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nbc nn 231103 nbc nightly news ; Tension between US and Israel over calls for humanitarian “pause”; Biden visits Maine to pay respects to victims of Lewiston mass shooting; FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried convicted on 7 federal counts; and more on ton..

by peach1227-news 2023. 11. 4.
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0:01 0:03 tonight Israel's forces surrounding Gaza
0:03 0:05 City has tensions arise with the us over
0:05 0:08 the next phase of the war the images an
0:08 0:11 ambulance hit by an air strike near Gaza
0:11 0:13 City's largest hospital Israel saying it
0:13 0:16 was being used by Hamas terrorists it
0:16 0:18 comes as Secretary of State Anthony
0:18 0:20 blinkin returned to Israel calling on it
0:20 0:23 to do more to protect gaza's civilians
0:23 0:25 but prime minister Netanyahu rejecting
0:25 0:28 calls for a ceasefire until Hamas
0:28 0:31 releases all the hostages our teams
0:31 0:34 tonight in Israel and Gaza also tonight
0:34 0:36 President Biden visiting Maine in the
0:36 0:37 aftermath of the mass shooting that
0:37 0:40 killed 18 people meeting with survivors
0:40 0:43 victims families and First Responders
0:43 0:46 his message to a grieving Community the
0:46 0:48 security Scare at a nuclear plant in
0:48 0:50 South Carolina a man driving through the
0:50 0:53 gate ramming the barricades the Urgent
0:53 0:56 Manhunt tonight the one-time crypto King
0:56 0:58 Sam bankman freed found guilty on all
0:58 1:01 counts in his fraud trial why his legal
1:01 1:04 troubles aren't over yet the explosion
1:04 1:06 aboard a jet blue plane of backpack
1:06 1:09 bursting into flames flight intendant
1:09 1:11 seemed pouring bottles of water over it
1:11 1:14 as passengers evacuate what officials
1:14 1:17 believe caused it and remembering a hero
1:17 1:19 astronaut after disaster struck the
1:19 1:23 Apollo 13 mission the key role he played
1:23 1:25 in Saving the
1:25 1:28 crew this is NBC Nightly News with
1:28 1:31 Lester Hol
1:31 1:33 good evening we begin with the United
1:33 1:35 States and Israel tonight at odds over
1:35 1:38 what next in the war in Gaza as civilian
1:38 1:41 casualties Mount the US call for a
1:41 1:43 humanitarian pause getting a firm thumbs
1:43 1:45 down from prime minister Benjamin
1:45 1:48 Netanyahu who told Secretary of State
1:48 1:50 Anthony blinkin We are continuing full
1:50 1:52 force appearing to reject secretary
1:52 1:55 blinken's plea to do more to protect
1:55 1:57 Palestinian civilians Israel's
1:57 1:59 government pinning any kind of a pause
1:59 2:02 to the release of hostages held by Hamas
2:02 2:05 but the unsettling images of Civilian
2:05 2:08 casualties and damaged hospitals in Gaza
2:08 2:10 continue to drive widespread
2:10 2:13 condemnation of Israel's Siege in its
2:13 2:15 defense Israel providing pictures of
2:15 2:17 Hamas tunnels it says it discovered
2:17 2:20 accusing Hamas of hiding its Terror
2:20 2:22 Network beneath civilian areas tonight
2:22 2:24 Israeli troops are engage in close
2:24 2:27 quarters combat with Hamas Fighters as
2:27 2:29 more Americans are allowed to leave the
2:29 2:33 war Zone NBC's Raph Sanchez is
2:33 2:36 there tonight as Israeli forces
2:36 2:37 targeting Hamas tighten their grip
2:37 2:40 around Gaza City tensions between the US
2:40 2:42 and Israel over the next phase of the
2:42 2:44 war we need to do more to protect
2:44 2:46 Palestinian civilians Secretary of State
2:46 2:48 Anthony blinkin meeting Israel's prime
2:48 2:50 minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv
2:50 2:52 telling him the US supports Israel's
2:52 2:54 mission to topple Hamas after the
2:54 2:56 October 7th terror attack that killed
2:56 3:00 1,400 Israelis it is striking
3:00 3:02 and in some ways
3:02 3:05 shocking that the brutality of the
3:05 3:08 slaughter has receded so quickly in the
3:08 3:09 memories of so
3:09 3:12 many but not in Israel and not in
3:12 3:15 America but also saying the US supports
3:15 3:17 a humanitarian pause to try to get more
