli
7:10 7:13 settlements regarded as a flagrant
7:13 7:17 violation of international law this
7:17 7:20 footage captured four Israeli settlers
7:20 7:24 approaching Sal's land wearing white one
7:24 7:27 with a gun slung across his shoulder a
7:27 7:30 shot rings out moments later ler his
7:30 7:33 relatives find him lying dead on the
7:33 7:37 ground he was buried that same day we
7:37 7:42 met his grieving Widow iklas at a family
7:42 7:45 home he was taken from his children what
7:45 7:47 will our children understand after
7:47 7:50 seeing their father murdered on his land
7:50 7:53 since the brutal Hamas attack on October
7:53 7:56 7 violence against Palestinians living
7:56 7:59 in the Israeli occupied West Bank has
7:59 8:03 escalated with over 120 people killed at
8:03 8:06 least eight by settlers who are
8:06 8:09 well-armed and well-trained and say
8:09 8:12 human rights activists increasingly
8:12 8:15 encroaching on Palestinian land
8:15 8:18 Jerusalem's Deputy Mayor and settler
8:18 8:21 Aria King says Sal was a terrorist and
8:21 8:24 the shooter acted in
8:24 8:26 self-defense he did exactly the right
8:26 8:29 thing that I would do the same was jus
8:29 8:32 ECT he was a farmer these Farmers this
8:32 8:35 is not human being this video provided
8:35 8:38 by the shooter's lawyer shows two men
8:38 8:42 one throwing stones but s is not seen in
8:42 8:45 this clip his widow told the Palestinian
8:45 8:48 press that the settlers raised their
8:48 8:50 weapons against her husband so he
8:50 8:52 grabbed a stone and threw it at them in
8:52 8:55 self defense when we asked her about
8:55 8:58 this she had this to
8:58 9:01 say were on our land picking olives they
9:01 9:03 have their guns we had nothing to
9:03 9:05 protect
9:05 9:08 ourselves the shooters attorney also
9:08 9:10 accuses Sal of supporting Hamas that
9:10 9:13 claim Sal's Widow firmly denies the
9:13 9:16 settler was arrested but has since been
9:16 9:18 released Margaret while the
9:18 9:19 investigation
9:19 9:23 continues Deborah p in Jerusalem tonight
9:23 9:25 well the race to escape Gaza continues
9:25 9:28 for thousands of foreign Nationals
9:28 9:30 around 350 people crossed the border
9:30 9:32 into Egypt and into safety today the
9:32 9:34 White House says more than 100 American
9:34 9:36 citizens have so far made it across the
9:36 9:40 border hundreds still remain in Gaza
9:40 9:42 cbs's Chris Liv say was the only Network
9:42 9:44 correspondent there as the first bus
9:44 9:49 carrying Americans arrived in Cairo last
9:49 9:52 night trapped with her three children
9:52 9:55 Leila baso of Ohio was desperate to
9:55 9:57 escape Gaza when we first met her there
9:57 9:59 2 weeks ago for America to do this to us
9:59 10:02 a strongest country to leave their
10:02 10:03 citizens here and not help them that's
10:03 10:07 that's a big problem the only way out
10:07 10:09 Egypt we're waiting they came to the
10:09 10:11 Border four times but for her two
10:11 10:14 youngest who don't have US passports
10:14 10:16 authorities gave B say so an impossible
10:16 10:18 choice so I went to give them our
10:18 10:21 passports they told us you can't take
10:21 10:23 you can't go through but both of your
10:23 10:25 kids that are not on theet they that
10:25 10:27 they can't go through they a whole life
10:27 10:29 there but tonight with the help of the
10:29 10:32 US state department peso and all three
10:32 10:36 kids are finally safe what was it like
10:36 10:39 every day we walk wake up alive we thank
10:39 10:42 God after a 6-hour bus ride from Gaza to
10:42 10:45 Cairo the US Embassy is now helping them
10:45 10:49 get to Ohio from a war zone you you saw
10:49 10:53 a bombing we saw the bombs from us on
10:53 10:56 theirs for now they're trying to put the
10:56 10:59 horror behind them and folks focus on
10:59 11:03 the future let's hope a new page has
11:03 11:04 opened for us a new
11:04 11:07 life we'll
11:07 11:09 start and like a lot of those American
11:09 11:12 citizens fleeing that family has deep
11:12 11:14 ties to the Gaza Strip but when I asked
11:14 11:16 that Mom if she thought they would ever
11:16 11:18 go back home she says that'll depend on
11:18 11:20 if there's anything left of her home to
11:20 11:24 go back to Margaret Chris liay in Cairo
11:24 11:26 tonight now to what prosecutors called
11:26 11:29 one of the biggest Financial frauds in
