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nbc nn 231108 nbc nightly news ;Five Republican candidates face off in NBC News Presidential Debate tonight; Massive chemical plant explosion shakes town of Shepherd, Texas; U.S. pressuring Israel to pause fighting to allow for more aid into Gaza and ho..

by peach1227-news 2023. 11. 9.
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0:01 0:03 tonight from Miami The Showdown on our
0:03 0:05 stage the Republican presidential
0:05 0:08 primary debate right here on
0:08 0:11 NBC the five candidates facing their
0:11 0:13 biggest test yet can Ronda sandis fend
0:13 0:16 off a rising Nikki Haley can anyone
0:16 0:18 steal the spotlight from GOP front
0:18 0:20 runner Donald Trump and how will they
0:20 0:22 answer questions about abortion after
0:22 0:24 the issue propelled Democrats to major
0:24 0:27 wins in last night's elections also
0:27 0:29 tonight ianka Trump taking the stand in
0:29 0:32 her father 's $250 million civil fraud
0:32 0:34 trial in New York what she told the
0:34 0:37 court about his money House Republicans
0:37 0:39 subpoenaing the president's son Hunter
0:39 0:42 and brother James as they escalate their
0:42 0:44 impeachment inquiry how the White House
0:44 0:47 is firing back the massive explosion at
0:47 0:50 a Texas chemical plant a plume of smoke
0:50 0:52 Rising into the sky the nearby
0:52 0:55 evacuations the Urgent Manhunt for a
0:55 0:56 former National Guardsman what he's
0:56 0:59 accused of doing on January 6th and the
0:59 1:02 National Zoo saying farewell to its
1:02 1:05 three biggest
1:05 1:08 stars this is NBC Nightly News with
1:08 1:11 Lester Holt reporting tonight live from
1:11 1:15 the Republican presidential debate in
1:15 1:18 Miami good evening everyone from Miami
1:18 1:20 in the stage of tonight's debate where a
1:20 1:22 narrowed field of five Republican
1:22 1:24 hopefuls will make their case eight
1:24 1:26 tried to gain more traction against
1:26 1:28 former president Trump who maintains a
1:28 1:30 commanding lead among the field
1:30 1:32 and is in a close race with President
1:32 1:35 Biden Mr Trump is skipping tonight's
1:35 1:37 debate it comes a day after abortion
1:37 1:39 played a key role in bellweather
1:39 1:42 elections yesterday Ohio voters
1:42 1:44 enshrined the right to an abortion in
1:44 1:46 their state constitution and the issue
1:46 1:48 helped the Kentucky Governor a democrat
1:48 1:51 in a red State hold his seat showing
1:51 1:53 that it remains a potent political issue
1:53 1:56 heading into 2024 but the economy and a
1:56 1:59 world increasingly at War Loom large on
1:59 2:02 voters Minds as well it all comes just
2:02 2:04 two months before the first votes are
2:04 2:07 cast in the Iowa caucuses our team is in
2:07 2:09 place to cover a big night here in Miami
2:09 2:12 we start with Garrett HCK Garrett good
2:12 2:14 evening Lester some 1500 people will
2:14 2:16 fill this Hall tonight and millions more
2:16 2:18 will watch at home all of them looking
2:18 2:20 to see if someone can emerge to take on
2:20 2:23 the Race's dominant front runner Donald
2:23 2:26 Trump tonight the stage is set for the
2:26 2:28 most critical night yet of the
2:28 2:31 Republican 2024 camp campaign Ronda
2:31 2:33 santis Nikki Haley V Ramis Swami Chris
2:33 2:35 Christie and Tim Scott all trying to
2:35 2:37 slow down former president Trump's
2:37 2:40 momentum the five candidates on stage
2:40 2:41 tonight are hoping that the smaller
2:41 2:43 field means a bigger Spotlight and
2:43 2:44 nowhere will that Spotlight shine
2:44 2:46 brighter than on Ronda santis and Nikki
2:46 2:48 Haley at Center Stage already previewing
2:48 2:50 their attacks on one another I took a
2:50 2:53 state that was always 50/50 and we
2:53 2:55 transformed it into a solid Republican
2:55 2:57 state with a 20-point victory Florida
2:57 2:59 Governor Ronda Sanz has led the non
2:59 3:02 Trump pack all year but with his poll
3:02 3:03 numers slipping in both early voting
3:03 3:06 Iowa and nationally he's hoping to hold
3:06 3:08 off Haley arguing he's the biggest
