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cbs en 231110 cbs evening news ; Gaza hospitals caught in the fighting; How the memory and legacy of a fallen Army sergeant lives on through his family

by peach1227-news 2023. 11. 11.
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0:00 0:01 [Music]
0:01 0:03 tonight explosions and heavy fighting
0:03 0:07 reported around hospitals in Gaza Israel
0:07 0:09 says it's closing in where it says Hamas
0:09 0:11 hides military operations the concern
0:11 0:13 tonight for vulnerable patients and
0:13 0:17 Sheltering civilians here are tonight's
0:17 0:20 headlines far too many Palestinians have
0:20 0:22 been killed the strongest words yet from
0:22 0:24 America's Secretary of State as
0:24 0:26 International concern heightens for
0:26 0:28 civilians in Gaza tonight the fighting
0:28 0:31 near hospitals that are quickly running
0:31 0:33 out of supplies the new details about
0:33 0:35 the investigation into those fenel laced
0:35 0:37 envelopes sent to election offices what
0:37 0:39 one of the letters said they're
0:39 0:41 intentionally trying to break us break
0:41 0:43 us enough to stop elections and that's
0:43 0:45 not going to happen breaking news the
0:45 0:48 FBI seizing New York city mayor Eric
0:48 0:50 Adams's Electronics including his cell
0:50 0:53 phone what investigators are looking for
0:53 0:56 signed stealing Scandal why the Big 10
0:56 0:58 just suspended Michigan's football coach
0:58 1:01 Jim Harbaugh less than 24 hours before
1:01 1:03 the big game against Penn State
1:03 1:04 emergency rooms are filling up with
1:04 1:07 babies in RSV as a new treatment is in
1:07 1:10 short supply what parents need to know
1:10 1:12 for adults it's nothing major but for an
1:12 1:15 infant it can be
1:15 1:17 devastating ahead of this Veterans Day
1:17 1:18 we go on the road with the family
1:18 1:21 honoring the legacy of a fallen
1:21 1:27 [Music]
1:27 1:28 soldier good evening to our viewers in
1:28 1:30 the west and thank you for joining us we
1:30 1:32 begin tonight with mounting Global
1:32 1:34 pressure on Israel Over the war in Gaza
1:34 1:36 and the soaring number of Civilian
1:36 1:39 casualties America's top Diplomat
1:39 1:40 Secretary of State Anthony blinkin
1:40 1:42 joined the growing list of those
1:42 1:44 speaking out and French president
1:44 1:46 Emanuel macron was even more blunt in an
1:46 1:48 interview with the BBC calling on Israel
1:48 1:51 to stop killing women and babies in his
1:51 1:53 words prime minister Netanyahu visiting
1:53 1:55 Israeli troops on this Shabbat telling
1:55 1:58 them fighting will not stop until the
1:58 2:01 task is completed Israeli tanks have
2:01 2:04 surrounded hospitals in Gaza City Israel
2:04 2:05 accuses Hamas of setting up
2:05 2:08 infrastructure in and around those
2:08 2:10 Hospital facilities Palestinian
2:10 2:12 officials say several dozen people were
2:12 2:14 killed after explosions at hospitals and
2:14 2:17 that the total number of deaths in Gaza
2:17 2:20 now top 11,000 the UN says the constant
2:20 2:22 bombardment has destroyed or damaged
2:22 2:25 more than 45% of all of the homes in
2:25 2:27 Gaza cbs's Deborah Pata has the very
2:27 2:29 latest in the war and she'll start us
2:29 2:31 off t tonight from East Jerusalem good
2:31 2:35 evening
2:35 2:37 Deborah good evening Nora the United
2:37 2:39 Nations warning tonight that the
2:39 2:42 protection of hospitals and the delivery
2:42 2:45 of life-saving medical supplies is an
2:45 2:47 obligation under the laws of war and
2:47 2:50 both it says are needed in Gaza right
2:50 2:53 now and we should warn that some of the
2:53 2:58 images you're about to see a hard to
2:58 3:00 watch oh
3:00 3:03 a massive strike at the alifa hospital
3:03 3:08 grounds God's largest medical
3:08 3:12 facility Israel insists Hamas is using
3:12 3:15 hospitals to coordinate attacks and hide
3:15 3:16 its
3:16 3:19 commanders but Sheltering at alifa
3:19 3:22 thousands of civilians their one place
3:22 3:26 of Refuge now a blood soaked
3:26 3:29 Battleground reeling in stunned
3:29 3:31 disbelief
3:31 3:34 this man shouts they bomb the
3:34 3:37 hospitals nearby a young girl breaks
3:37 3:39 down crying
3:39 3:44 hysterically my mom my father my
3:44 3:48 brother inside doctors and nurses fight