3:17 3:20 Aid into Gaza and get hostages held by
3:20 3:22 Hamas out each of these efforts would be
3:22 3:25 facilitated by humanitarian pauses but
3:25 3:28 just minutes later Netanyahu saying no
3:28 3:30 pause in the fighting until Hamas first
3:30 3:33 releases its 240 hostages I made it
3:33 3:35 clear we're going full steam ahead he
3:35 3:38 says for so many Palestinian families in
3:38 3:41 Gaza any pause will come too late our
3:41 3:43 camera crew followed Rescuers to the
3:43 3:45 site of what Witnesses believe was an
3:45 3:47 Israeli strike in southern Gaza today an
3:47 3:49 area Israel says is supposed to be safe
3:49 3:52 for civilians fleeing the north but it
3:52 3:55 wasn't safe for 10-year-old s pulled out
3:55 3:57 from under the rubble there's nothing
3:57 4:00 her father thar can do but wipe her face
4:00 4:04 she wanted to be like other kids he says
4:04 4:06 he carries her into the emergency room
4:06 4:08 this exhausted doctor needs only a
4:08 4:11 moment to pronounce her dead thar's wife
4:11 4:13 and four other children are missing
4:13 4:16 under the wreckage Israel's military did
4:16 4:18 not directly respond to our question
4:18 4:20 about the blast Israel struck this
4:20 4:22 ambulance near the alifa hospital
4:22 4:23 tonight saying it was being used by a
4:23 4:26 terror cell Israel has previously
4:26 4:28 claimed there's a secret Hamas Command
4:28 4:30 Center beneath the hospital
4:30 4:32 the Hamas run Health Ministry says over
4:32 4:34 a dozen people were killed while in
4:34 4:36 Lebanon the leader of Iranian backed
4:36 4:39 Hezbollah breaking his silence saying he
4:39 4:41 doesn't want a regional War but
4:41 4:43 threatening more action against Israel
4:43 4:46 in coming days and rap we know Americans
4:46 4:48 are among the hostages being held by
4:48 4:50 Hamas and now US aircraft are reported
4:50 4:53 to be involved in the
4:53 4:55 search that's right Lester the Pentagon
4:55 4:56 saying today that American
4:56 4:59 reconnaissance drones are flying over
4:59 5:00 Gaza as part of the search for the
5:00 5:02 hostages but the US says these drones
5:02 5:04 are not armed and they're not taking
5:04 5:06 part in the strikes Lester rap Sanchez
5:06 5:08 tonight thank you almost four weeks
5:08 5:11 after Hamas murdered 1,400 Israelis in
5:11 5:14 the October 7th Terror attacks a feeling
5:14 5:16 of emptiness for so many Israeli
5:16 5:18 families gathering tonight for the
5:18 5:20 Jewish sabbath Richard Angel joined one
5:20 5:23 family whose son is now held hostage by
5:23 5:25 Hamas in
5:25 5:28 Gaza the deid family gathered tonight
5:28 5:31 near Tel Aviv
5:31 5:33 for a Shabbat dinner a traditional
5:33 5:36 Jewish Family Meal every Friday
5:36 5:38 night the dinner starts with a blessing
5:38 5:40 over
5:40 5:43 wine Eli adds a prayer for his brother's
5:43 5:44 safe
5:44 5:47 return the last time Galia saw her
5:47 5:50 22-year-old son evyatar was at a Shabbat
5:50 5:53 dinner 4 weeks ago tonight he was in a
5:53 5:56 hurry because he wants to he barely ate
5:56 5:58 he barely ate yeah when AAR left the
5:58 6:00 table he went went to that all night
6:00 6:03 music festival where Hamas gunned down
6:03 6:07 260 people evitar survived only to be
6:07 6:10 taken hostage and dragged into Gaza four
6:10 6:12 weeks have passed but at this table that
6:12 6:15 seems like a lifetime ago his energy is
6:15 6:19 missing exactly what I want to say Eli
6:19 6:23 says he's in denial abishai his father
6:23 6:26 always quiet has gone silent Galia has
6:26 6:29 trouble focusing her mind racing in a
6:29 6:31 thous directions yila thinks she'll turn
6:31 6:33 around and see her brother back at any
6:33 6:37 moment I always sit next to him uh in a
6:37 6:40 family
6:40 6:43 diners it's
6:43 6:46 weird they don't watch the news it's too
6:46 6:49 painful they try not to think about the
6:49 6:51 war but that's impossible what is it
6:51 6:55 like as a mother not to have your boy
6:55 6:58 here he's
6:58 7:00 here
7:00 7:04 and
7:04 7:09 here and all over in everyone of
7:09 7:12 us all the