3:08 3:11 threat to former president Trump Trump's
3:11 3:12 people are not attacking her they're
3:12 3:14 attacking me with a million dollars but
3:14 3:16 booed by two strong debate performances
3:16 3:19 Trump's former un Ambassador Nikki Haley
3:19 3:22 has steadily gained ground on disantis
3:22 3:23 now leaning on her foreign policy
3:23 3:27 credentials we literally got ourselves
3:27 3:29 out of the Iran deal and we fought to
3:29 3:31 pass the hardest sanctions against Iran
3:31 3:33 the economy and inflation the war
3:33 3:35 between Israel and Hamas and abortion
3:35 3:37 rights all expected to be significant
3:37 3:39 topics tonight but for these five
3:39 3:41 candidates one question hangs over
3:41 3:43 tonight's events How can any of them
3:43 3:45 overcome FrontRunner Donald Trump's
3:45 3:48 commanding lead Mr Trump choosing for
3:48 3:49 the third straight time to counter
3:49 3:52 program the debate tonight with a rally
3:52 3:54 rather than attend why would you debate
3:54 3:59 people when you have a 55 60 62o lead G
3:59 4:01 H NBC News
4:01 4:04 Miami as you heard it was a big election
4:04 4:06 night for Democrats and supporters of
4:06 4:08 abortion rights in several States but
4:08 4:10 are those races really an accurate
4:10 4:13 indicator for 2024 here's hiy
4:13 4:16 Jackson from Ohio to Virginia to
4:16 4:19 Kentucky Victory laps today for
4:19 4:21 Democrats including at the White House
4:21 4:24 the voters said look the government
4:24 4:25 should not be telling a woman what to do
4:25 4:27 with her body the election night's
4:27 4:29 success powered by the fight over
4:29 4:31 abortion access having the most extreme
4:31 4:33 law in the country the people of
4:33 4:36 Kentucky uh strongly oppose that
4:36 4:37 Democratic governor Andy Basher
4:37 4:40 reelected in deep red Kentucky after
4:40 4:42 putting abortion rights front and center
4:42 4:44 in Ohio voters chose to protect those
4:44 4:46 rights in the state's Constitution
4:46 4:50 abortion access is the law of the land
4:50 4:51 in
4:51 4:54 Ohio and in Virginia Democrats won full
4:54 4:56 control of the state legislature even
4:56 4:58 after the Republican Governor led the
4:58 5:00 charge to turn it red I'm a little
5:00 5:02 disappointed hoping to pass a 15-week
5:02 5:04 abortion ban with exceptions for rape
5:04 5:06 incest and the life of the mother it's
5:06 5:09 an abortion is a is a is potentially one
5:09 5:11 of the most difficult topics in Virginia
5:11 5:13 and around the nation the results from
5:13 5:17 2023 a potential signal for 2024 that a
5:17 5:19 year and a half after Row versus Wade
5:19 5:21 was overturned voters are prioritizing
5:21 5:24 protections for abortion access I don't
5:24 5:26 agree with abortion but I also feel that
5:26 5:27 a woman should be able to make that
5:27 5:29 choice herself for republicans a
5:29 5:31 disappointing result we can't ignore it
5:31 5:33 and Democrats are going to run on this
5:33 5:34 right this is all the Democrats are
5:34 5:36 running on and Republicans need to have
5:36 5:38 an answer but the reality check for
5:38 5:42 Democrats 2023 is not 2024 which will be
5:42 5:45 higher profile and higher turnout and
5:45 5:47 the support for abortion rights is
5:47 5:49 outpacing support for President Biden
5:49 5:52 himself who remains unpopular overall
5:52 5:54 not long after new polling showed
5:54 5:55 Republican front runner Donald Trump
5:55 5:57 beating President Biden in some key
5:57 5:59 swing States a new poll now shows the
5:59 6:01 president trailing Mr Trump by Four
6:01 6:03 Points nationally in a hypothetical
6:03 6:05 head-to-head matchup President Biden's
6:05 6:07 approval rating just
6:07 6:10 39% he's too old uh it doesn't seem that
6:10 6:14 he has a good structure and I think he's
6:14 6:16 not taking care of the economy as he
6:16 6:18 should Howe we're likely to see abortion
6:18 6:21 as a major issue in 2024 as
6:21 6:24 well yeah Democrats certainly hope
6:24 6:25 that's the case Lester you're already
6:25 6:28 seeing a push in some key States Arizona