3:48 3:50 another War the battle to keep the
3:50 3:53 injured alive with virtually every
3:53 3:56 critical Medical Supply running out
3:56 3:59 today at least five hospitals have been
3:59 4:01 caught up in the fighting including one
4:01 4:05 for children here this video appears to
4:05 4:08 show a pediatric hospital surrounded by
4:08 4:12 Israeli military vehicles worn down by
4:12 4:16 War hunger and exhaustion civilians flee
4:16 4:18 alifa
4:18 4:22 2 only to run headlong into more danger
4:22 4:26 even the evacuation Corridor is not
4:26 4:29 spared the spiraling civilian death toll
4:29 4:32 Secretary of State Anthony blinkin issue
4:32 4:36 one of his most direct condemnations to
4:36 4:38 date far too many Palestinians have been
4:38 4:41 killed far too many have suffered adding
4:41 4:45 Israel has to do more to minimize
4:45 4:49 harm we just can't bear it
4:49 4:53 anymore a cry echoed by the Red Cross
4:53 4:56 which says gaza's health system has
4:56 5:02 reached the point of no return
5:02 5:04 and questioned by the media the Israeli
5:04 5:07 military said we don't fire on hospitals
5:07 5:10 Nora but if we see her mus firing from
5:10 5:14 them we will do what we need to do
5:14 5:16 Deborah P thank you we want to turn now
5:16 5:17 to some breaking news out of New York
5:17 5:20 City CBS News has confirmed that the FBI
5:20 5:22 seized mayor Eric Adams electronic
5:22 5:25 devices this week as part of a federal
5:25 5:27 investigation into the mayor's campaign
5:27 5:29 fundraising we get more of this breaking
5:29 5:32 new news now from cbs's roxan sa in New
5:32 5:35 York CBS News has learned the seizure of
5:35 5:37 Mayor Eric Adams phone and other
5:37 5:39 electronic devices happened on Monday
5:39 5:42 and comes days after FBI agents raided
5:42 5:44 the home of Adam's Chief fundraiser
5:44 5:47 Brianna sucks a 25-year-old former
5:47 5:49 intern for alleged campaign Finance
5:49 5:52 violations Adams addressed that raid on
5:52 5:54 Wednesday and I just want to be
5:54 5:55 completely transparent is what I've
5:55 5:58 stated all the time I sleep well at
5:58 6:01 night uh I am am clear that we follow
6:01 6:03 the rules that I will support the it's a
6:03 6:05 dramatic escalation of a federal
6:05 6:07 corruption investigation into weather
6:07 6:10 Adam's 2021 campaign conspired with the
6:10 6:13 Turkish government and others to receive
6:13 6:15 illegal foreign donations according to
6:15 6:17 the New York Times Eric Adams Attorney
6:17 6:19 telling CBS News tonight it was
6:19 6:21 discovered that an individual had
6:21 6:23 recently acted improperly the mayor has
6:23 6:26 not been accused of any wrongdoing and
6:26 6:27 continues to cooperate with the
6:27 6:30 investigation according to s LinkedIn
6:30 6:32 profile she claims to have helped raise
6:32 6:37 more than $18 million for the 2021 Adams
6:37 6:39 campaign and tonight to Source close to
6:39 6:42 the investigation tells CBS News after
6:42 6:44 the FBI seized the mayor's devices on
6:44 6:46 Monday you found and later handed over
6:46 6:49 additional electronic devices including
6:49 6:51 iPhones and laptops some of the devices
6:51 6:53 seized have now been returned to the
6:53 6:56 mayor Nora that's some new information
6:56 6:58 roxan sa thank you in some more breaking
6:58 7:00 news we are are following tonight
7:00 7:02 Michigan football's Jim Harbaugh one of
7:02 7:04 the highest profile and highest paid
7:04 7:06 coaches in the sport has been banned
7:06 7:08 from the sidelines by the Big 10 for the
7:08 7:10 rest of the regular season the
7:10 7:12 punishment is a result of a cheating
7:12 7:14 scandal that has shaken the college
7:14 7:17 football World cbs's Errol Barnett has
7:17 7:19 more on the suspension boy this Michigan
7:19 7:21 offense hard to stop right now Jim
7:21 7:24 Harbour tonight has been benched by the
7:24 7:26 Big 10 Banning the Michigan head coach
7:26 7:28 for the team's last three games
7:28 7:30 including Saturday's pivotal
7:30 7:33 head-to-head against Penn State the
7:33 7:36 suspension comes after a former Michigan
7:36 7:38 staffer allegedly ran an in-person
7:38 7:41 scouting operation where he sent friends
7:41 7:44 to steal opponents play calling signals
7:44 7:46 ahead of games do you think this merely