7:12 7:14 time The Davids are living in a
7:14 7:17 suspended reality where nothing else
7:17 7:19 matters but eat's return their past
7:19 7:22 lives stolen along with their son
7:22 7:26 Richard Engel NBC News kafar Saba
7:26 7:28 Israel President Biden and First Lady
7:28 7:30 Joe Biden traveled to Maine today to
7:30 7:33 honor the victims of last week's mass
7:33 7:35 shooting as questions remain about
7:35 7:38 warning signs missed here's Kelly
7:38 7:42 odonnell grief is a heavy weight a
7:42 7:44 burden shouldered best by the strength
7:44 7:47 of community in Maine they're calling
7:47 7:50 this love Lewiston day as funerals and
7:50 7:53 Gatherings celebrate the stolen lives of
7:53 7:56 18 including 64-year-old architect Keith
7:56 7:59 mcneer his son breesen is taking it day
7:59 8:03 by day Everything feels very surreal
8:03 8:07 numb um the actions that were taken uh
8:07 8:10 will resonate through my life among the
8:10 8:13 mourners today President Biden and the
8:13 8:15 first lady paying their respects
8:15 8:18 clasping hands with Maine's Governor to
8:18 8:20 honor those killed from teenager to
8:20 8:23 retiree in another mass shooting too
8:23 8:27 many to count from places that never
8:27 8:30 make the news all Across America the
8:30 8:32 bidens Met privately with First
8:32 8:36 Responders and families a gesture mcneir
8:36 8:38 says that would have moved his late
8:38 8:40 father I think that he'd be happy to
8:40 8:44 know that uh our commander-in-chief is
8:44 8:46 taking this as seriously as the rest of
8:46 8:49 us are um and is uh willing to come and
8:49 8:53 and show his support for all of us the
8:53 8:56 tragedy here Complicated by questions of
8:56 8:58 accountability warnings about the
8:58 9:01 gunman's mental state made but did not
9:01 9:03 prevent the violence because regardless
9:03 9:06 of our politics this is about protecting
9:06 9:10 our freedom to go to a bowling alley a
9:10 9:13 restaurant a school a church without
9:13 9:17 being shot and killed a plea for change
9:17 9:20 amid another Town's sorrow Kelly
9:20 9:22 O'Donnell NBC News the White House also
9:22 9:24 tonight several people reported injured
9:24 9:27 after a semi- crashed on a highway in
9:27 9:30 tuilla Utah Southwest of Salt Lake City
9:30 9:32 authorities say the truck crashed on the
9:32 9:35 road and then into an auto mall damaging
9:35 9:37 more than two dozen Vehicles a building
9:37 9:40 at the dealership also caught fire now
9:40 9:42 to the guilty verdict in the fraud case
9:42 9:44 against one time crypto billionaire Sam
9:44 9:47 bankman freed the jury took just hours
9:47 9:50 to convict him on all seven counts
9:50 9:52 cnbc's Kate Rooney has covered the case
9:52 9:53 from the
9:53 9:56 start before he was 30 years old Sam
9:56 9:58 bankman freed was already worth an
9:58 10:01 estimated 26 billion he founded and ran
10:01 10:04 the crypto trading exchange FTX its name
10:04 10:06 splashed across a Miami sports arena
10:06 10:08 with celebrities in corporate
10:08 10:10 commercials politicians in Washington
10:10 10:13 sought his advice magazines asking if he
10:13 10:16 was the next Warren Buffett tonight he
10:16 10:18 is a convicted felon facing a possible
10:18 10:20 lifetime in prison a jury in his federal
10:20 10:22 case taking just a few hours to convict
10:22 10:24 him on seven counts of Fraud and
10:24 10:26 conspiracy bman Freed's lawyers
10:26 10:29 indicating they will appeal my client Mr
10:29 10:33 bankman freed maintains his innocence
10:33 10:34 and we're going to continue to
10:34 10:37 vigorously fight the charges against him
10:37 10:39 but prosecutors whose case laid out how
10:39 10:41 bankman freed used customer money from
10:41 10:43 FTX to cover bad bets at his crypto
10:43 10:46 hedge fund by expense of real estate and
10:46 10:48 make political contributions called it
10:48 10:50 one of the biggest Financial frauds in
10:50 10:52 US history the cryptocurrency industry
10:52 10:55 might be new the players like Sam
10:55 10:56 bankman freed might be