6:28 6:30 Pennsylvania even here in Florida to try
6:30 6:33 to get protection for abortion access on
6:33 6:35 the ballot partly to try to drive voter
6:35 6:37 turnout and give President Biden a boost
6:37 6:41 Lester hie Jackson thanks here with me
6:41 6:43 now Kristen Welker who will join me in
6:43 6:45 moderating tonight's debate a potential
6:45 6:46 big moment for both Democrats and
6:46 6:48 Republicans we're watching that's right
6:48 6:51 Lester last night was a major test of
6:51 6:53 the durability of the abortion issue for
6:53 6:55 Democrats and today they are touting the
6:55 6:58 fact that it still energizes their base
6:58 7:00 despite president B Biden's low poll
7:00 7:01 numbers despite the fact that issues
7:01 7:04 like the economy and inflation are the
7:04 7:07 top issue for Republicans tonight is a
7:07 7:09 major moment for those five Republicans
7:09 7:10 who will be on the stage tonight they'll
7:10 7:13 be looking for a breakout moment to try
7:13 7:14 to blunt the momentum of former
7:14 7:17 president Trump he is still the one to
7:17 7:19 beat and they know it Lester all right
7:19 7:21 thank you Kristen and the presidential
7:21 7:23 debate gets underway tonight at 8:00 P.M
7:23 7:26 Eastern here on NBC all right now to the
7:26 7:28 Middle East where there is late word
7:28 7:31 that us F-5 struck a weapon storage
7:31 7:34 facility in eastern Syria used by Iran's
7:34 7:36 revolutionary guard while in the Israel
7:36 7:38 Hamas War there's more talk of a
7:38 7:41 possible pause in the fighting here's
7:41 7:42 Kier
7:42 7:45 Simmons on the first day of gaza's
7:45 7:47 second month of War hamas's military RNG
7:47 7:49 releasing this video showing Street by
7:49 7:53 street fighting in Gaza City here
7:53 7:55 targeting a tank a bid to win the
7:55 7:58 propaganda battle in Israel's videos
7:58 8:01 today is its soldiers dominate decimated
8:01 8:03 Landscapes where it says Hamas tunnels
8:03 8:06 once were both sides have their version
8:06 8:08 of this war and increasingly the
8:08 8:10 diplomats are seeing things differently
8:10 8:13 too the White House says 80 trucks with
8:13 8:16 humanitarian Aid pass through the Raffa
8:16 8:18 Crossing overnight but is pressuring
8:18 8:20 Israel for a pause in fighting to allow
8:20 8:23 more Aid in and hostages out that's what
8:23 8:26 we're trying to get cemented is an
8:26 8:29 agreement for as many pauses as as might
8:29 8:30 be
8:30 8:33 necessary uh to to get all of them out a
8:33 8:35 diplomat with knowledge of the talks
8:35 8:37 between the US Qatar and Israel telling
8:37 8:40 NBC News a proposal is for a 1 to three
8:40 8:43 day pause allowing the release of 10 to
8:43 8:46 15 hostages and Paving the way for more
8:46 8:48 too little too late say the cousins of
8:48 8:52 22-year-old Hostage Omar wer they want
8:52 8:56 just 15 people it's not enough we are
8:56 8:59 don't want we want all of them it's not
8:59 9:03 15 isn't enough no no no no meanwhile
9:03 9:05 near Gaza City overnight our team
9:05 9:07 finding children and their parents
9:07 9:09 caught in another
9:09 9:12 strike my child's hands are cold this
9:12 9:14 mother says she's been clinging to her
9:14 9:18 lifeless body for hours and tonight for
9:18 9:19 the second time in two weeks the US
9:19 9:22 military says it has hit Iran related
9:22 9:25 targets inside Syria calling it
9:25 9:28 self-defense Lester K Simmons in Tel
9:28 9:30 Aviv tonight thank you and many fear
9:30 9:32 it's the escalating violence in the West
9:32 9:34 Bank that could spark a wider regional
9:34 9:36 conflict Raph Sanchez takes us there
9:36 9:38 tonight let me warn you some of the
9:38 9:40 images are
9:40 9:42 disturbing deep in the occupied West
9:42 9:44 Bank an Israeli settler with an assault
9:44 9:47 rifle confronts an unarmed Palestinian
9:47 9:54 and
9:54 9:58 [Applause]
9:58 9:59 then
9:59 10:01 badly wounded he's carried
10:01 10:04 away today 3 weeks later he's still in
10:04 10:06 intensive care in this Hospital in the
10:06 10:09 southern West Bank Salam Tak I'm sorry