7:46 7:48 amounts to a slap on the wrist it's a
7:48 7:51 slap on the wrist and is more of a
7:51 7:53 public consumption it's um it's
7:53 7:56 embarrassing to Michigan the conference
7:56 7:58 says it was a violation of bylaws which
7:58 8:00 prohibit off off campus in-person
8:00 8:03 scouting of future opponents as well as
8:03 8:06 unsportsmanlike or unethical conduct
8:06 8:08 Harbor's punishment prevents him from
8:08 8:10 being on the sidelines of games but he
8:10 8:12 can participate in activities during the
8:12 8:15 week Michigan which is ranked third in
8:15 8:17 the college playoffs is undefeated with
8:17 8:20 hopes of winning a national championship
8:20 8:22 Harbor is a former quarterback at
8:22 8:24 Michigan and one of the highest paid
8:24 8:26 coaches in the conference earning nearly
8:26 8:30 $7 million a year he spent years as an
8:30 8:32 NFL coach before joining the Wolverines
8:32 8:35 in 2015 if Michigan were to win a
8:35 8:37 National Championship there should be a
8:37 8:40 bit
8:40 8:42 asterisk now for his part coach Harbor
8:42 8:44 has denied any knowledge of signal
8:44 8:46 stealing and the school says it intends
8:46 8:49 to appeal this decision and fight back
8:49 8:51 interestingly the coach and the team
8:51 8:53 learned of this suspension Nora when
8:53 8:55 they landed in Pennsylvania ahead of
8:55 8:57 Saturday's matchup what a story Errol
8:57 8:59 Barnett thank you so much well now to
8:59 9:01 those details of those frightening male
9:01 9:03 threats against election workers a
9:03 9:05 letter believed to contain fenel was
9:05 9:08 intercepted today before it could reach
9:08 9:10 the elections office in Fulton County
9:10 9:12 Georgia while officials in California
9:12 9:14 confirmed election offices in Los
9:14 9:17 Angeles in Sacramento were also targeted
9:17 9:20 with fenel laced letters cbs's Jeff beay
9:20 9:21 reports on how authorities are trying to
9:21 9:23 find the
9:23 9:26 suspect the letter in Georgia is among
9:26 9:28 more than a dozen sent to election
9:28 9:30 offices in at least least five states
9:30 9:33 one letter says end elections now
9:33 9:36 another warns of white powder and
9:36 9:38 reference Communists both featured
9:38 9:40 symbols of left-wing groups law
9:40 9:43 enforcement sources say the letters sent
9:43 9:45 across the country appear to be threats
9:45 9:49 to scare rather than seriously harm
9:49 9:51 they're intentionally trying to break us
9:51 9:53 break us enough to stop elections and
9:53 9:55 that's not going to happen it quite
9:55 9:57 frankly did the opposite it lit a fire
9:57 9:59 underneath us investigators are working
9:59 10:01 to track down the sender using the
10:01 10:04 messages symbols and paper itself along
10:04 10:06 with examining the stamps for
10:06 10:08 fingerprints to pinpoint the location
10:08 10:10 where the envelopes were dropped in the
10:10 10:13 mail right now the focus appears to be
10:13 10:15 on the Pacific
10:15 10:18 Northwest the scene of recent left-wing
10:18 10:22 extremist activity someone is trying to
10:22 10:25 make people fearful as they open ballots
10:25 10:28 as they respond to routine corresponden
10:28 10:30 uh and this this is the exact definition
10:30 10:31 of domestic
10:31 10:34 terrorism threats like these are having
10:34 10:36 an impact on the volunteers working at
10:36 10:39 the polls nor according to a recent
10:39 10:42 survey by the Brennan Center one in five
10:42 10:44 election workers has left their job in
10:44 10:46 part because they're concerned about
10:46 10:48 their safety it's a threat to democracy
10:48 10:50 Jeff pays thank you so much we want to
10:50 10:52 turn out to the Nationwide rise in cases
10:52 10:55 of the respiratory illness RSV a
10:55 10:57 Children's Hospital in Fort Worth Texas
10:57 11:00 says it's seeing 500 patient a day as
11:00 11:02 cases climb supplies of a new antibody
11:02 11:04 shot designed to protect infants from
11:04 11:07 the virus are not keeping up with demand
11:07 11:09 as cbs's Mark stman reports in tonight's
11:09 11:11 Health watch parents in hard- hit areas
11:11 11:14 like Georgia are scrambling to find the
11:14 11:17 life-saving shots little Lucas cera's
11:17 11:20 mother was lucky to get him an RSV shot
11:20 11:22 while his pediatrician still had it in