10:56 10:59 new but this kind of fraud this kind of
10:59 11:02 kind of corruption is as old as time the
11:02 11:03 collapse of FTX and the downfall of
11:03 11:06 bankman freed now putting renewed focus
11:06 11:08 on congress's efforts to regulate the
11:08 11:10 crypto sector they've been unable to do
11:10 11:12 it and part of the reason for that is
11:12 11:13 because Congress can't even agree on
11:13 11:16 what cryptocurrency is let alone on how
11:16 11:18 to regulate it in the week ahead of ftxs
11:18 11:20 bankruptcy customers rushed to withdraw
11:20 11:22 their money the company didn't have it
11:22 11:24 and soon there was what amounted to a
11:24 11:26 run on the bank Jake ther says he lost
11:26 11:29 more than $200,000 worth of Investments
11:29 11:32 I feel like it is Vindication of a lot
11:32 11:35 of what people and myself went through
11:35 11:37 right this wasn't something that we did
11:37 11:39 this was something that happened to us
11:39 11:40 and Kate as you reported the defense
11:40 11:42 team is likely to appeal in this case in
11:42 11:44 the meantime he has more legal troubles
11:44 11:46 that's right Lester so sentencing for
11:46 11:48 this case is expected in March but first
11:48 11:50 bankman freed is scheduled to stand
11:50 11:52 trial over another indictment this one
11:52 11:54 about campaign Finance violation he has
11:54 11:57 pleaded not guilty in that case all
11:57 11:59 right Kate Rooney thank you in 6 seconds
11:59 12:01 abortion is on the ballot this election
12:01 12:03 day how it is upending conventional
12:03 12:08 wisdom even in red States right after
12:08 12:11 this welcome back I'm Liz CS with a
12:11 12:12 breaking news update after an urgent
12:12 12:15 Manhunt in South Carolina authorities
12:15 12:17 say a suspect is now in custody
12:17 12:19 following a security Scare at a nuclear
12:19 12:21 power plant authorities had been
12:21 12:24 searching for 66-year-old doy wison hunt
12:24 12:25 after they say he rammed his car through
12:25 12:27 the gate and tried to hit security
12:27 12:29 guards before escaping
12:29 12:31 nobody was injured and tonight that
12:31 12:33 search for the suspect now over
12:33 12:36 Lester with abortion expected to be a
12:36 12:38 key issue in next year's presidential
12:38 12:41 election an early test will come Tuesday
12:41 12:43 when voters in Ohio will decide whether
12:43 12:46 to guarantee the right to abortion in
12:46 12:49 the state constitution here's Stephanie
12:49 12:53 gos however abortion may be prohibited
12:53 12:56 after 92-year-old Joan Lawrence has
12:56 12:58 always been in favor of abortion rights
12:58 13:01 I think it's up to the individual not
13:01 13:04 the government to decide what to do
13:04 13:08 about a pregnancy she's also a lifelong
13:08 13:10 Republican who served in the Ohio
13:10 13:13 legislature it's not a partisan issue it
13:13 13:15 really isn't and Republicans are making
13:15 13:18 it a part trying to make it a partisan
13:18 13:20 issue other Republican women from the
13:20 13:23 reliably R Columbus suburbs also feel
13:23 13:25 that way in August they voted against a
13:25 13:27 republican effort to make changing the
13:27 13:30 state constitution harder many viewed
13:30 13:32 that special election as an attempt to
13:32 13:34 undermine the vote next Tuesday when
13:34 13:36 Ohio will decide whether to guarantee
13:36 13:38 access to abortion in the state
13:38 13:40 constitution I thought it was kind of
13:40 13:42 sneaky that it was being placed last
13:42 13:45 minute on a special election Lisa nap a
13:45 13:47 registered Republican believes in low
13:47 13:49 taxes and small
13:49 13:51 government she also says women's bodies
13:51 13:54 are their own business so that's a big
13:54 13:56 Republican uh idea is that the
13:56 13:59 government stays out your business but
13:59 14:01 in this particular issue they are
14:01 14:03 getting in your business do you think
14:03 14:05 that the abortion issue has been good
14:05 14:08 politically for the Republican Party
14:08 14:10 horrible it is far from certain how next