11:29 11:32 American history former crypto King Sam
11:32 11:34 bankman freed could be sentenced to more
11:34 11:36 than 100 years in prison after a federal
11:36 11:38 jury in New York found him guilty of
11:38 11:41 fraud conspiracy and money laundering
11:41 11:43 cbs's Errol Barnett has been there
11:43 11:45 throughout the trial and has more on the
11:45 11:48 verdict it was a Swift and supersonic
11:48 11:50 full from grace for a man who was once a
11:50 11:53 Forbes Magazine cover story with an
11:53 11:56 estimated net worth of $26 billion
11:56 11:59 31-year-old Sam bankman freed is now
11:59 12:01 awaiting sentencing in this Brooklyn
12:01 12:04 Federal Prison after a jury unanimously
12:04 12:06 found him guilty of seven Financial
12:06 12:10 felonies including conspiracy fraud and
12:10 12:13 moneya laundering I wasn't super
12:13 12:14 involved in Alam I was not involved at
12:14 12:17 all in the trading um I hadn't been for
12:17 12:19 years the government accused bankman
12:19 12:22 freed of stealing 10 billion dollar from
12:22 12:24 crypto customers by funneling it through
12:24 12:28 FDX is hedge fund Alam research using
12:28 12:30 that money to gain access to celebrities
12:30 12:32 which increase the popularity of his
12:32 12:35 crypto platform the Department of
12:35 12:37 Justice is now pointing to bankman Freed
12:37 12:40 as an example of those who quote try to
12:40 12:42 hide crimes behind a shiny new thing
12:42 12:45 they claim no one else is smart enough
12:45 12:47 to understand us attorney for the
12:47 12:49 southern district of New York said this
12:49 12:52 case is a warning to every single
12:52 12:54 fraudster out there who thinks that
12:54 12:55 they're
12:55 12:58 Untouchable or that their crimes are too
12:58 13:00 complex for us to catch those folks
13:00 13:02 should think again I promise we'll have
13:02 13:04 enough handcuffs for all of
13:04 13:07 them now the US government says it
13:07 13:09 intends to bring even more charges
13:09 13:12 against Mr bankman freed stemming from
13:12 13:14 evidence uncovered during this trial it
13:14 13:17 relates to allegations of bribery of
13:17 13:19 Chinese officials Margaret that
13:19 13:21 investigation is expected to begin in
13:21 13:24 March of next
13:24 13:27 year Errol thank you President Biden
13:27 13:29 traveled to Leon Maine this afternoon to
13:29 13:31 comfort a community still in mourning
13:31 13:33 following a mass shooting that left 18
13:33 13:36 people dead last week cbs's Edo Keefe
13:36 13:38 reports the president met with victims
13:38 13:40 family members and First
13:40 13:42 Responders President Biden and the first
13:42 13:44 lady walked hand inand with Maine's
13:44 13:46 Governor this afternoon in Lewiston a
13:46 13:48 town still reeling from the massacre N9
13:48 13:52 days ago as we mourn today in Maine this
13:52 13:56 tragedy opens a painful painful wounds
13:56 13:58 all across the country it's the
13:58 14:00 president 's fourth visit to a community
14:00 14:02 upended by a mass shooting in the last
14:02 14:06 18 months Buffalo Uvalde Monterey Park
14:06 14:08 and after each one the president called
14:08 14:10 for a new federal ban on assault style
14:10 14:14 weapons and each time nothing happened
14:14 14:16 injuries are devastating Dr Tim Kahan
14:16 14:18 treated many of the victims at Central
14:18 14:20 Maine Medical Center he had one request
14:20 14:23 today for the president try and move the
14:23 14:27 ball uh as far as gun control and uh
14:27 14:30 Mental Health treat but breesen mcneer
14:30 14:33 whose father Keith was killed at the bar
14:33 14:35 said stricter gun laws are not the
14:35 14:37 answer can't blame the item that was
14:37 14:40 used for the person's problems the
14:40 14:42 person was the problem in this because
14:42 14:46 of what they used to destroy lives
14:46 14:47 Main's Governor is establishing an
14:47 14:49 independent commission to explore why
14:49 14:51 particular red flags about the shooter
14:51 14:53 prior to the Rampage weren't pursued and
14:53 14:55 never reported to the FBI's threat
14:55 14:58 Center mcneir who today saw Memorial to
14:58 15:01 his father for the first time says any
15:01 15:03 follow-up report will bring little
15:03 15:04 Comfort there's nothing that's going to
15:04 15:07 bring my dad back worrying about the
15:07 15:09 possibility of what could have