11:22 11:24 stock well I've just been seeing a lot
11:24 11:26 of like in the news and babies get real
11:26 11:28 sick so I was like might as well just do
11:28 11:31 it demand for the antibod shot has been
11:31 11:34 unprecedented so popular the CDC is now
11:34 11:36 recommending pediatricians like Dr
11:36 11:39 Jennifer shoe give it only to their most
11:39 11:41 vulnerable patients infants younger than
11:41 11:44 6 months and those with underlying
11:44 11:46 conditions that put them at risk we're
11:46 11:48 hoping it's going to really cut down in
11:48 11:49 hospitalizations as well as
11:49 11:51 complications like pneumonia or even
11:51 11:53 death why are they particularly
11:53 11:55 susceptible their immune systems aren't
11:55 11:57 developed yet the second thing is that
11:57 11:59 their airways are a little bit smaller
11:59 12:02 RSV symptoms include a high fever
12:02 12:04 worsening cough and trouble breathing
12:04 12:06 symptoms that can lead to
12:06 12:08 hospitalization and even death Chris
12:08 12:11 comstock's 20-month-old daughter Adeline
12:11 12:14 got RSV in September she spent nine days
12:14 12:17 fighting for her life in the hospital I
12:17 12:19 just remember my wife and I were
12:19 12:22 standing in the uh hospital room crying
12:22 12:24 going what do you do I have zero control
12:24 12:27 sitting in that hospital room knowing I
12:27 12:29 can do nothing to help my child
12:29 12:31 and then watching her walk and run and
12:31 12:35 get back to health again you can't put a
12:35 12:37 price tag on the thankfulness that we
12:37 12:40 have Dr Shu says with cases still rising
12:40 12:43 in Georgia she's almost out of shots
12:43 12:47 Mark stman CBS News Atlanta way come
12:47 12:49 here now to a CBS News investigation
12:49 12:52 sports betting in the US is a big
12:52 12:54 business with Americans wagering about
12:54 12:57 93 billion dollar every year recent
12:57 12:59 college sports scandals have raised new
12:59 13:01 questions about the impact gambling has
13:01 13:03 on the Integrity of the game cbs's Jim
13:03 13:05 Axelrod has the warning from the NCA
13:05 13:07 president about protecting athletes and
13:07 13:08 the
13:08 13:11 game college football rivalry at its
13:11 13:13 finest when Iowa took on Iowa State in
13:13 13:16 September it was five players not on the
13:16 13:18 field who made headlines they all fac
13:18 13:21 criminal betting charges including Iowa
13:21 13:23 State's starting quarterback Hunter
13:23 13:25 Deckers was he betting on his own team
13:25 13:27 yes I mean any athlete betting on their
13:27 13:29 own events period and our world is it
13:29 13:32 just can't happen what about the SEC
13:32 13:34 Matt Holt runs us Integrity a company
13:34 13:36 that crunches data for every major
13:36 13:38 college conference to make sure games
13:38 13:41 are conducted fairly and squarely I
13:41 13:43 think Iowa and Iowa state was a huge eye
13:43 13:46 opener I've met with all 97 conferences
13:46 13:49 but NCAA president Charlie Baker were
13:49 13:51 already open especially on a kind of
13:51 13:54 wager called a prop bet I think prop
13:54 13:56 betting in some respects is the one of
13:56 13:58 the parts I worry about the most prop
13:58 14:00 bets are side bets made on some part of
14:00 14:02 the game like will a given player make
14:02 14:05 his first shot it could be hard to
14:05 14:07 detect if the make or Miss is on the
14:07 14:11 level out of 93 billion do bet on Sports
14:11 14:14 legally in the US last year a staggering
14:14 14:18 12 billion were prop bets my concern
14:18 14:20 about prop betting is just putting
14:20 14:21 myself in the shoes of a young person
14:21 14:24 who's on a campus who has a friend or
14:24 14:26 two that come up to them and say you
14:26 14:29 know I love you uh I've always support
14:29 14:30 you if you could just miss your first
14:30 14:32 couple of free throws this week it won't
14:32 14:34 affect the outcome of the game our CBS
14:34 14:37 News investigation found 22 states where
14:37 14:40 gambling is legal that ban prop betting
14:40 14:43 specifically on college sports at least
14:43 14:46 eight states still allow it Baker the
14:46 14:48 former Governor of Massachusetts signed
14:48 14:51 the law legalizing online gambling there