14:10 14:13 week's abortion vote in Ohio will go but
14:13 14:15 either way some Republicans believe the
14:15 14:17 party is focused on the wrong issue I
14:17 14:19 feel like they're missing a lot of the
14:19 14:20 big ones a lot of the struggles that
14:20 14:23 people have in day-to-day life I mean
14:23 14:26 inflation is really bad food prices
14:26 14:28 Erica a mom of four young boys is
14:28 14:30 opposed to abortion but voted against
14:30 14:32 the Republican measure last summer which
14:32 14:35 she felt was an overreach job bud she's
14:35 14:37 frustrated with her party I don't care
14:37 14:40 about the party lines I care about truth
14:40 14:43 and honesty and following my principles
14:43 14:45 do you feel like the Republican party
14:45 14:46 right now is sort of at odds with itself
14:46 14:49 definitely definitely I just feel Lisa
14:49 14:51 has similar concerns about the future of
14:51 14:53 the party heading into the 20124
14:53 14:55 presidential election do you think
14:55 14:58 abortion is an issue that will direct
14:58 15:00 who you choosing the primaries oh yeah
15:00 15:02 absolutely if someone was like Hey I'm
15:02 15:05 going to impose six we ban I I would
15:05 15:07 never vote for that person I I think the
15:07 15:09 abortion issue is just a lot bigger than
15:09 15:13 most people have realized it is you know
15:13 15:15 for Republicans on Tuesday the state
15:15 15:18 goes to the polls the message it sends
15:18 15:21 will be felt Nationwide Stephanie gos
15:21 15:24 NBC News Delaware County Ohio and up
15:24 15:26 next for us what a flight crew did to
15:26 15:28 extinguish an exploding battery on a
15:28 15:30 commercial flight the new warning
15:30 15:33 [Music]
15:33 15:36 next we're back now with scary moments
15:36 15:39 aboard a jet blue plane a fire erupting
15:39 15:41 after a passenger's backpack suddenly
15:41 15:44 exploded as Tom Costello reports the FAA
15:44 15:46 says it's just the latest incident
15:46 15:51 aboard a plane involving lithium ion
15:51 15:53 batteries it happened as the JetBlue
15:53 15:54 flight was still boarding flight
15:54 15:56 attendants and passengers poured water
15:56 15:59 on Jimmy Levy's backpack after a battery
15:59 16:02 or charger caught fire a giant explosion
16:02 16:05 came and the ball of fire which was my
16:05 16:07 backpack came right towards my face I
16:07 16:09 was shocked Jet Blue says its crew
16:09 16:11 immediately responded and addressed the
16:11 16:14 situation it comes as the FAA reports
16:14 16:17 stunning data so far this year 60
16:17 16:19 onboard battery incidents through early
16:19 16:22 October more than one every week in
16:22 16:24 March a Spirit Airlines flight made an
16:24 16:26 emergency landing after a passenger's
16:26 16:29 device caught fire 10 passengers to area
16:29 16:33 hospitals the fire is out and it's in
16:33 16:36 the LA in February an emergency landing
16:36 16:38 in San Diego after a battery pack caught
16:38 16:41 fire the problem lithium batteries can
16:41 16:43 overheat going into what's called
16:43 16:46 thermal runaway it's why the FAA doesn't
16:46 16:49 allow batteries in checked luggage if a
16:49 16:51 fire breaks out on the cargo hold it's
16:51 16:52 something you can't see because it's
16:52 16:55 beneath the floor and that could have
16:55 16:56 catastrophic consequences because you
16:56 16:59 have no access to try to put it out and
16:59 17:01 lithium ion batteries are in everything
17:01 17:04 from phones to tablets vape pens to
17:04 17:07 laptops hundreds on every plane also
17:07 17:10 leading to Home Fires with serious
17:10 17:12 injuries an important warning as we go
17:12 17:14 into the busy holiday travel season more
17:14 17:17 people traveling with lithiumion devices
17:17 17:20 or receiving one as a gift Lester all
17:20 17:22 right Tom Castello thanks up next how
17:22 17:24 two women are Keeping the Faith and the
17:24 17:26 lines of dialogue open during the most
17:26 17:28 difficult of times
17:28 17:31 [Music]
17:31 17:33 a NASA astronaut is being remembered as