15:09 15:12 been tonight the main medical examiner's
15:12 15:14 office says that the shooter died of a
15:14 15:17 self-inflicted gunshot wound that likely
15:17 15:19 happened 8 to 12 hours before his body
15:19 15:20 was discovered that would mean that he
15:20 15:23 was alive and on the run for about 36
15:23 15:25 hours after the shootings while much of
15:25 15:27 this community was Sheltering in place
15:27 15:31 Margaret Ed O Keef thank you a technical
15:31 15:34 glitch delays deposits at some banks
15:34 15:38 we'll have those details
15:38 15:41 next today an issue with the automated
15:41 15:43 Clearing House system prevented
15:43 15:44 paychecks and other payments at several
15:44 15:47 major Banks including Chase Wells Fargo
15:47 15:49 and Bank of America from reaching
15:49 15:52 accounts the Federal Reserve says it was
15:52 15:54 not a cyber security problem and has
15:54 15:57 been resolved a trip of a lifetime
15:57 15:59 without ever leaving class on the road
15:59 16:01 is
16:01 16:04 next this portion of the CBS Evening
16:04 16:06 News is sponsored by Verizon it's
16:06 16:09 holiday every day at Verizon save on
16:09 16:12 gifts the whole family will
16:12 16:14 [Music]
16:14 16:18 love finally tonight cbs's Steve Hartman
16:18 16:20 goes on the road to a class getting
16:20 16:23 straight A's in
16:23 16:25 imagination you may walk through recess
16:25 16:27 at the Trinity Leadership School near
16:27 16:30 Dallas Sonia White's first graders are
16:30 16:32 still flying high come all the way back
16:32 16:35 and walk still reliving their amazing
16:35 16:38 one-day Field Trip South of the Border
16:38 16:41 where are you going Mexico to Mexico I
16:41 16:43 love your outfit it was my first time on
16:43 16:47 a plane we went inside of a cloud I saw
16:47 16:50 the ocean is that your first time seeing
16:50 16:52 the ocean mhm at this point you've got
16:52 16:54 to be wondering how could a school
16:54 16:57 afford this what kind of teacher does it
16:57 16:59 take to fly a class of first graders to
16:59 17:01 Mexico for a
17:01 17:05 day a very clever one so just to be
17:05 17:07 clear you did not go to Mexico we did
17:07 17:10 not you did not get on a plane we did
17:10 17:13 not you never left the class we did
17:13 17:15 not what you're about to see as a
17:15 17:18 testament to the power of imagination
17:18 17:20 and the magic teachers have to harness
17:20 17:23 it okay let's find out who after Sonia's
17:23 17:24 students told her their one wish was to
17:24 17:27 fly on a plane she went Full Throttle on
17:27 17:29 the pretense um boarding pass and your
17:29 17:32 passport Place created travel documents
17:32 17:35 for each child and then boarded them on
17:35 17:37 their flight to Mexico okay guys we are
17:37 17:40 now at 13,000 ft you may take out a
17:40 17:44 snack we had a little turbance boy did
17:44 17:47 not scare me but my friend Lorenzo had a
17:47 17:49 rough Landing really what happened to
17:49 17:50 him he was
17:50 17:54 like the Buy in really was
17:54 17:56 remarkable one of my students saw
17:56 17:58 somebody that night and they said what
17:58 17:59 are you you doing here I thought you
17:59 18:00 were in Mexico and he said yeah we were
18:00 18:02 we got back at 3: and that's when I was
18:02 18:05 like they really think we went to Mexico
18:05 18:07 I'm riding you from Mexico teachers
18:07 18:10 everywhere could use more resources but
18:10 18:12 the best always seem to figure out a way
18:12 18:15 to take kids places often without so
18:15 18:19 much as a bus ride did this fuel your
18:19 18:22 desire for More Travel yes do you know
18:22 18:24 North Korea yeah
18:24 18:27 sure probably I do not want to go to
18:27 18:31 next I guess even pretend flights come
18:31 18:35 with Travel warnings yes Steve Hartman
18:35 18:37 on the road near
18:37 18:41 Dallas that is adorable Steve Hartman on
18:41 18:44 the road that's it for tonight's CBS
18:44 18:46 Evening News be sure to tune in to Face
18:46 18:48 the Nation this Sunday my guests include
18:48 18:50 Israel's ambassador to the United States
18:50 18:52 Michael Herzog and the Palestinian
18:52 18:54 ambass to United Kingdom ham zlot for
18:54 18:57 Nora odonnell I'm Margaret Brennan good
18:57 18:58 night I'll see you Sunday don't forget
18:58 19:03 to set your clocks back this
19:03 19:12 [Music]
19:12 19:12 weekend