10:09 10:11 to see you like this his name is
10:11 10:13 Zacharia al-adra and he's lucky to be
10:13 10:17 alive they remove is spleen part of the
10:17 10:20 Bas then uh part of the
10:20 10:23 PO while the world's eyes are on Gaza
10:23 10:25 violence is also at record levels in the
10:25 10:28 West Bank more than 150 Palestinians
10:28 10:30 have been killed since the October 7th
10:30 10:32 Hamas terror attack mostly in
10:32 10:34 confrontations with Israeli troops
10:34 10:36 according to the UN but at least eight
10:36 10:39 were shot dead by settlers Israel took
10:39 10:41 both Gaza and the West Bank after it was
10:41 10:43 attacked by its Arab Neighbors in the
10:43 10:48 1967 war in 2005 Israel left Gaza but
10:48 10:50 today around half a million Jewish
10:50 10:52 settlers live in the West
10:52 10:55 Bank Israel rarely prosecutes settlers
10:55 10:57 who attack Palestinians rights groups
10:57 11:00 say today Israeli police tell NBC News
11:00 11:03 the settler was questioned but released
11:03 11:05 without charge the investigation they
11:05 11:07 say is ongoing do you think the man who
11:07 11:10 shot you will ever be held
11:10 11:13 accountable I don't think so he says the
11:13 11:15 settler was accompanied by soldiers if
11:15 11:17 they wanted to stop him they would have
11:17 11:18 done
11:18 11:21 it you see a soldier here but he doesn't
11:21 11:23 help Zacharia or confront the settler
11:23 11:26 instead they walk away together Israel's
11:26 11:28 military did not answer our questions
11:28 11:30 about the soldiers
11:30 11:33 actions settler violence in the West
11:33 11:36 Bank was surging long before October 7th
11:36 11:38 NBC News spent months investigating this
11:38 11:41 attack in June when hundreds of Israelis
11:41 11:44 stormed the village of teriah most of
11:44 11:47 the villagers are US citizens including
11:47 11:51 hadil igbara I'm from okan
11:51 11:53 Illinois her husband Omar was killed by
11:53 11:56 Israeli police during the attack they
11:56 11:59 say he shot at them eyewitnesses tell us
11:59 12:02 that's not true police have provided no
12:02 12:04 evidence to support their claim and all
12:04 12:06 I could think about was what am I
12:06 12:08 supposed to tell the kids now like what
12:08 12:10 do I tell them they're not used to this
12:10 12:11 we're not used to being away from each
12:11 12:14 other they're waiting for him to come
12:14 12:17 home from work Raph Sanchez NBC News the
12:17 12:20 occupied West Bank and back at home
12:20 12:22 tonight Ivanka Trump testifying in a
12:22 12:24 Manhattan courtroom in the Civil fraud
12:24 12:27 lawsuit against the former president
12:27 12:29 Laura Jared joins me Laura quite a day
12:29 12:31 in court it was Lester she tried to
12:31 12:33 fight her appearance today but she was
12:33 12:35 forced to come and testify as her father
12:35 12:38 and her brothers are trying to f off a
12:38 12:40 massive civil penalty for artificially
12:40 12:42 inflating assets to get better interest
12:42 12:45 rates from Banks aanka role negotiating
12:45 12:47 terms with Deutsche Bank in particular
12:47 12:49 taking Center Stage today and while she
12:49 12:51 testified she didn't recall very much
12:51 12:53 she was shown document after document
12:53 12:56 highlighting how her father's assets
12:56 12:58 were a key part of inducing these Banks
12:58 13:01 to let the money Lester and Laura a
13:01 13:02 different story I know you're following
13:02 13:04 tonight House Republicans escalating
13:04 13:06 their impeachment inquiry into President
13:06 13:09 Joe Biden some new subpoenas on his
13:09 13:10 family tonight tell us about it that's
13:10 13:12 right house oversight chair James comr
13:12 13:14 has threatened these subpoenas for
13:14 13:16 months now on a hunt for what he's
13:16 13:18 calling the Biden family's influence
13:18 13:20 pedaling schemes now dropping these
13:20 13:22 subpoenas on the president's son Hunter
13:22 13:25 his brother James and a family associate
13:25 13:27 requesting their depositions next month
13:27 13:29 and voluntary interviews with other