17:33 17:36 a hero tonight Ken mattingley who was
17:36 17:38 famously bummed from the Apollo 13 moon
17:38 17:41 mission in 1970 after he was exposed to
17:41 17:44 measles has died when an oxygen tank
17:44 17:47 exploded during the Apollo 13 mission
17:47 17:50 NASA says maddingly Made key realtime
17:50 17:52 decisions on the ground that helped
17:52 17:55 guide the crew back home safely he was
17:55 17:58 87 finally tonight one is Muslim the
17:58 18:00 other Jewish Blaine Alexander on how
18:00 18:02 they're fostering conversation and
18:02 18:05 setting an example in this difficult
18:05 18:07 moment for these two women of two
18:07 18:10 different faiths one Jewish one Muslim
18:10 18:13 the war is deeply personal I'm the
18:13 18:15 daughter of a survivor of the Holocaust
18:15 18:20 so when the 1400 people were um murdered
18:20 18:25 on the Gaza envelope um it went right
18:25 18:28 through me and was incredibly difficult
18:28 18:31 to deal with Roberta's friend is one of
18:31 18:34 the hostages Taha has friends living in
18:34 18:37 Gaza she grew up in war torn Bosnia
18:37 18:40 knowing what it feels to be under siege
18:40 18:42 to be shot at every single day not to
18:42 18:43 have
18:43 18:46 food uh fuel or anything it's been it
18:46 18:48 affected me deeply but during this time
18:48 18:50 of unspeakable pain these women have
18:50 18:53 found peace in each other together they
18:53 18:56 lead Sisterhood of Salam Shalom founded
18:56 18:58 10 years ago to build trust and mutual
18:58 19:01 respect between Jewish and Muslim women
19:01 19:05 I wouldn't be able to be weathering this
19:05 19:07 situation without The Sisterhood right
19:07 19:09 now that's very clear to me Roberta and
19:09 19:13 I are really we talk every day and there
19:13 19:17 are disagreements sometimes that we we
19:17 19:21 and the beautiful thing is that we hear
19:21 19:23 each other rather than withdrawing and
19:23 19:26 saying you know what you you hold on to
19:26 19:28 your opinion I'll hold to mine and let's
19:28 19:31 just separate so we keep talking we keep
19:31 19:33 talking even during this difficult time
19:33 19:36 yes these conversations at this time are
19:36 19:40 rare and not always easy are there times
19:40 19:42 when you find you or others in The
19:42 19:45 Sisterhood don't feel like having these
19:45 19:47 conversations
19:47 19:51 yes it is and and you know what I I um
19:51 19:54 sometimes I get a uh email or a call
19:54 19:56 that someone is demanding to speak right
19:56 19:59 now because they're so moved
19:59 20:02 in one way or another you know I I I
20:02 20:05 assess my own capacity that day you know
20:05 20:07 how productive am I going to be in this
20:07 20:09 conversation the last month has been
20:09 20:12 utterly exhausting and of course we
20:12 20:14 can't always engage at every minute um
20:14 20:17 there are times when I just like throw
20:17 20:19 my head back and say I can't I can't
20:19 20:21 deal with this they acknowledge it's
20:21 20:23 possible to hold multiple truths to
20:23 20:26 mourn civilian deaths in both Israel and
20:26 20:28 Gaza while seeing the war very
20:28 20:30 differently I think majority of people
20:30 20:33 are wrestling with that that is I am
20:33 20:35 wrestling with that we're recognizing
20:35 20:38 that it takes work it's a struggle that
20:38 20:40 is the importance of the Interfaith work
20:40 20:43 that we're doing right now is that we're
20:43 20:45 building bridges across tribes and just
20:45 20:47 seeing the humanity in each other
20:47 20:50 connecting across faiths while deepening
20:50 20:53 their own Blain Alexander NBC News
20:53 20:55 Monmouth Junction New Jersey good to
20:55 20:57 hear them talk that's Nightly News for
20:57 21:00 the Friday thank you for watching I'm
21:00 21:02 Lester Holt please take care of yourself
21:02 21:04 and each other good night
21:04 21:10 [Music]
21:10 21:13 everyone thanks for watching stay
21:13 21:15 updated about breaking news and top
21:15 21:18 stories on the NBC News app or follow us
21:18 21:18 on social media