14:51 14:53 except on college sports I've talked to
14:53 14:55 a lot of coaches about this and I've
14:55 14:56 talked to a ton of conference
14:56 14:59 Commissioners and and a directors and
14:59 15:01 yeah they're all concerned and I think
15:01 15:02 they're concerned about it for the same
15:02 15:04 reasons as we are while the NCAA tells
15:04 15:07 us only there's been a sharp rise in the
15:07 15:08 number of gambling cases it's
15:08 15:11 investigating CBS News has learned that
15:11 15:14 as of this summer there were 17 active
15:14 15:18 gambling investigations underway Jim
15:18 15:20 axod CBS News New
15:20 15:22 York The Manhunt for a former National
15:22 15:25 Guardsman accused of assaulting police
15:25 15:27 at the US capital comes to an end we'
15:27 15:28 got the details next
15:28 15:33 [Music]
15:33 15:35 after an intense man hunt a suspect in
15:35 15:36 the January 6th attack on the capital
15:36 15:38 surrendered to police in central New
15:38 15:40 Jersey today Gregory Yetman turned
15:40 15:42 himself in without incident and will
15:42 15:44 appear in court on Monday the
15:44 15:46 47-year-old former National Guardsman
15:46 15:48 faces a long list of charges including
15:48 15:51 assaulting officers he has denied any
15:51 15:54 wrongdoing on the road is next with one
15:54 15:56 family's Veterans Day tribute that keeps
15:56 15:59 a solders memory alive
15:59 16:02 this portion of the CBS Evening News is
16:02 16:04 sponsored by Ashley America's number one
16:04 16:07 Furniture and Mattress
16:07 16:09 [Music]
16:09 16:12 Store as the nation prepares to honor
16:12 16:14 the brave men and women of our Armed
16:14 16:16 Forces this Veterans Day it's important
16:16 16:18 to remember the sacrifice and the Legacy
16:18 16:21 every service member leaves behind CBS
16:21 16:23 Steve Hartman goes on the road to tell
16:23 16:25 the story of one army Sergeant who will
16:25 16:27 live on for
16:27 16:29 Generations
16:29 16:32 here at Arlington National Cemetery the
16:32 16:36 final lines of 400,000 life stories are
16:36 16:40 etched on marble each ending sad to
16:40 16:43 someone but you can also find uplift in
16:43 16:45 these final chapters as we learned from
16:45 16:48 the family of army Sergeant Jack Bryant
16:48 16:51 Jr Jack who everyone called Jay was
16:51 16:54 killed in a rock almost 20 years ago now
16:54 16:56 it's important for me to let that Legacy
16:56 16:59 live on through my kids
16:59 17:01 Jennifer soua of Stafford Virginia is
17:01 17:04 Jay's sister go ahead and her kids my
17:04 17:07 name is Jada her niece Jayla they're all
17:07 17:10 named after Jay my name is DJ in one way
17:10 17:14 or another my name is Paris Paris he
17:14 17:17 visited it two days before he passed I
17:17 17:20 see none of the kids knew Jay but they
17:20 17:23 have spent just about every Veteran Day
17:23 17:27 of their lives overcoming that loss it's
17:27 17:28 like a quiet moment all together and
17:28 17:32 it's like it's nice it feels like we're
17:32 17:36 right next to him but uh he's
17:36 17:39 up TJ especially has surrounded himself
17:39 17:42 with his uncle's memory he's got his old
17:42 17:44 comforter a poster of his favorite
17:44 17:47 musician and of course
17:47 17:50 pictures and every year copies of those
17:50 17:53 pictures get cut laminated and laughed
17:53 17:56 over as the family prepares to decorate
17:56 17:58 his grave one more time so you can give
17:58 18:02 and Jennifer says it's rituals like this
18:02 18:04 that move those memories across the
18:04 18:06 generational divide there you go what do
18:06 18:09 you feel when you see them embracing his
18:09 18:12 memory it's a it's a sense of just Joy I
18:12 18:15 I absolutely look forward to celebrating
18:15 18:17 him on veteran day I've never heard of
18:17 18:20 Joy associated with Veterans Day but you
18:20 18:22 make me feel
18:22 18:26 it spinning pain into Pride a Bryant
18:26 18:28 family tradition
18:28 18:33 Steve Hartman on the road in Arlington
18:33 18:35 Virginia what a beautiful family and
18:35 18:37 what a wonderful way to remember him
18:37 18:39 happy Veterans Day to all of you out
18:39 18:41 there that's tonight's CBS Evening News
18:41 18:43 I'm nor odonnell good night have
18:43 18:46 [Music]
18:46 18:46 a