13:29 13:31 family members as well there's no
13:31 13:32 evidence of any wrongdoing by the
13:32 13:34 president something the White House is
13:34 13:36 emphasizing tonight and Hunter Biden's
13:36 13:39 attorney calling the aenas another
13:39 13:42 political stunt luster all right Laura
13:42 13:44 Jared thanks in 60 seconds the man hunt
13:44 13:47 for a suspect in the January 6th attack
13:47 13:49 plus what caused an explosion in massive
13:49 13:54 plume of smoke near Houston
13:54 13:57 next in Southeast Texas today an
13:57 13:59 explosion in fire at a chemical IAL
13:59 14:01 plant caused a massive plume of toxic
14:01 14:04 smoke and put the area on edge Morgan
14:04 14:06 chesy is there for us tonight Morgan
14:06 14:07 what more do we
14:07 14:10 know yeah Lester good evening that
14:10 14:12 explosion set off a shelter in place or
14:12 14:14 about five miles surrounding this plant
14:14 14:16 that was just lifted within the last few
14:16 14:18 hours and tonight while officials say
14:18 14:20 the fire inside the plant's been
14:20 14:22 contained they say there is still the
14:22 14:25 risk a flare
14:25 14:27 Ops a frightening eruption over Shepard
14:27 14:29 Texas
14:29 14:32 there some type of chemical plant that's
14:32 14:35 blown up they're requesting our
14:35 14:37 assistance plumes of black smoke
14:37 14:39 billowing from a chemical plant this
14:39 14:41 morning after an explosion shaking the
14:41 14:43 small town about an hour north of
14:43 14:45 Houston injuring one
14:45 14:47 employee pretty scary not knowing what's
14:47 14:50 burning out there the explosion sending
14:50 14:52 a fiery plume so high the black smokey
14:52 14:55 Haze could briefly be seen on satellite
14:55 14:57 authorities issued an immediate 5em
14:57 14:59 shelter in place EV evacuating an area
14:59 15:01 school as Crews shut down a state
15:01 15:04 highway local fire Crews will remain on
15:04 15:06 site throughout the night to monitor any
15:06 15:08 possible uh fires that may pop up the
15:08 15:10 chemical fire unfolded inside sound
15:10 15:12 resource Solutions a manufacturer of
15:12 15:15 paint remover and glue solvents County
15:15 15:17 Emergency Management says the plant
15:17 15:18 houses chemicals known to be
15:18 15:21 carcinogenic acutely toxic with the
15:21 15:23 potential to cause serious eye skin and
15:23 15:26 organ damage we have mobilized two air
15:26 15:29 monitoring vans that have been from
15:29 15:31 Austin in bont tonight the company try
15:31 15:34 to reassure residents we'll make sure
15:34 15:35 that any remediation work that needs to
15:35 15:37 be done is going to be done in the right
15:37 15:39 way so that there's no effect on the
15:39 15:42 community reassurance but tonight few
15:42 15:45 here are breathing easy Morgan chesy NBC
15:45 15:47 News Shepard
15:47 15:50 Texas an urgent Manhunt is underway in
15:50 15:52 New Jersey tonight for a former National
15:52 15:53 Guardsman wanted in connection with a
15:53 15:56 January 6th attack the FBI is searching
15:56 15:58 for Gregory Yetman who was accused news
15:58 16:00 of spraying officers with chemicals
16:00 16:03 during the attack one official says it
16:03 16:05 appears Yetman saw authorities coming to
16:05 16:08 arrest him and ran off 2 and a half
16:08 16:10 weeks after a Detroit synagogue leader
16:10 16:12 was stabbed to death outside her home
16:12 16:15 police said today a suspect was in
16:15 16:16 custody but gave no details of the
16:16 16:18 arrest in a statement the police called
16:18 16:21 it an encouraging development but said
16:21 16:23 it is not the end of the investigation
16:23 16:26 into Samantha Wall's death and coming up
16:26 16:28 the new weight loss drug just approved
16:28 16:33 by the the FDA what you need to know
16:33 16:36 next the FDA today green lit another
16:36 16:38 weight loss drug joining a market that's
16:38 16:40 already booming Stephanie gos now on why
16:40 16:44 this new drug may be the most promising
16:44 16:46 yet weight loss treatment is going
16:46 16:48 through a revolution and today it enters
16:48 16:51 a new stage the FDA approving a new drug
16:51 16:55 for obesity Zep bound made by Eli Lily
16:55 16:57 potentially more effective for losing
16:57 16:59 weight than any other drug on the market
16:59 17:02 including wovi and diabetes drug OIC
17:02 17:05 what is very exciting is that I think
17:05 17:07 with the highest dose over 90% of
17:07 17:10 patients had weight loss which means
17:10 17:13 it's incredibly effective for almost
17:13 17:16 everyone in clinical trials after 72
17:16 17:18 weeks obese patients taking Zep bound
17:18 17:20 lost more than 40 lounds and most
17:20 17:23 experienced only minor gastrointestinal
17:23 17:25 side effects priced at roughly $1,000 a
17:25 17:28 month the weekly injection mimics a
17:28 17:28 hormone
17:28 17:31 that curbs appetite and reduces food
17:31 17:33 intake like the drugs already on the
17:33 17:35 market but it also mimics another
17:35 17:37 hormone that may improve how the body
17:37 17:40 breaks down sugar and fat the medication
17:40 17:42 called tepati is already being sold as
17:42 17:45 the diabetes drug monjaro my starting
17:45 17:48 weight was 365 PBS and what do you weigh
17:48 17:53 now now I weigh 240 PBS wow that's
17:53 17:56 pretty remarkable 30-year-old Alexis
17:56 17:58 Mitchell is not diabetic but her doctor
17:58 18:00 prescribed mandaro off label after a
18:00 18:03 health scare if I had not had lost the
18:03 18:08 weight I would have for sure developed
18:08 18:11 type two diabetes it runs in my family
18:11 18:12 even so Mitchell had to fight to get her
18:12 18:14 health insurance to cover the cost
18:14 18:16 patients may have similar battles with
18:16 18:19 Zep bound but more weight loss options
18:19 18:21 on the market could drive down prices
18:21 18:24 with 40% of Americans battling obesity
18:24 18:26 this could be the prescription many of
18:26 18:29 them need Stephanie GS NBC
18:29 18:32 news and up next the end of an ER up as
18:32 18:38 Washington's giant pandas head home to
18:38 18:41 China finally they transcended Politics
18:41 18:44 as symbols of cooperation between the US
18:44 18:47 and China but now the national Zoo's
18:47 18:50 giant pandas are heading home here's Tom
18:50 18:53 Costello day break in Washington as the
18:53 18:56 national Zoo's three biggest Stars began
18:56 18:59 their long journey home after five
18:59 19:01 decades time has run out on the
19:01 19:04 Smithsonian Panda Exchange program with
19:04 19:06 China it's been a hard week and it's
19:06 19:09 been a hard morning over the years Eight
19:09 19:11 Bears including four Cubs have
19:11 19:13 captivated visitors from around the
19:13 19:16 world I miss you I've I really want to
19:16 19:20 cuddle with you returning to China today
19:20 19:23 25-year-old M Shong 26-year-old tentin
19:23 19:26 and three-year-old Shia Chi this
19:26 19:28 afternoon all three loaded onto a FedEx
19:28 19:32 Panda Express plane complete with 255
19:32 19:34 lbs of food for their 19-hour flight
19:34 19:38 home giant pandas belong to China Gant
19:38 19:41 pandas also belong to the world their
19:41 19:44 departure comes amid strained us Chinese
19:44 19:46 relations The Exchange agreement signed
19:46 19:49 23 years ago expired this year the last
19:49 19:52 four in America at the Atlanta Zoo are
19:52 19:55 set to return next year I cannot imagine
19:55 19:57 the national view I cannot imagine
19:57 19:58 Washington DC
19:58 20:00 without giant pandas and I will do
20:00 20:03 everything I can to bring them back
20:03 20:06 hoping that goodbye isn't forever Tom
20:06 20:10 Costello NBC News at the National Zoo
20:10 20:11 that's Nightly News be sure to join us
20:11 20:13 for tonight's Republican debate starting
20:13 20:16 at 8 Eastern thank you for watching
20:16 20:18 everyone I'm Lester Hol please take care
20:18 20:21 of yourself and each other good
20:21 20:27 [Music]
20:27 20:30 night thanks for watching stay updated
20:30 20:32 about breaking news and top stories on
20:32 20:36 the NBC News app or follow us on social
20:36 20:36 media